He's a dandelion up on a cliff above the sea He's not exactly everything I thought that he might be He's a dandelion and he looks like everything I need I thought he was a flower but I found out he's a weed And I hold on hold on hold on Hold on hold on hold on -'Dandelion,' written by Nichole Richie and C. Raus; performed by Nichole Richie
There's something just.... magical and great about dandelions. They spread out over vast spaces, influencing things wherever they go. They're simple and overlooked, yet powerful. They are seen as nuisances and fakers to gardeners and plant experts. They look like flowers, but all they have been, are, and ever will be is weeds. And, true to their spirit, once a weed takes it's place, not every root can be removed.
And I'm noticing more and more people becoming dandelions.
Hell, it's even happening to be. I'm some wonderful, respectful young lady when I'm around my mom. When it's just my dad and me, I'll act more like, and I QUOTE, "the son [he] never had." When I'm with Rachel, I'm some fashion alien who needs help finding the difference between high waters and capris. With Hannah, I'm the bossy, not to be messed with type or the hyper-paranoid figure. And with Julia, it's like you can walk into a store and pick out the Lois you need. All you have to do is return it before one of my friends gets mad at me and I have to paint myself a different color again.
We all want to be noticed and admired. Even if you say you don't care, you do. You really do, probably more than most. And it hurts when you're pushed aside for that perfect lily or rose. Well, guess what? That person's a dandelion- nothing more than a elegant disaster.
Literally speaking, dandelions are weeds. What do weeds do? Well, they steal all of the water and nutrients from the soil. They cut off plant roots with their roots. They spread faster than the other flowers or shrubs. They put their pollutants back into the ground for scavenging plants. They ultimately lead to a barren land with land dried so terribly, not even they can survive. Why should this be any different with people? Human dandelions thirst for attention and stability. They cut off all ties with people 'weird' and assault souls to get their way. They spread their malice and longing farther than happiness and abundance can reach. Finally, they put what they don't want [humiliation, shame, broken hearts] and force feed it to who they rely on most. What do you think happens when this has gone on for so long?
I'll tell you. Society happens. A rose by any other name is just as sweet, but a dandelion by any other name is just that more deceitful. The tallest dandelions wish to be out of the glaring heat of the sun, and when the shorter dandelions grow enough to shade them, they are perfectly alone in a crowd. The dandelions that were so looked down upon wither and die from the unexpected heat. Those who do survive crave the short lived pleasure derived from the long lived pain. They feel the pain and longing, and keep convincing everyone but themselves a cloud will pass by and slightly relieve them of the sun.
Dandelions are magical, as many children will tell you. Even I have made a wish and blown the seeds. They are also great. They bring peace and tranquility right before dooming their surroundings. They spread destruction wherever they go. Dandelions are the ultimate weapons- look and act wonderful, trick you into believing them early on, and as the game progresses, show their true form and induce havoc. Dandelions are very great- terrible, true, but great.
Dandelions. Weeds. Liars. Traitors. You can call them whatever you want, but they will always be there. Up on that cliff, looking so beautiful in the sunlight, there will be the one dandelion that made it through the storms and the other dandelions love and despise.
But at the bottom of the valley lies a patch of no more than six pale bloodroot. They're forgotten, shoved the farthest aside from the chaos. They are beautiful in their solitude, and don't act like something they simply aren't. They are the modest flowers whom no one paid any heed to.
So, what are you going to be? A dandelion, or a bloodroot? A fraud, or a friend?
And answer honestly. You don't want to be the shortest dandelion.
Fell in love with a dandelion and he's all I've ever had At first he look was so sweet but in the end he tastes so bad
Your Lord and Master, Lois
LongWayHome · Sat Jun 02, 2007 @ 09:05am · 1 Comments |