LOOKIT 'IM RUN, MA!!!!!!!!!!!
To explain the title of this entry, this is what I yelled when Captain Jack made his first appearance in POTC3. If you've seen it and know about my insane obsession with watching Johnny Depp run, then this will make sense. Other than watching Mr. Depp run, I could gladly go the rest of my life and never see that movie again. I actually got bored in the middle of it and spaced out sweatdrop I also watched Chicago for the first time last night, which is weird 'cos I've had the CD since 5th grade and I know all the songs by heart, but I'd never seen the movie xp Unlike Pirates, in Chicago Mr. Depp did not run around or kill himself over a peanut, but it was quite a good movie nonetheless. AND I got Mom to agree to let me watch Pan's Labrinth!!!!!!! I rented it and I'm gonna watch it tomorrow!! AND I went to the bookstore and got The Zombie Survival Guide. It turns out that our house does not have adiquite protection against a Class 2 invasion, let alone Class 3 or 4. This concerns me. I'm gonna go barricade myself in the attic. Ta!
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