Were you right, was I wrong Were you weak, was I strong, yeah Both of us broken Caught in the moment We lived and we loved And we hurt and we joked, yeah But the planets all aligned When you looked into my eyes And just like that The chemicals react -Chemicals React by anonymous, performed by Aly & AJ
I wonder, which one of us is right? Everyday, I'm involved in conflicts. And everyday, neither of us says sorry. We rub the tiniest bit of salt into the wound and walk away. Sometimes we apologize, but not nearly enough. I'm not talking about anyone in specific, I mean in general. We'll be empty, then someone will poor something very reactive inside of us, such as jealousy or anger. Then, someone else infected with a different substance will arrive and stir us. The two elements combine to make something different, and altogether worse.
Or, let's say something good happens and that fills us. But one of our friends is jealous or bitter towards us because if it. We could either lend some of our new joy to our friend, or she can thrust her bitterness to us much faster. Either way, there is a very violent reaction. Not necessarily bad, but violent all the same. There will always be things that should remain separate being mixed, but some of the things will react more violently.
It is because of this that I have created several scales on paper to show what happens when you mix certain emotions. So far, I have the happiness, depression, malice, anger, love, and weary charts. I'm also going to make charts as to what different things you mix to get to different emotional levels. [Naivety and belonging get blind happiness, belonging and trust get youthful happiness, etc.]
The more I think about things, the more I realize emotions are much more than electrical signals. They're more like chemicals in their own. Some are much more reactive than others, mixing them gives you different results, and each belongs between two or more. Creating the wrong compound can be catastrophic, and adding just the right amounts of each can make things never even dreamed of. Without experimentation, nothing would be gained, lost, or discovered.
I've never been good with science. Heck, I don't trust myself with anything, much less myself. But if I can get this all figured out, maybe I can finally understand why I hate or love people. Maybe I can get by better in life. Maybe so many people won't have to fear or hate me. Just maybe... I can be happy.
Everyone's been through something life changing. It could be bad, good, or in between. Whatever it is, it's happened. You had to climb up or down to regain equilibrium, right? I'm going to focus on climbing back up. You had to live, love, get stronger, and make your own joy to regain your footing. No doubt something forced you back down along the way, but by fighting, you prevailed. You took a mixture causing disaster, added something, and made it into a masterpiece.
Sort of like salt. It's made from sodium and chlorine. Sodium is murderous in certain quantities [amounts], and chlorine will plain out kill you. A piece of chlorine the size of a bead will kill you if you get 10ft away from it, and if you go unconscious, I hope you told your mom you loved her. By mixing two terrible things together, a life-dependent and useful substance is created.
Try not to be the element, but the compound. Life gets much brighter if you do.
We lived, we loved We hurt, we joked We're right, we're wrong We're weak, we're strong We lived to love
But the planets all aligned When you looked into my eyes And just like that Watch the chemicals react And just like that The chemicals react (The chemicals react)
Your Lord and Master, Lois
LongWayHome · Mon Jun 04, 2007 @ 11:29pm · 0 Comments |