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Stories and Rants! FOAMY FOR PRES!!!
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I had to go to the dentist yesterday. Had my bottom right molar pulled. For those of you into dentistry, that would be tooth number 31. He had to inject me 4 times to get my lower jaw numb. I think he may have put in too much because the right side of my face was numb. My cheek, ear and just under my eye. But it's ok. It wore off in a couple hours. It was funny cause I kept freaking out my mom. lol! She hates the dentist. Actually, she can handle anything they throw at her except for the drill. That shakes her to the bone. Doesn't bother me much. As long as the dentist is taking me step by step in what he's doing, I'm fine.

Before the dentist began, he stuck a needle down into the tooth to make sure all the nerves were deadened. They were, until he hit one certain nerve... it was hilarious cause it made my nose twinge and tickle lol! As soon as he pulled the needle out I reached up and basically hit my nose really hard, rubbing the itch away lol!

The dentist looked at me strangely and said: "Man, now I'm afraid to completely pull it out. You might reach up and slap your forehead." LOL!

Well, he pulled it out and it feels soooo much better. I should have asked to keep the tooth! It was kool! When he picked it up, I saw how long the roots were and in the roots was a nerve and it was still moving!! Dude! I wanted to keep it but I couldn't talk cause right after he pulled it out he packed my mouth full of gauze and I was light-headed.

I'll make sure to keep the next one. I'm going in December to get another molar pulled. I know you're probably thinking, since my teeth are so bad that I didn't take care of them when I was younger. Well, you're right. I went through a 'defiant' stage and didn't do anything my parents said, so when they reminded me every night to brush my teeth, of course, I didn't do it. Also, I was born without a certain layer of protective enamel so this would have happened anyway... being an idiot as a child just help speed up the process. My teeth really aren't as bad as most think they should be which is a good thing. I have about 3 or 4 more appointments before my mouth is fixed, after that it should only be check-ups and cleanings.

Well, thanks for reading about my trip. It was fun except now I keep getting food in the gaping whole in my head... xp Nothing a good brushing can't fix. And I can't drink through a straw for a little while. The only thing I'm worried about right now is the socket drying up. I've heard a dry socket hurts worse than a toothache itself.

>.< I gotta do my schoolwork! Once again, thanks for reading! Bye!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 09, 2005 @ 02:18am
You poor poor thing..I know how you feel...;_;

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