Loving people and people pleasing are two different things. I can love people while not doing what they want or while making them unhappy.
I can love someone and disagree with them. I can love someone while not doing what they say. I can love someone while I choose a different path for my own life than the one they want for me.
Loving someone does not mean that I have to blindly follow them.
To some, maybe this all seems obvious, but to me I've confused love with obedience, I guess. Love doesn't have to mean losing myself for the benefit of others.
I can love others while also loving myself. I don't have to put my own needs before everyone else, but I don't have to always come last either.
I'm trying hard to understand and find a balance in this life. It's not easy and it is very slow. I can only keep moving forward and take one step at a time.
ShiroOkazaki Community Member |