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Shiny's Stories!!! Enjoy~!!!
Rosalie the strange
A young girl walked on to the cruise ship as she was finished with her packing and was ready to go back to school once more. she couldnt get any cellphone reception and wanted to talk to her boyfriend Carl for a really long time. "ugh! when is this going to end?!?!?!?!" the girl bellowed out as she stumbled slightly onto the ship. there was no doubt that she had a fun time at the lodge and on the beach, but too much vacation for this girl and she was cranky. her name was Rosalie, a book worm girl with a bright smile, yet dramatically emotional life. she belonged to Haruka High and had the power of earth. her favortie color was green and she loved to wear little dresses and skirts. she had shortish hair that sread out on the ends and made her look yonger than her real age, which was 16.

Rosalie didnt have many friends on this cruise at the moment and it bothered her that there wasnt a library or a shop to sell books either. she had to result in swimming alone and eating alone, something she would have much rather enjoyed with her little friends she had. but no, they all had to stay at the school and do stuff for their future, most of the friends being total and complete math geeks or students who thought that fun was experimenting with equations.

that was the difference between Rosalie and them. she loved to do those kind of things, but on her own time and with her own equipment. most o the time she was doing new things that normally people either wouldnt do, or something people did all the time that Rosalie had not dreamed of; and thats how she met Carl...

she had been walking to the mall one day, something she wasnt used to doing, and of course she was alone. she had just turned a corner when a mugger came up to her and attempted to steal her purse.failing and also struggling to keep taking it, Rosalie kicked and punched at the mugger, trying to pry free and run, but the guy was too large for that. he pinned Rosalie up to the wall and slapped her, though that was the only one she felt for a figure picked the guy up for the back of his jacket and through him into a nearby wall.

rosalie slid to the ground and gasped for breath for the mugger was holdering her up by her throat. Rosalie couldnt see properly who the figure was that through the man, but knew now that the two were fighting. Rosalie didnt know too much what to do, yet she wanted to help out, dispite the manly tone of the figure telling her to run.

Rosalie was wearing fullheeled clogs and so through it, quite accurately at the mugger and somehow it knocked him unconscious. the figure was now leaning agaisnt the wall, holding his arm, clearly hurt by the mugger and Rosalie ran up to him. "omg! you're hurt! here let me help you..." she said and tore a part of her newly bought shirt and wrapped a knife wound up.

the boy looked up at Rosalie and then at the wound that was being mended. Rosalie was now taking a leaf out of her purse and she ripped it up and added a lotiony substance onto it and pressed it on the wound. the boy winced in pain for a moment, but it soon subsided and his gaze was now only on the bandaged wound, which was nearly healed. Rosalie looked up at the boy and smiled. he was rather handsome, a few years older then her obviously, but somehow, he looked as though he was still a kid at heart. "that should heal it up before the end of the day, though you may feel a bit of a tingle here and there, but its ok" she told the boy and offered him her hand to help him up. her took it gently and Rosalie lifted him up. she started to walk away, but the boy ran up to her. "I...uh...didnt properly thank you for that back there. I guess it was a good thing you were wearing clogs" the boy kidded and laughed a bit. "any time" Rosalie said but did not move, something told her he wasnt done talking to her yet.

"im Carl by the way, and who are you?" he asked extending his arm out to shake her hand. "Rosalie...its nice to meet you" she told him and smiled. after that, Rosalie and Carl decided that his best way to repay her, th0ough Rosalie didnt care if her did or didnt, was that they would have lunch at a fastfood place. "wow you're a 4th year?! you sure dont look it..." Carl said with a smile, though Rosalie was a bit slow and didnt know what he meant. when she asked him, she was surprized at the answer. "I'm a 1st year in college..." Carl told her and laughed at her reaction. "I thought you might do that. a lot of people mistake me for a teacher or something along those lines, though im going to school for law and all" he said and then laughed at Rosalies dropped jaw.

they both talked for a bit before actually eating their food. "so awhat were you doing out here by yourself anyways?" Carl asked her as he looked outside. "I was shopping. none of my pther friends really like doing the shopping thing...they would rather stay at home and do experiments all night long" she said a rolled her eyes. "I see so you hangout with the smart ones, huh?" Carl asked now looking at Rosalie, making her blush a bit. "well, yeah I guess so...I mean, I've known them for a while and they seem like really good friends and stuff, but they only like to be fixed on experiments and such. I'd rather do things that interest me, or do things that are different all the time...you know?" she expressed and gazed up at the cloud filled sky. "ah I see...you are like me. I dont think I could stick with only one thing for a long time or even a day, I have to go around and do other stuff, and discover new things" he said with a handsome smile. his smile seemed to bring out the looks in Carl. he had white hair and bright blue eyes with, what looked like, a muscular build and a knowledgable smile. Rosalie couldnt help but blush again.

