first off, I KNOW YOUR SECRET KIKI-CHAN!!!!! now you should comment now i know you stalk me ninja heart I have a fan...omg that makes me feel special somehow O_O...::prances with a box of pocky:: ^_^
yey! the legend of tengoku rp is gonna be up soon :] rawr it better run successfully or i'm throwing my fungus covered reeds at the world of gaia ninja
i was talking with margaret and she had this crazy fream [here ish teh whole convo]
Mmtelles (10:30:53 PM): hey miyokonotsuki (10:30:58 PM): hii~! Mmtelles (10:31:58 PM): hello miyokonotsuki (10:32:05 PM): lolz how are you? Mmtelles (10:32:16 PM): ok miyokonotsuki (10:32:22 PM): oo icic Mmtelles (10:32:23 PM): christinas beeday Mmtelles (10:32:25 PM): today Mmtelles (10:32:26 PM): u miyokonotsuki (10:32:29 PM): OMG!!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:32:34 PM): O_O ARE YOU SERIOUS????????????????????????????????????????? miyokonotsuki (10:32:35 PM): AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH miyokonotsuki (10:32:37 PM): DX DX DX Mmtelles (10:32:56 PM): yes miyokonotsuki (10:33:01 PM): O_O GAHHHHHHHHHH miyokonotsuki (10:33:04 PM): ::totally forgot:: miyokonotsuki (10:33:07 PM): =_= Mmtelles (10:33:07 PM): its okay Mmtelles (10:33:12 PM): breathe in and out Mmtelles (10:33:14 PM): in and out miyokonotsuki (10:33:16 PM): LOL XD Mmtelles (10:33:19 PM): lol miyokonotsuki (10:33:32 PM): soo she had a party rite? Mmtelles (10:33:40 PM): nope miyokonotsuki (10:33:49 PM): DX Mmtelles (10:33:51 PM): i just called her miyokonotsuki (10:33:55 PM): :O ooooo Mmtelles (10:34:16 PM): u have her phone number miyokonotsuki (10:34:39 PM): DX i think so...but my sis has teh phone -_- Mmtelles (10:34:47 PM): o Mmtelles (10:34:54 PM): watcha do today miyokonotsuki (10:35:03 PM): nothing except practice XD Mmtelles (10:35:26 PM): *wack* *wack* Mmtelles (10:35:37 PM): dont practice sooo much Mmtelles (10:35:50 PM): its summer Mmtelles (10:35:54 PM): do u understand miyokonotsuki (10:35:55 PM): XP!! Mmtelles (10:35:57 PM): SUMMER miyokonotsuki (10:35:59 PM): XDDDDDDD miyokonotsuki (10:36:10 PM): rawr D=< but i haven't practiced for a week Mmtelles (10:36:16 PM): watcha u doingnow Mmtelles (10:36:23 PM): wow soooo long Mmtelles (10:36:55 PM): lea u there miyokonotsuki (10:37:04 PM): XD huh? miyokonotsuki (10:37:12 PM): oh randomness on internet Mmtelles (10:37:17 PM): hey do u play violin miyokonotsuki (10:37:25 PM): HAHAHAHAH no miyokonotsuki (10:37:31 PM): i used to want to when i was young Mmtelles (10:37:40 PM): o Mmtelles (10:37:44 PM): im learning miyokonotsuki (10:37:46 PM): :O!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:37:54 PM): cool!!!!! Mmtelles (10:37:57 PM): doing orcherstra in high school miyokonotsuki (10:38:01 PM): :O! miyokonotsuki (10:38:05 PM): what about marching band? miyokonotsuki (10:38:06 PM): ;o; Mmtelles (10:38:15 PM): yeah miyokonotsuki (10:38:19 PM): YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:38:23 PM): ^_^ Mmtelles (10:38:23 PM): but its one semester miyokonotsuki (10:38:28 PM): oo yea miyokonotsuki (10:38:42 PM): I'm gonna try out for wind symphony for teh next semester >w< Mmtelles (10:38:48 PM): me too miyokonotsuki (10:38:52 PM): yey!! miyokonotsuki (10:38:53 PM): =D Mmtelles (10:38:53 PM): violin thou miyokonotsuki (10:38:57 PM): ooo :O miyokonotsuki (10:39:04 PM): wind symphony=violin? whaa? Mmtelles (10:39:15 PM): huh miyokonotsuki (10:39:33 PM): o_o wait so in second semester, margaret is gonna be in wind symphony and orchestra? miyokonotsuki (10:39:36 PM): ::silence:: Mmtelles (10:39:43 PM): no miyokonotsuki (10:39:47 PM): ooo miyokonotsuki (10:39:49 PM): just orch :O miyokonotsuki (10:39:52 PM): ? Mmtelles (10:39:54 PM): i dunno miyokonotsuki (10:39:57 PM): ooo Mmtelles (10:39:58 PM): maybe miyokonotsuki (10:40:00 PM): icic miyokonotsuki (10:40:03 