Kitsune Summons
A Kitsune's power doesn't come from itself. The main source of the Kitsune's power is the Summoner. This is where a Summoner and Kitsune become deadly.
How to get one
~To obtain one, you must go through what is called the Trial of Elders. In this instant, the would be summoner's mind links with the Genkikitsune's, or the Kitsune Lord/Mistress. While linked, through the eyes of the Adept, he is inclosed in a room, purple and black squigles all over and such. From there, the Genkikitsune picks one of three Trialers, each an expert in a certain Jutsu style. It's not a real fight, only a spar. If the Adept impresses the Trialer, they submit and the Adept is granted the ability to summon a Kitsune Guardian. If they fail, there are no second chances. If they succeed, the next time the Summoner summons a Kitsune, the Kitsune is permanent, making each unique in it's own way.
While these are labeled as 'Summonings', there is no summoning jutsu, only one to teleport, if you would, the kitsune from one location to the 'Summoner'.

These are the generic version viewed by people. These are the foxes with multiple tails, each representing a level of chakra. The more tails, the more chakra they pocess, nine being the most ((Ironic, what with the Kyuubi and all)). They require no handsigns for their jutsus of course, but they do require concentration on more power jutsu. Their main focus in training is Intellect.

These are more acossiated with 'Half-breeds'. These Kitsune hold a Human form, and their gloves show their chakra level, with a japanese number symbol on the dominant hand. They require handsigns to do handsign required jutsus. Their main focus is speed.

People distinguish Genjutsu Kitsunes and Ninjutsu Kitsunes is simply the size and color. Genjutsu users only have one, yet fluffier tail, and have celtic like tattoo like runes on the fur. They tend to have darker colored fur. Train on thinking ahead.
~Kitsune Zen master

Zen Master rank is the ambition of all Kitsune to reach. These are masters of all jutsu types and elements. Only about a dozen Kitsune have achieved this stage.
~Genkikitsune (No real physical appearance change)
These are the Lords and Mistresses of the Kitsune Hierarchy. These are the most powerful and most skilled of all Guardians. Only five Kitsune achieved Zen Master rank, Mistress Ashari, Lord Aoshi, Master Fuior/Lord Gongu, Master Nomi/Lord Nin, and Master Jin/Mistress Myrrh.
The first two came about the 500 years before the Kitsunes made the pact with the Namagos. After that, the Kitsunes honored the Summoners as well in their Hierarchy.
~How to Advance
It's really simple: a Basic Type (Jutsu type) has a Chakra Level, from 1 to 9. This is basicly a mark of their Power Level, if you will. Normal Kitsune will grow to a Chakra level, at their prime, of about a 6 or 7. Those that are very skilled grow to an 8. A rare few can achieve a 9.
If they manage to grow even more powerful, it's called a Chakra Break. This is when said Kitsune becomes a Zen master, and is very hard to come by.
The achievement of Genkikitsune comes in two forms: Death or Duel, and the option resign, but no one has ever used said power. Death: The current Genkikitsune dies, the Den Council chooses a Genkikitsune from the Zen master group. Duel: A Zen Master challenges the Genkikitsune to a duel, not to the death though. If Zen master wins, he/she becomes new Genkikitsune. If not, no change to Hierarchy. A Genkikitsune has only been challenged once, the previous Master Nomi/Lord Nin pair, which resulted in Mistress Myrrh's 'ascension'. She is the current Genkikitsune, and her Summoner is Headmaster Jin Nagamo.
~Main Jutsu: Kaichou
Kaichou literally means 'Harmony' in translated into english. It's a fitting name for the Jutsu. All Kitsunes know this, as well as all Nagamos, know this one jutsu. With it, the Summoner and Summoned become linked in every aspect, mind, body, and spirit. Their strengths grow and weaknesses lessened, it also acts as a pain suppressor, as any form of harm done to one is split between the two, cut in half in feeling and damage. However, if one should die in this state, so shall the other.
~Other jutsus~
Ryukodan Taijutsu Style
~A taijutsu form using pure chi, the Kitsune's form of Chakra, to enhance a melee attack. Simple as that.
Chi Strike
~ Any normal attack while using the Ryukodan Taijutsu style
Spirit Presence
~A jutsu allowing the Kitsune to become transparent and meld through solid objects, liquids, and be un-affected by gases. While in this state, the Kitsune cannot attack. Consumes chakra while in this state
Note: Summoners cannot use this jutsu due to the differences in Body Structure.
Ghost Presence
~ An Advanced version of Spirit Presence, it's more effeciant. It costs almost no chakra to use, and the user can stay in this state for far longer than the Spirit Presence.
Ancestrial Shield
~ The user uses a one-handed sign while using the other or the same hand to produce a shield of pure chakra. Any object that collides with the shield is absorbed into it. Size and thickness depends on how much chakra the user puts out.
Ancestrial Spirit
~ The most powerful Taijutsu jutsu of Taijutsu Kitsune, this is the same as a normal ninja's Gate Openings. The Kitsune obtains an ungodly amount of physical power and speed. Their chakra color turns from orange or yellow (and in some cases, gray, aka. Yoko) to a redish-orange color. They can only be in this state for a short period of time before their power collapses and they return to normal, usually feeling like sh*t.
Note: While Summoners can use this too, Kitsune can stay in this state for longer periods of time.
Instant Appear
~When a Summoner calls their name with a summoning meaning, the Kitsune appears beside them
~Kekkai Genkai~
The Kekkai Genkai is unnamed, and has three stages.
First - Awakening
The Summoner's body surges with a bit of power. They feel energized, and their chakra storages increase, as does their speed and strength. Some feral features appear: Eyes narrowing, hair spiking, etc, but these are only minor changes. The Kitsune feels the same effect. Twin-Comets, chasing each others' tail in a circle, appears on the Summoner's dominant hand.
Second - Advanced
The Summoner's chakra storages, strength, and speed increase even farther. This time, their eyes become feral looking, like cat eyes. Their hands become claw-like, and other more noticable feral changes occur. The Twin-Comet symbol now appears on their forehead. Again, the Kitsune feels the same effect as the Summoner.
Third - Mastery
The Summoner's three attributes now sky-rocket. This time, orangish-red chakra envelopes the body, with a tail and fox ears in the appearance (Though not living nor attacks. Think 1 tail Kyuubi for a general idea of the look). Celtic runes appear on the body, same color as the chakra, stretching from their feet to their cheeks. The Twin Comets on their hands disappear, but the one on their head turns 90 degrees, to be more vertical. With this, their Kekkai Genkai flourishes. Though they can only be in this stage for a period of time, the additions are incredible.
((Because of body strain, stages are only avalible through progression. The Third is only avalible to Jounin, and for a short time.))