Chapter 56: Family Haratige
"OMG! YOU TWO WERE SLEEPING TOGETHER!" Ana squeeled. (it took me a minute to realize ana had been out all night...and me and mat had slept through the night together on the couch!) I blushed deeply. Mat was too. We jerked away from eachother in responce to Ana's cries. "Not that kind of sleeping your thinking!" I yelled. "If it were the kind in which we have sex we'd be naked and most definatly not on a couch I can tell you that!" Ana just kept staring at us like we had had sex. I was getting angry about it to. She jumped to conclusions to fast. People could sleep together and not have sex. My anger was showing because the water around us was becoming unsteady. She had this retarted grin on her face. I was ready to punch her. I think Mat noticed a change in my, what had been earlier, cheerful and yet exhausted mood. He placed his hand on top of mine, which was cluched into a tight fist. I felt a little calmer. Not much though. Why did she have to jump to conclusions like this? I wasn't good with controling my temper. Anyone could figure that out. Even a monkey could. She was pushing it. And the worst thing she could say was- "So when's the baby due!" She snikered. THAT'S IT! LET ME AT HER! I jerked forward to kick her a**. As I got ready to jump over the back of the couch and kill her, Mat grabbed me around the waist and restrained me. Ana got frightend and ran from the room. "YOUR a** IS DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU! YOU WON'T LIVE TO SEE TOMARROW! YOU CAN BE SURE OF THAT! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP SOMETIME!" I yelled. I put up a good fight against Mat's strength, but I couldn't get out of it. He swung his legs around, apparently feeling no pain from his injured ankle, and put it around my waist area, and pulled out an ocarina. He put it up to his mouth and started playing a peaceful tune. I couldn't even escape the grip his legs had on me. I listened as the tune reached my ears. It was slowly taking effect on me. I could feel myself having calm...happy thoughts. Like I was going to my happy place.
I layed back against Mat's chest, and listened to his heart beat. As he stopped playing the tune, I took my fist and hit him in the chest. He placed the ocarina at his mouth and started playing again. I don't think he really minded. I think he didn't want to see my dark side again. But I also think he knew I was a peace with that tune playing in my ears. When he finished again, I snuggled close to him, and into his chest. I could hear his heart beating. It was a calm beat. I felt him take his legs away from my waist, and his arms replace them. He layed back down and laied me against his chest as he did. He was warm. I was always cold for some reason. So he was sort of like a personal heater right now. His touch was gentle. I liked it. I griped his shirt and adjusted my positon to where I was a little more comfrotable. I felt a smile crossing his face, though I didn't see it. I could feel myself falling asleep again. I felt one of his hands petting my head, while the other was wrapped around my back. It kind of tickled (I'm very ticklish on the back). Really I think Mat was just as pissed at Ana for what she said as I was. She didn't know why I was so distrusting of boys, and she knew Mat wasn't the type to rush into relationship sort of things like sex. Nor was I (shut up ana Lelouch is not being included...besides trust was another reason....I trust lelouch). Really I think Mat was better at controlling his temper and reactions better then I was. He could easily calm himself, and I couldn't. I usually acted on impulse rather then thinking. But I think Mat was at least going to b***h at Ana a little later about jumping to conclutions or something. I may of wanted to marry and have a family one day but that was far from now. I was still a teenager (shut up both mat and ana...again I trust lelouch), and so was Mat. We weren't going to rush anything. I wasn't even sure if me and him were dating or not really. I still felt a pull towards Lelouch. I woke up a few nights ago thinking I had heard a voice, that sounded very simler to Lelouch's, calling to me. I was wondering why he hadn't come for me yet. Stupid b***h Aoi must of knocked him out good. that and Lelouch's injury must of been worse then I wanted it to be.