PM): hmm Mmtelles (10:40:07 PM): i had another dream miyokonotsuki (10:40:10 PM): :OOOO! miyokonotsuki (10:40:12 PM): TELL MEH! Mmtelles (10:40:16 PM): nope Mmtelles (10:40:20 PM): jk miyokonotsuki (10:40:23 PM): DX Mmtelles (10:40:38 PM): u asked me to be ur Mmtelles (10:40:54 PM): roomate Mmtelles (10:40:54 PM): for windensamble miyokonotsuki (10:41:04 PM): :O Mmtelles (10:41:17 PM): who r u rooming Mmtelles (10:41:19 PM): with Mmtelles (10:41:25 PM): same as this year miyokonotsuki (10:41:30 PM): hmmm either kimberly or u. Mmtelles (10:41:40 PM): me Mmtelles (10:41:41 PM): memememe miyokonotsuki (10:41:43 PM): OKIES! miyokonotsuki (10:41:44 PM): XDDD Mmtelles (10:41:44 PM): please miyokonotsuki (10:41:47 PM): i shall! Mmtelles (10:42:00 PM): ill tell u Mmtelles (10:42:02 PM): to confirm miyokonotsuki (10:42:09 PM): even if kimberly gets mad and writes threatning messages on the board in the side room~i shall room with margaret and okies Mmtelles (10:42:19 PM): yeah Mmtelles (10:42:21 PM): sooooo miyokonotsuki (10:42:32 PM): soOoO the dream tell meh! Mmtelles (10:42:52 PM): wiil u leave early miyokonotsuki (10:43:06 PM): leave early for what? ;l_l Mmtelles (10:43:14 PM): dunno miyokonotsuki (10:43:19 PM): xD no Mmtelles (10:43:32 PM): anyways Mmtelles (10:43:40 PM): its funny but our miyokonotsuki (10:43:47 PM): oo? surprised Mmtelles (10:43:55 PM): windensamble trip was in a hotel miyokonotsuki (10:44:08 PM): xD l_l just a hotel? gasp Mmtelles (10:44:19 PM): i know Mmtelles (10:44:26 PM): we were traveling hotels miyokonotsuki (10:44:27 PM): xD miyokonotsuki (10:44:30 PM): O_O Mmtelles (10:44:31 PM): of the world miyokonotsuki (10:44:40 PM): l_l what are we?/ a circus band? Mmtelles (10:44:59 PM): i dunno miyokonotsuki (10:45:02 PM): XDD Mmtelles (10:45:04 PM): but then Mmtelles (10:45:10 PM): mr a Mmtelles (10:45:30 PM): goes to a hospital miyokonotsuki (10:45:33 PM): O_______O Mmtelles (10:46:11 PM): he had a "diet coke" attak Mmtelles (10:46:12 PM): lol miyokonotsuki (10:46:16 PM): AHHHHHHHHHH miyokonotsuki (10:46:17 PM): XDD Mmtelles (10:46:37 PM): then u were the doctor miyokonotsuki (10:46:42 PM): O_________O Mmtelles (10:46:44 PM): dr.pandy miyokonotsuki (10:46:47 PM): AHAHAH Mmtelles (10:46:52 PM): u killed mr. a miyokonotsuki (10:46:58 PM): O_O AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA Mmtelles (10:47:31 PM): u were arrested miyokonotsuki (10:47:38 PM): OH NOES miyokonotsuki (10:47:39 PM): DX Mmtelles (10:47:48 PM): but i bailed u out miyokonotsuki (10:47:52 PM): YEY!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:47:53 PM): <333333 Mmtelles (10:48:38 PM): o first we are ALL grown up miyokonotsuki (10:49:00 PM): COOOOOOOL Mmtelles (10:49:34 PM): im at this Mmtelles (10:49:44 PM): USC thingy Mmtelles (10:49:53 PM): and u Mmtelles (10:50:03 PM): become part of mi band miyokonotsuki (10:50:06 PM): :O!!!!!! Mmtelles (10:50:40 PM): mr a is alive again miyokonotsuki (10:50:48 PM): O_O miyokonotsuki (10:51:49 PM): woOoOAH Mmtelles (10:52:09 PM): after miyokonotsuki (10:52:16 PM): mmhm Mmtelles (10:52:32 PM): we were all witnesses for ur trial miyokonotsuki (10:52:38 PM): :O! miyokonotsuki (10:52:40 PM): biggrin Mmtelles (10:53:42 PM): all clarients pleaded guilty miyokonotsuki (10:53:51 PM): DX!1! miyokonotsuki (10:54:05 PM): how could they!??? ;o; Mmtelles (10:54:52 PM): percussion Mmtelles (10:54:56 PM): not guilty miyokonotsuki (10:55:01 PM): YEY!!!!!!! Mmtelles (10:55:08 PM): brass Mmtelles (10:55:10 PM): guilty miyokonotsuki (10:55:23 PM): ROARRRRRRRR Mmtelles (10:55:38 PM): flutes half Mmtelles (10:55:41 PM): guilty Mmtelles (10:55:43 PM): half miyokonotsuki (10:55:43 PM): xD Mmtelles (10:55:44 PM): not Mmtelles (10:55:48 PM): guilty miyokonotsuki (10:56:10 PM): wow...don't i feel loved ::rolls eyes:: XD Mmtelles (10:56:17 PM): i now Mmtelles (10:56:18 PM): noe miyokonotsuki (10:56:23 PM): lolz miyokonotsuki (10:56:25 PM): tell me more XD Mmtelles (10:56:30 PM): last but not least Mmtelles (10:56:38 PM): sax and trobones Mmtelles (10:56:43 PM): ............ Mmtelles (10:56:46 PM): not guilty miyokonotsuki (10:56:53 PM): O______O miyokonotsuki (10:56:54 PM): WOAH miyokonotsuki (10:56:56 PM): O.o Mmtelles (10:57:00 PM): the court said u were Mmtelles (10:57:01 PM): .............. miyokonotsuki (10:57:11 PM): i was!? Mmtelles (10:57:14 PM): NOT guilty miyokonotsuki (10:57:22 PM): OMG I LOVE TEH JUDGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:57:23 PM): XDDDDDDDDD Mmtelles (10:59:00 PM): as a matter of fact the judge Mmtelles (10:59:05 PM): was ms espenshade miyokonotsuki (10:59:09 PM): OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:59:14 PM): MS. ESBENSHADEEEEEEEE miyokonotsuki (10:59:16 PM): >W<!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (10:59:24 PM): teh 1337 conductor comes to save mehhhhhh! miyokonotsuki (10:59:25 PM): yey! miyokonotsuki (10:59:26 PM): <3 Mmtelles (11:00:17 PM): she had a wig miyokonotsuki (11:00:21 PM): O_O miyokonotsuki (11:00:24 PM): cancer?! miyokonotsuki (11:00:25 PM): D= miyokonotsuki (11:00:28 PM): lukemia!????? miyokonotsuki (11:00:29 PM): O_O Mmtelles (11:01:00 PM): cancer Mmtelles (11:01:01 PM): sooooooo Mmtelles (11:01:02 PM): sorrry miyokonotsuki (11:01:05 PM): DX!!!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (11:01:06 PM): ;O; Mmtelles (11:01:07 PM): jk miyokonotsuki (11:01:12 PM): AH GOOD! miyokonotsuki (11:01:12 PM): <333333 Mmtelles (11:01:18 PM): its like bach wigs were miyokonotsuki (11:01:23 PM): AHAHHAHAHAAH miyokonotsuki (11:01:32 PM): hehe bach xD Mmtelles (11:01:53 PM): and hadel Mmtelles (11:01:55 PM): lol miyokonotsuki (11:01:59 PM): handel! XD miyokonotsuki (11:02:01 PM): wowies miyokonotsuki (11:02:06 PM): its funny to imagine miyokonotsuki (11:02:07 PM): XD Mmtelles (11:02:22 PM): anyways Mmtelles (11:02:46 PM): we were in a cementary miyokonotsuki (11:02:51 PM): D=!!!! Mmtelles (11:02:56 PM): all of a sudden Mmtelles (11:03:03 PM): i dunno y Mmtelles (11:03:05 PM): anyways Mmtelles (11:03:10 PM): we go back home Mmtelles (11:03:13 PM): and u kill me Mmtelles (11:03:15 PM): wahhhhhhh miyokonotsuki (11:03:22 PM): dx ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! miyokonotsuki (11:03:25 PM): ;o; nooo miyokonotsuki (11:03:32 PM): ::kills margaret with clarinet:: OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmtelles (11:03:37 PM): yup Mmtelles (11:03:39 PM): u were Mmtelles (11:03:41 PM): playing Mmtelles (11:03:44 PM): and u hit mi miyokonotsuki (11:03:46 PM): razz LOLLLLLLLLLLL Mmtelles (11:03:46 PM): head Mmtelles (11:03:53 PM): lol miyokonotsuki (11:03:56 PM): xDDD Mmtelles (11:03:59 PM): g2g miyokonotsuki (11:04:03 PM): okies miyokonotsuki (11:04:05 PM): bai bai!!!!!!!!! Mmtelles (11:04:05 PM): tell u the rest later Mmtelles (11:04:11 PM): nite nite miyokonotsuki (11:04:12 PM): okies Mmtelles (11:04:16 PM): c ya Mmtelles (11:04:19 PM): call me Mmtelles (11:04:21 PM): okay miyokonotsuki (11:04:23 PM): i shall! miyokonotsuki (11:04:30 PM): soon! sis still has phone Mmtelles (11:04:35 PM): okies Mmtelles (11:04:37 PM): c ya “Mmtelles” signed off at 11:04:50 PM.
first off: if i hear margaret talking about SOMEONE ::coughmito-kuncough:: IMing her and just interrogating her and'll die!
not really though :Sweat: if she's okay with it
;o; how could my own section turn their back on their LOVING ::coughpushupsisloveright?cough:: section leader?? scream
lol! I drew ms. esbenshade's transformation into bachshade! rofl

and the guilty and not guilty scene crying

rofl that was fun to draw smile
Chocolate ish Good · Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 07:55am · 1 Comments |