Still running at a ragged gate and thinking of the day her house fell, Shadow remember her Aunt Azmire very well. Just as beautiful as her sister Azura had been, but more angry and twisted. She seemed a dark ambitious woman of questionable moral intent. She had a spider for a heart where it had crawled in and consumed the heart that once beat within her chest, Shadow was sure of it. Azmire was second born of only two daughters of which Azura was eldest. Their mother, a great and powerful priestess of Lloth, high in favor, had been known to sacrafice all other children to Lloth, every other child. Azmire was said to have been discontent with her position as second born and was believed to have killed the third born daughter her mother had intended to have during the birthing process when she was supposedly 'helping' her mother while Azura was out leading a raid. None know if there even was a third sister or not. Azura, returned home from her raid victorious and found her mother recovering from the birthing, but no new sibling to care for or train and the only explaination being a defect in the infants eyes. It had to be killed for weakness. Soon after, Azura was sent fourth from the house with the great honor of being trained by the priestess of the third house, a very high and prestigeous house of rank and stature. When her training was complete years later and she was returned to her former house she found her mother Priestess Shamare had passed away having been murdered by a mysterious assassin and Azmire had been gracious enough to take possession of the house and holdings until her noble elder sister Azura could return. Azura, of course suspected Azmire and made arrangements at once to put distance between herself and her younger sister. Azmire, for her 'good work,' was sent fourth to an be schooled in the arts of wizardry. It was hoped that this would keep her busy for a large number of years and perhaps she would lose interest in her families holdings and go create her own. Saddly, this turned out to be only half true. Aunt Azmire had been kept very busy for many years, but had retained an obsessive interest in her families holdings and had been made very powerful by her years of training. Her return home left much death and destruction in it's wake. Shadow wondered at that moment if Aunt Azmire had even allowed her brother Dreg to live. She and Dreg were the only two living children born of Priestess Azura. It then occured to her to wonder if her Matron Grandmother Priestess Shamare had been in the habit of sacrificing her own children, if her own Matron Mother Priestess Azura had done the same? She tried very hard to recall her childhood, but only remembered Dreg. Having as little knowledge of her Aunt Matron Mother Azmire as she did, she couldn't recall one memory of her having any children, but wouldn't feel surprised if she found Aunt Azmire in the habit of eating hers. Another wave of nausea over took her and she doubled over as the blackness swirled around and enveloped her.