NOW WITH PICS!! The '08 Rants |
::JANUARY 3 2008::

Just got back home, exhausted and bruised, from Ontario yesterday. I spent almost two weeks running around the province (went from Ottawa through Picton to Kingston to run quickly through Belleville before coming home) saying my hellos and goodbyes to what was my last family Christmas. Needless to say as hectic as it was, it didn't feel like I did much of anything. Sure, there were the parties and the movies and the babysitting jobs of DOOM *quivers in fear* but I felt as if I was permanently bored. Even playing SAW had no fun in it what so ever... okay I should probably explain that.

I was left in charge of babysitting my cousins while mine and their parents were out. After refusing to play anymore pool or air hockey, I suggested a good mind game that the whole family could enjoy. My entire family is pretty much sadistic so suggesting we play SAW (yes, based on the movie) was a sure fire hit. My cousin Justeen went first. She picked me; to run up a flight of stairs; covered in moustraps; in less than ten seconds. The penalty, should I lose, and this was chosen by her brother Lee; was to get a Lighter Kiss on my eyelid.
((For those who don't know what a Lighter Kiss is, its when you run a lighter until the metal gets really hot and you jam it onto your skin.)) ... I am now nursing a burn on my eyelid. Its gotten better... just like the pain in my toes.
As the first victim, I went second. I chose to take it out on Tyler. My Uncles bathroom door was put in kinda wierd... so that if you're inside and you want to lock it; you have to use a key, and the twist lock is on the outside. I took the only key, stuffed it into a hotdog, and clogged the toillet with it... making sure I had removed the plunger from the bathroom. Later on, pushing Tyler inside, locking the door and explaining my little game; He came out a good five or ten minutes later with a soaking wet arm and cursing my name. He'd found it so gross to be reaching into a toillet that he had upchucked right into the bowl before he even reached in. Too good.

