Yet Another Silly Dream
I don't know exactly how I got talked into it, but I was babysitting an annoying little girl that I don't know in reality, but apparently I know her in my dream. Well, I was making her lunch, and it wasn't fun. We were collecting the ingredients from a cardboard box in the basement (My basement is quite clean and well lit). I was upset because she had purposely dropped two of the four eggs (the two were little, like the size of peanut m&m's for some reason.) Anyways, then I had to take on another child to watch over. This one ended up being my uncle as a five-year-old kid.
Later on, I built a car out of the cardboard box I spoke about earlier. The funny thing was, I could drive this thing like a real car. It had brakes and steering anf everything. Soon enough, me and the two kids piled into the car...and flew away. Yes, flying. We flew to a carnival of some sort where I ran into two of my friends from school. The lot of us ventured over to a food vendor which was attracting a crowd. I thought that what ever it was they were sell, it must be good. We got in line, and I was throughly let down. I was forced to pay a shiny quarter...for a paper coffee filter full of ground coffee beans. They told me to take it over to the row of coffee makers on the other side of the stall. I hate coffee! So I looked for somewhere at the stall where I could get tea. I found some, but it tasted awful.
Little did I know that there was a mean old woman (like the wicked stepmother from Cinderella) that wanted to take away our magical flying cardboard car (It was actually more of a van-shaped vehicle). When she found out that we were offering people rides on it to make money, she took advantage of the situation and pretended to be a kind old lady out for a little thrill. Then her true intentions were revealed.
There was an amazing battle, fellow armies throughout history joined in on both sides, it was complete chaos, we won. End of story. The car got wet and fell apart.
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The Farthest Star
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