"I was also wondering..." Carl began to say and tookt eh bandge off, the wound now gone, "what the hell this stuff is?" he said with a look at Rosalie, kindness though wonder, still on it. Rosalie wondered if it was alright to tell him and deciding he probably saw people like her before so it was ok. "well...I'm something called an earth Elementalist...in which I can grow plants and raise the earth with a swipe of my hand" Rosalie said with a bit of a blush. "I thought as much, though I wasnt quite sure" Carl said and Rosalie looked up at him. "although I dont have any powers, Im glad a found a friend who does" he said and looked up at Rosalie and smiled brightly, making her blush, but smile all the same.

they had departed from the mall that day, Rosalie giving Carl her number on her cell, though he hadn't called her for at least a week. Rosalie told her friends about meeting him and all that had happened and they were surprised, though happy she was alright. it wasnt until she was walking home from school that she got a call from Carl who had just finished a project and wanted to have some fun.

they both had decided to go to the zoo, a place neither of them had been to in a while. Rosalie loved to look at the lions and the animals in general, Carl only stood there with Rosalie, admiring her, rather than the animals. "so you like animals I take it..." Carl asked her and Rosalie nodded. "im not sure but for some reasonthey intrigue me greatly...the way they move, how they act to other people, its like they are humans but they dont talk like normal humans or anything" Rosalie said and then blushed. "dont mind me i go on with nonesence a lot" she said and laughed at herself. "no its ok...I actually see what you are getting at and although I've never thought of it before, I kind of understand your opinion...quite interesting" he said and looked towards Rosalie.

Rosalie met his gaze, yet runed quickly so she didnt have to face him. for some reason Carl made her feel good abut herself, a bit odd for even her, but it happened anyways. Carl seemed to think the same thing, though he didnt show it or tell her at all. "well seeing the animals made me happy, but I'm wanting to do something else...what do you think?" he asked her. the sky was getting darker and the sun was starting to set. "theres this hill that over looks the town and its really pretty at sunset and you can see so many stars too..." Rosalie said and pointed to a hill top not too far from the zoo. "alright why not" Carl said and let Rosalie lead the way. when they got up there, Carl gasped at it. "wow this is really amazing!" he said and looked around. "im not sure if anyone really knows about this...I've never even showed my friends this place before...you're the first" Rosalie said with her own bright smile and Carl looked into her eyes. "you arent like the other girls I know...I mean, besides the fact that you have earth elemental powers and all..." Carl said and looked towards the town. Rosalie didnt say anything, mainly because she didnt know where he was getting at with saying this, her being so dense and all. "well you are the first friend I've had that likes to do random, yet fun things, after school or whenever...i cant even get my other friends to do this stuff" Rosalie told him shaking her head and smiling.

then, something happened so fast that Rosalie wasnt sure if it was her imagination doing it or if it was all a dream. Carl was at one minute looking at the scenery and then the next, he swooped down and kissed her. Rosalies eyes were wide at first, surprise was rapidly sweeping her body. she then gave into it and kissed him gently back, the feeling was surprisingly releaving. it seemed like an eternity had passed before they both broke apart, their faces close together and their eyes upon each others.

it hadn't been official yet, but Carl and Rosalie were soon going out with one another, a few days after the kissing, Carl asked Rosalie out, though at first she was skeptical, but then she gave in and decided she would. they went to the movies that weekend and saw a movie about young college kids taking a journey and having funny, sad, and weird thing happen to them. Rosalie laughed a lot with Carl as they held hands and shared popcorn. after the movie, they went out to eat at a buffet and talked a joked about the movie and the people in it.

