I came to terms with the fact that being knowledgeable of the English language, while only offering a singular form of intelligence, can be interpreted as a sign of true intellect.
Kind people will inform me that I am smart. They 'can tell' because 'of the way talk.'
The more rude people will find ways to ridicule me, or at best, avoid me to the utmost of their abilities.
In chat rooms people will request in an ostensibly polite manner that I 'stop capitalizing [my] sentences,' or merely use expletives to declare the same point, that being; they are threatened by my apparent intelligence, and feel that I am using this selfsame intelligence to detriment their persons.
The problem which continually manifests itself in these scenarios is my own awareness that I am only knowledgeable in one meager area of the spectrum of education, and with my inability to complete any endeavor, it is a useless academic quality.
Moreover, it is exponentially more cumbersome to use obscure wording (because, let's face it; this isn't intellectual wording, just more obscure) in verbalization than in literary works.
Perhaps in a situation where one does not want to reuse the same word several times, or requires a word that has a broader, and therefore, more efficient meaning, it is useful; maybe even necessary.
Conversely, when speaking to people whose vocabulary rarely exceeds that of a person who is of the age fifteen, it is not feasible to use words like 'vacillate,' which will be promptly dismissed among a room of confounded expressions as many brains attempt, and fail, to recall the meaning of the word which they are certain they have never previously heard.
What I really hate is when I'm chatting with a girl and, I would use a word that I knew she would not know, such as 'perambulate'; but then I will use a word that is typical, such as 'inebriate,' and will be met with the same blank-faced stare, overlain with an uncomprehending smile.
What person who retains any pride does not know what the word inebriate means, right off the top of his head?
A criteria that I have, therefore, set for anyone desiring to be my spouse is as follows:
1. She must have a working, and at least slightly above average knowledge of the English language. I know my entire multiplication table, despite my poor skills in math. Therefore, I consider it fair that the average human should know a wide variety of vocabulary words that are larger than five letters.
It may affect a negative result in the statistics of people reading my journal, if I proceed to write this way, but what else can I write?
What else is there to say?
Nothing bothers me enough to write a diatribe about it, and even if something did, I would be too lethargic to write it, regardless.
My head itches, my hair is greasy and I need a shower. I'm too tired to sleep, and too sleepy to tired.
I have exhausted my supply of things to write, yet I wish to write more. I do not have this incredible inspiration that 'true' writers have, which allows them to be entertaining perpetually.
This, more than anything, offers credibility to the idea that I simply may not be a writer.
Someone comment and contradict me regarding this. I would love some unaccountable compliments, presently.
I love you all.
- Atari
Atari Maxi Tariyama Community Member |
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