*yawn* Well, I'm still pretty tired... been trying to download iTunes for my iPod to work... I guess I'll end it here and write back later.
Leaving with her insides trying to kill her, and missing someone to the point of going crazy, signed, Pips
::JANUARY 5 2008::
I love making New Years resolutions ^^ but only half as much as I love breaking them three weeks in XD This year though, I've made a few that I intend to keep. Yes, I said a few. I took on several resolutions... here I'll list them out:
1- Less procrastinating [BUSTED] ((LMAO yeah right)) 2- Be More Open 3- No Drinking 4- Be Nicer [BUSTED] ((especially after what I did to Tyler playing SAW &_& wink ) 5- Stop Calling Dad "JerkWad", "Old Man", "DoucheBag" and so on... [BUSTED] ((I can't help it... he IS old)) 6- Less Swearing
... truthfully I don't know HOW I'm keeping number 6 up O_o Number 3 is really important... Number 2 is gonna kill me I just know it... &_& I'm no good at being open... And I don't have to worry about the rest anymore ^^
::JANUARY 6 2008::
I think its human nature to go back on our word. NewYears resolutions are pure and utter proof of that.
We go ahead and promise ourselves we'll do something... and then just not do it. Why? Easy, we never did it before and we got along fine, why should we change? Humans find change impractical, we refuse to change our ways that we find comfortable to suit the needs of others. We're hard-wired to look out for number 1. Don't believe me? Take a good look around you. Where are you right now? Probably in a house, sitting in front of a computor just as I am at the moment. Humans aren't like animals, we can't deal with what nature gave us... so we work it around like alchemists until its what we want. We destroy forests and prestine landscape to fit our needs.
We refuse to adapt and make the world adapt for us.
Thats why I believe humans are GERMS and not MAMMALS. Humans multiply and spread and conquer, animals adapt and evolve to their surroundings. Humans haven't shown the least bit of evolution for as long as history records back. If anything, we've started to un-evolve. Becoming fat gooey blobs that live only to eat. Giant, television watching, premortial ooze-bags.
w00t for man kind, we're really doing it now.
Read this and look at me in disgust! I'm just as guilty as the rest of you! Human nature sickens me but I fall into it too. And you can't deny the world would be better off without us... or do you not see the toxic waste we've dumped into the oceans and the debris we leave in space and the forests that no longer exist?
::JANUARY 7 2008:: yay for rants brought on my 'talks' with my father...
Okay, so I'm about to go get my hair cut ((I'm actually writing this right before I go)) and my Dad decides he wants to see where I stand on the whole marriage and sex thing. NOW OF ALL TIMES! I didn't refuse to talk with him, like most of the time, I figured I'd tell him straight out what I thought. What better way to scare the hell outta him? And I'll try my best to re-create my lecture... *clears throat* "Before two people have sexual intercourse ((I giggle when I say the whole thing ^^ 'sex' sounds less funny than 'sexual intercourse'... which sounds like some sort of competition O_o)) they should be aware of all the risks and consequences that come with it..."
Yes it did sound this textbook when I started...
"They should be ready, knowing how to protect themselves if they don't want a kid or STD's... well they should be checked out first, I mean, if you have STD's you should be thinking twice about sex... "
He seemed pretty proud of me up to this point.
"Then theres comitment. Alot of people don't think they should do it before they get married... and I guess I respect that... except the whole marriage dealie..."
Ever see an old man raise his eyebrows so fast it looked like he had a seizure?
"Think about it... whats marriage gonna change? How does it suddenly make it alright to have kids? And it doesn't show that you've commited yourself anymore to your partner! If you love them that much, you wouldn't go back on them if you jammed a ring on their finger or not!"
I love ranting in person ^^ I get so into it.
"All it really shows is that you've told the government youre a couple. The world pretty much knew that when it saw you snogging public anyway! its like, 'w00t look at me! I gave you a ring, we can live together now!'... two people CAN live together without getting married y'know..."
Imagine me crossing my eyes and acting stupid while saying that... XD
"The only benefits about getting married is the gov' reducing your taxes a lil' and giving you a Childrens allowence every month for your kid. Its like the Churches REALLY needed to sucker people in to get married. I can see the preist now, begging people to come inside. 'We'll... uh, cut your taxes! and... um, you get rings! Ooooo~ shiny rings~!' Whats THAT gonna signify? 'I gave you a ring, must mean I love you'... well duh. You can love a person without that! Getting married is just like saying 'I'm gonna screw this one person all my life and I want the whole world to know!' showing off your shiny wedding bands..."
About here, he started to try and calm me down... by asking when I was gonna get married.
"when I'm asked I guess... what kinda stupid question is that? You think I have the whole thing planned out?! C'MON! Ever since I was little I coulda cared less about marriage! I never got and never will understand why people get so worked up about it!"
He cut me off about there saying he got the point. I don't blame him... my rant was getting pretty outta control at that point. I blame the coffee and lack of sleep due to too many horror movies ^^
I LOVE horror movies heart
::EDIT:: twisted ITS BEEN DONE!
I just got back from getting my hair cut, and I love it ^^ I told SO many people I was just gonna get it short... but I don't think anyone's expecting what else I did to it razz No piccies for you yet! Not until people have seeen it at school tomorow! Aw who am I kidding, heres a before and after shot ^^ ENJOY
in other news... my pet gerbil, Taro, is sick and expected to pass away soon. I don't believe in it, but I'm praying for his good health... or at least a peacefull passing.
::JANUARY 9 2008::
I'm bored... this entry is merely to pass the time... At the moment I'm listening to Icecream by Jeffree Star ((lmao)) I'm bored out of my mind at 11:18 at night I have unfinished Math homework that's due tomorow and pretty girls make me nervous. . . . -lol- I so random when I'm bored... *gets up and walks in circles for half an hour* BORED!!! Save meh!
edit ^^ On my RP site, we had a Bishie-grabbing thread. I'll post the topic here to show the popular bishies on the site, all claimed by members. (( Mine are those claimed by Pips))
POSTED BY: SEDA (( ^^ Seda-chan ish tehs awesomes =P)) Rules to Claim a Bishie:
1. Decide on anime/manga/video game character that you want... 2. Give the "title" of where they are from... 3. This is not real ownage, since real ownage is Copyrighted. 4. Only 5 bishies per user. If your prefered character has been taken, then you will have to choose another one. Look at the list before posting. 5. If, you wanna change your bishie you need to fill out this form: (see below)
- Username - current bishie - reason for change - new bishie
Below I will post from A-Z the titles of Manga/Anime and add everyone to the list as they claim. ^-^ I will try to update as often as possible..
Ababa from Welcome to the NHK claimed by shrig32
Amil Gaoul from Kiba claimed by chaugall
Bunshichi Tawara from Tenjho Tenge claimed by Vashy Muffin
Dark from D.N.Angel claimed by Lilith
Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist claimed by Pips
Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX claimed by shrig32
Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night claimed by Wicked Desire
Ginji Amano from GetBackers claimed by Lilith
Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tale claimed by .xeikomn//
Hayato Gokudera from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! claimed by Seda ^-^
Hei from Darker Than Black claimed by .xeikomn//
Honda Goro from Major claimed by IHateTomorrow
Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach claimed by chaugall
Ikuto Tsukiyomi from Shugo Chara! claimed by Seda ^-^
James from Pokemon claimed by Maki Muffin
Kanda Yuu from D.Gray-Man claimed by IHateTomorrow
Kanna from Inuyasha claimed by Maki Muffin
Karin Maaka from Karin claimed by Lilith
Kenshin Himura from Samurai X claimed by chaugall
Komiyama Yoh from Koukou Debut claimed by IHateTomorrow
Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket claimed by chaugall
Lain Ishikawa from Serial Experiments Lain claimed by shrig32
Lancer from Fate/Stay Night claimed by Wicked Desire
Lavi from D.Gray-Man claimed by .xeikomn//
Lawliet "L" Ryuzaki from Death Note claimed by Vashy Muffin
Light Yagami from Death Note claimed by Maki Muffin
Link from Legend of Zelda claimed by Vashy Muffin
Mamimi Samejima from FLCL claimed by shrig32
Matt from Death Note claimed by .xeikomn//
Misuzu Kamio from Air claimed by Lilith
Mello from Death Note claimed by IHateTomorrow
Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden claimed by Wicked Desire
Near from Death Note claimed by IHateTomorrow
Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun claimed by Vashy Muffin
Okita Souji from Peacemaker Kurogane claimed by Maki Muffin
Ritsuka Aoyagi from Loveless claimed by Seda ^-^
Rock Lee from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden claimed by Maki Muffin
Saber from Fate/Stay Night claimed by Lilith
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden claimed by Seda ^-^
Shikamaru Nara from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden claimed by Pips
Takao from Beyblade claimed by Wicked Desire
Toshiro Hitsugaya from Bleach claimed by Pips
Train Heartnet from Black Cat claimed by .xeikomn//
Trey Racer/Horo Horo from Shaman King claimed by Pips
Van Fanel from Vision of Escaflowne claimed by chaugall
Vash The Stampede from Trigun claimed by Vashy Muffin
Weed from Ginga Densetsu Weed! claimed by Seda ^-^
Yoh Asakura from Shaman King claimed by Pips
`Stitches` · Thu Jan 03, 2008 @ 05:37pm · 5 Comments |