"so what do you want to do now?" Carl asked, the time being 9:00 int he evening and on a Saturday. Rosalie never liked to decide on things that involved doing what others wanted to do. "hmm....how about we go for a walk> in the park maybe?" she suggested and Carl thought it was a good idea. they went through it, not many people actually in it at this tie of the evening, though a few lovers were huddled together of benches and in the grass on blankets. there was a fence just ahead of them and Rosalie went up to it and looked over the side. it was on a cliff that over looked the other side of the city, more along the lines of where everyone lived.

Rosalie smiled at the sight of it, though almost jumped when Carl came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her body. "why are girls always so cold?" he asked her in her ear and tightened his embrace on her. Rosalie blushed and put her hands on his arms and leaned into his hug. they stood there for a few moments before a chill ran up Rosalie's spne from being cold. Carl must have noticed for her lead her over to a vacant bench and sat with her, his jacket now around her arms. he then pulled her into a hug again andthe warmth started to circulate her body. Rosalie smiled and snuggled up to Carl's chest and he embraced her tighter. Rosalie then felt Carl kiss her hair and she sighed at it, making Carl loosen the embrace and they stared at each other. Rosalie was about to blink when Carl started to lean forward, longing in his eyes. she closed her eyes and upon doing so, was now being kissed by Carl. it seemed as though they were there for an eternaty, their kissing becomming more passionate and playfull, Carl touching Rosalie's shoulders inside the jacket and Rosalie grabbing his shirt and wrapping her arms around his neck, which seemed to quicken the pace of thier kissing.

Rosalie felt a drunk heat overcome her as they broke apart finally and she saw that Carl felt it too. they gazed at each other with half opened eyes and they smile, Rosalie biting herbottom lip as she smiled. Carl gave her another few kisses on the lips and then moved to kissing her right cheek and lightly sweeping her chin with his nose. Rosalie blushed deeply and sighed at his touch, it being like a knife stabing her butterflies on the inside. Carl then moved down to her neck and started to kiss it, making Rosalie jump at the tickling feeling. Carl stopped and looked up at her, afraid that he had done something wrong when he moved towards her neck. Rosalie gave him a look of approval and he kisse her lips again and contuned to kiss her neck gently, his free hands eitherfeeling her ears or chin. Rosalie blushed deeply and closed her eyes, holding her head up to the sky. Carl moved up and down her newck, every so often kissing her lips. suddenly, Carl moved to Rosalies collar bone and breathed lightly on it, warm breath making her warm. Rosalie felt a bit nervouc, he was now close to her chirt opening and she didnt want him to look down it. but Carl didnt look down it at all. he rested his head against her shoulder, out of breath a bit. "you...make me crazy..." he breathed and he looked hot and drunk like Rosalie felt after they had kissed passionately. Rosalie stroked his head and he smiled, closing his eyes.

an hour had to have psted by the time Rosalie started to drift off to sleep. Carl was now holding her hand and got up from her shoulder and looked at her. "I'm in the mood for some icecream" he said adn got p, pulling Rosalie into him and then walking to the exit of the park. they found the nearest icecream shop, Carl getting some chocolate chip icecream and Rosalie getting vanilla. they continued to walk on the sidewalk, the time being around 10:45. they had sat down in the grass by the school Rosalie attended and Carl told her stories about him and his best friend getting into trouble all the time and Rosalie laughed. carl then took a lick of Rosalies icecream and laughed as she tried to grab his but he was too tall for her to reach it. he then dabbed a bi on her nose when she tried to jump for it and he laughed. "hey!" Rosalie said and stopped running after him, trying to shake the cream off of her nose. Carl grabbed her from behind and wirled her around, licking the cream off of her nose. Rosalie was speechless, embarrassed and blushing from what her did. she then broke into a smile and started laughing. then she was knocked on the ground playfully by Carl and he lay on top of her, pinning down her arms. at first Rosalie was a bit nervouc that Carl might do something inappropriet to her, but she knew he wasnt like that. he propped himself up and looked into her eyes. Rosalie wanted him...wanted to kiss him passionatley again but didnt know if he wanted that. being couragious for the first time in a while, Rosalie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled him down and kissed him deeply. you could tell Carl was surprised at first, but took the action upon his own hands and wrapped his arms around her body on th e ground, kissing her back just as deeply and then a bit more passionately.

