Chapter one: One of those days |
John looked at the crew, the gloom almost took on the form of fog. The back up power came on with a hissing sound as it refreshed the uncycled air. A song came on with one line before it was shut down, playing "But the giant's calling out my name, and he laughs at me reminding me of all the times I've tried before, and failed. The giant keeps on telling me time, and time again. "Boy, you'll never win! You'll never win" "Ok boys, and girls I have a announcement to make.” John started as he turned on the intercom. The ship was being hammered by red, and green lasers ate at the shields as John staled. “I would like you all to know I really liked working with you.” John paused again thinking of the right words. “I would like you all to get to the escape pods now.” His voice was sad, he knew the Radians would evade soon, and overwhelm his ship. “And that’s an order.” John finished a low click echoed in the silents of the bridge, four gun stations open handing out 9mm pistols with full metal jacket rounds. Each member of the crew took a gun, and left. The whole ship was armed with pistols, and assault rifles ready to fight boarded, a favored Radian tactic. He sent a message ship wide. “All members head to life pods and launch them when secure, and full. Engineer crew take the R.A.P.T.O.R armor off ship with you it may be your only hope to survive on the planet below.” After his farewell to his crew John walked over to the navigation controls, and aimed his ship at the monster capital ship. “I’m gonna blow up your ragged a** fleet.” John said in a somber tone leaving the controls he walked to the door of the bridge. Jay stood there with two pistols and eight clips for the guns. “Ones your.” Jay said handing the pistol in his left to John. They would make it to their escape. As John grew accustom to his new gun, the whole ship shook. Borders were here. Jay lead John down a long corridor, after ten minutes they hit the end. they looked into the hallway on the right that lead to the hanger, John was ready for his new mission a suicide mission. Take the only Hunter star fighter and drop of a nuke with a five ton yield down the Radian ships mouth. As the two captains turned the corner a single Radian stood in their way it was a lowly form one. It stood around two meters tall, and had gray skin its mouth was shaped like a beak and had teeth at the back of the mouth . The gray alien wore gaudy armor of crimson color. It held a powerful fusion pistol with a atomic module to repower the pistol when the batteries die. John took the first shot followed by Jay. The rounds pounded the super dense metal body suit till they cut into the beast, spraying its silver blood onto the floor, burning the metal floors, and walls. The armor, and alien were gone when John, and Jay reached it last standing spot. The blood was so acidic that most human scientist told everyone to stay away from any Radian blood, because it was so acidic. Jay wished he could use the fusion pistol, but it was genetically locked to the dead Radian. Jay continued to lead John to the hanger bay, a large flaming pile of alien, and human bodies blocked the normal route, the only other way was a short walk in the fusion cannons barrel. When Jay, and John reached the barrel they saw the monolithic ship grow closer they would hit the enemy ship in a few minutes they had to hurry. At the end of the barrel they reached the elevator that lead to all levels of the ship. The five minute ride to the hanger bay ate the sands of time till the destroyer collided with the monster capital ship. A stage two Radian stood in Jay, and John’s escape it was in a full metal power suit on its head was an elaborate head dress, armed with a fusion pistol. The combined fire power from Jay and John’s pistols only flared the enemy’s shields. The fusion pistol roared to life, its shot missed John’s head by a inch. “We need a new tactic.” Jay said as He, and John got to cover. “How about electric shock?” John said with a grin his right hand glowed a brilliant metallic blue. Jay nodded, and fired both pistols from cover at the Radian to get its attention. John had ran to get behind the monster under Jay’s cover fire. With each shot the shields drained on the beast till the bullets were gone, and John was at point blank range his hand slammed into the Radian’s chest blowing out the heart raining acid blood out the front dropping the Radian forward a pool of metal, and flesh replaced the body. When Jay and John boarded the hunter class fighter, the nuke was primed and the clock till collision was in its last minute. At the last second the hunter got out of the docking bay, and pulled a ninety degree turn, aimed at the enemy, the Radian’s hadn’t even fired at the tiny fight. After clearing the collision of the Shadow Hunter into the monolithic ship John aimed the fighter at the ship, ready to fire the five ton yield warhead at the monolithic ship. When the hunter reached the heart of Radian ship he dropped the warhead, and let it go boom at a safe distance. When the smoke cleared nothing, no scratch or dent. The ship was still at full power. The hunter turned toward the planet, locking in on the R.A.P.T.O.R’s power core. John found his men they could still fight back, they could still win.
MARTH HALCYON · Sat Feb 24, 2007 @ 10:03pm · 0 Comments |