Oh, we've all heard it, sure. We've all read it, watched it on T.V., and we probably believe it, too. I am referring to an old proverb that states the following, although perhaps not a facsimile thereof:
"If you care more about looks than personality, then you're shallow."
In response, I would like to ask the converse: What if you care more about personality than looks?
And are the only two things in the universe personality and looks?
What about accent, hobbies, skills, temper, gullibility? Not EVERYTHING is a person's personality.
For example, I'm talking to a girl right now who I would marry, save for that she wants cattle and loves horses. Liking horses isn't a part of her personality, but that is deterring enough that I know that she is not the one for me based upon that alone.
If a girl is my ideal girl, but I don't find her attractive, then that is enough to know that she is not the one for me.
How do I know this?
Well, consider: Have you ever noticed how a person's awesome personality can cause him to look much more attractive?
If a girl is so physically repulsive (even though beautiful in personality) that I am disheartened upon the sight of her, then why should I have to marry this person? To avoid being called 'shallow'?
Drop dead.
Even unattractive people find significant others to marry them, which proves there is someone for everyone.
I believe that if you love a girl's personality but not her physical beauty, then you are doing an severe disservice to her by muscling your way through the gag reflex just to be with her, because you are hindering the person for her that would find her perfect in beauty and in personality and in every other aspect of her life.
In light of this, I conclude that it is shallow to ONLY like a person's personality.
In your FACE modern orthodox!
Atari Maxi Tariyama Community Member |
Community Member
Concise and to the point.
You should write more on this subject, it's what everyone loves reading about. xD