[Music: Straylight Run]
[Mood: lazy]
Okie, so finals are coming up.
That means the semester is over.
How did I do?
That's right, I blew this semester.
I wasn't focused.
It is because i was to concerned with my relationship.
I did everything to save it.
This semester just flew out of my hands,
er better yet I flew out of it.
the only class I did well in and will get an A in is
English 101.
Isn't that funny?
That was the only class I enjoyed too.
But yeah, no pity for me.
I know what I did.
The downfall of it is that I can't take summer school.
I wanted to so I can make up for it.
But, I'm flying over to Minnisota in June for 2 weeks.
So I can't afford to miss 2 weeks of class.
And after that I will be applying at every local vet clinic.
Thta's right, I will be trying to get a job for certain.
I have been wanting to but I was afraid of school.
The reality, I SHOULD have gotten the job to keep me more occupied.
I do believe I would have done better if I did.
Oh the irony.
heart heart heart