a few days later they went out again, this time to an amusment park. Rosalie loves amusement parks and Carl did too, so going here before it closed the next day was a good thing for them. they first went on the rollar coasters and then on spinning and whirling rides. after about two hours of this, they decided to get something to eat. the park was going to close soon, but Rosalie didnt want to leave and neither did Carl. they went on a few more rides and then started to walk back home when they ran into a gang of 4 boys. at first they didnt notice Rosalie and Carl but when they did, they ran at them both with an axe and a knife. Carl threw Rosalie behind him and extended his arms out in a protective manner so that they would fight him first. Carl punched the first one in the face and two others advanced on him. one of the other ones made a move to kick Rosalie, but she grabbed his ankle with a root from a tree, using her earth powers. the boy was pinned to the ground and Rosalie got up and looked around fro Carl. he was now laying on the ground getting kicked and punched. Rosalie ran at them and summoned trees to come help her, they grabbed the boys and through them around, blood issuing from their faces. Rosalie hoitsted Carl up onto her shoulder and she staggered off towards the hill that they went on their first date. it was late and Rosalie didnt know what to do other than heal him a bit the best way she could. Carl was still conscious but in so much pain that he didnt speak for a while. he finally opened his eyes and put a hand up to Rosalies face with a smile on his face. "you were brilliant Rosie" he said and closed his eyes. Rosalie smiled and rubbed her face into his hand gently, holding it up to her face. it was warm and dry, but comfortable and loving. she held his other hand feeling him grip hers as well and he opened his eyes again. "can I get you anything?" Rosalie asked with a smile. Carl shook his head. "all I want is you" he said rubbing her cheek. Rosalie smiled and proped him up against her, a tree moving over on her comand so she could lean against it. Carl wasnt hurt as seriously as Rosalie had thought but she couldnt have him sit around and wait to be healed. she set him down and upon that, he looked up worried but Rosalie smiled. "dont worry....im going to get some thing to help you get better" she said and set out to look for certain herbs and plants she could make. shockingly the hill side had all she needed to use to help Carl, which took about an hour to make and then she put it on his wounds. they healed fast and before long, Carl was up on his feet stretching. "what would I do without you?" he said and embraced Rosalie in a hug. kissing way against the tree and touched her gently on the arms, moving his fingers up and down. they started to kiss passionatly at first, moving around rapidly. he then pinned Rosalie to the tree and started to kiss and nibble her neck and then went to her collar bone. he put his hands around her waist and rubbed her back as they kissed. Rosalie was feeling confident and wanted nothing but him and was ready for anything, though she wasnt too sure weather ocr not Carl was ready. "I love you" he told Rosalie in her ear and bit it softly and pulled it and did it again. Rosalie smniled radiently and kissed him back aggressively, recieving the same back. Rosalie tugged on his shirt bottom and started to pull up on it.

Carl grabbed frantically at the back of Rosalies shirt and also started to pull up on it, a hungry need overflowing to the point where he literally pinned her up to a tree and started to passionately kiss her, discarding her clothing as he did so. Rosalie found the belt on his pants and undid it, pulling his jeans down and then off. Carl was now pulling Rosalies skirt off and he stoped only to look at Rosalie and kiss her again. "you have a gorgeous body" he told her and took his hand and brushed it up her side. Rosalie blushed deeply and Carl embraced her again, slowly pulling her down to the ground. it was a little damp but the warm night air made it feel refreshing. "are you sure you want to do this?" Carl asked one last time, looking deeply into Rosalies eyes. she nodded and put her arms up and around his neck. he smiled and kissed her, moving his hand down to her hips and pleasuring her with his fingers. Posalie gasped and blushed deeply and closed her eyes, Carls mouth finiding hers and kissing her as he made her become wet with pleasure.

lll Shiny lll
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  • User Comments: [3]
    Community Member

    Thu Jan 03, 2008 @ 02:11am

    lol.....too long!!!!!!

    Xianghua the II
    Community Member

    Sat Sep 13, 2008 @ 05:11am

    i cant take it....my name is exactly like hers bit without the "i" in it! >< it makes it weird for me to read a story with ur name in it....but im surprised by how much ur wrote! i cant even write a good story with good enough detail XD

    I'm bored af brah.
    Community Member

    Tue Mar 03, 2009 @ 01:10am

    I wanna

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