Mat must of assumed I was asleep again. I was physiclly asleep, but not mentally. My mind hadn't blocked everything out yet. I heard Ana come down the stairs in a cautious movement. "Has she chilled yet? Or is she still trying to kill me?" She asked, in a whisper. "I think for now she's calmed down. But Ana you shouldn't have said that." Mat said, his voice was firm, but at the same time I felt the gentleness in it. "I'm not even sure if I can blame her for her reaction. It was uncalled for what you said, Ana. And it wasn't necessairy. Weither you meant it jokingly or not." I heard Ana give a small whimper. But not words came out of her mouth. I felt something warm over me. I guessed a blanket. Ana didn't answer. In fact I think she left the room. I didn't open my eyes to find out. I was to pissed at her to even look at her. I snuggled a little closer to him. I could still feel him petting my head. He was proably going to get board having to lay around for a few days where his ankle was injured. I lay there physically asleep for a while till my mind blacked out. I woke up a while later, and I sat up and streached. "Finally awake?" I heard Mat ask. I looked behind me. Mat was sitting up on the couch. It took me a moment to realize that while I was asleep he must of sat up and layed my head in his lap. "I'll take that as a yes, sleeping beauty." He said. I blushed. Sleeping beauty. Ugh. Sense when was I sleeping beauty. Sure I slept a lot but come on! Sleeping beauty's one of the worst princess' out there. He was laughing a little. Grrr. What was with him and his smile and laughing. Iritating...and yet so attractive. "And what are you snikering about!?" I demanded. "The look on your face." He said. I got up, and walked out of the room. "What I say?" He asked. I picked up vase and threw it straight at him. I missed. Damn basterd dodge. Why did he have to be so fast. I went up the stairs and went into my room, slamming the door behind me. It was raining outside now. I don't know how long it had been raining. I was pissed at Ana, and for some reason Mat (though i wasn't sure why I was pissed at him). I went and layed on my bed. I needed to relax. Ha! Like that was possible. I'm one of those that is usually uptite and takes almost anything seriosly. I grabbed my Ipod off the bedstand and put my headphones on to listen to it. It was playing that Country song called "Cheater Cheater". As it played I started to think about how bad I was still hurting from Jordan. The memory always came back in such a painful way. There was a pain in my heart right now. A hole there that most likely would never heal...not without the proper care. And that proper care was love. But wasn't Lelouch the only one that loved me, and Mat snached me away from him. Or was it Mat? I lay on the bed and listened to the song playing thinking. I heaved a sigh. Why did I even bother with boys at this point.
Cheater cheater, where'd you meet her Down at earnies bar? Did she smile your way twirl her hair and say how cute your dimbles are? Did she use that line your place or mine while ya danced with her real slow? Tell me cheater cheater where'd you meet that no good white trash ho?
Liar liar, did you buy her wiskey all night long? Did you hide your ring in the pocket of your jeans or did you just keep it on? When the deed was done and you had your fun did you think I wouldn't know? Tell me cheater cheater, where'd you meet that no good white trash ho?
Jordan had cheated on me all along. Tricked me. He had lied. He'd had his fun with it and when the deed was done he thought I would never know but he didn't expect me to see him kissing that b***h ryann either. I felt that rip in my chest grow stronger and bigger right then (there's not actually a hole there's just like there's hard to explain). I looked towards the rain dripped window. The rain. I thought. What does it represent? My broken heart. The pices of it falling from the sky mocking me? I looked away from the window. I turned the volume to my ipod all the way up to where it was a blurr and I couldn't hear the thunder outside.
Now I'm not one to judge someone that I ain't never meet. But to lay your hands on a married mans bout as low as a gal can get. Well I wish her well as she roots in hell and you can tell her I said so. Cheater cheater where'd you meet that no good white trashed ho.
Loser loser, hope you love her cause your stuck with her now. Take your sorry butt, load up all your stuff and get the hell out of my house. But I just wish you'd tell me this one thing before you go. Cheater cheater where'd you meet that no good white trash ho?
I really wasn't the type to judge someone I didn't know well enough. Unless there was just something about them that told me "bad news" And I hoped to hell that her and that basterd rottend and burned to a cinder and had the devils pitch fork sent through them. And you can tell them that yourself. He was a loser and now he was stuck with her. He could take hiss sorry a**, get his stuff and get the hell out of my mother ******** face. I'd like to know one thing now though. Where'd he get that ho? What made him think he could mess with me like that? And then think he could get away with it. And yet he was getting away with it. He could be with that whore right now laughing about how easily fooled I was. I was a joke, and I was pathetic. Worthless...a pice of dirt on the ground. Though Mat would probably say different.
Now I'm not one to judge someone that I ain't never meet. But to lay your hands on a married mans bout as low as a gal can get. Hey I wish her well as she roots in hell and you can tell her I said so. Tell me cheater cheater where'd you meet that no good white trashed ho.
Yeah I'd just wish you'd tell me this one thing before you'd go. Cheater cheater, where'd you meet that low down up town slept with every guy around pressed on eyelashed ho.
I wanted so bad to get even with him. But how could a little weakling like me get even with anyone? Lelouch would slaughter the guy in an instent, but Mat wasn't anything like Lelouch. If I went to kill Jordan...Mat would stop me. If Lelouch went after him he would kill, or at least stop him. I would never get even with Mat. I could hardly use my powers, plus along with that I got exhausted easily. I got up from the bed, pulling my headphones off and turning my ipod off, and went to Ana's little potions/study room. She wasn't in there. Maybe she was avoiding being near the house right now, because she knew I was pissed. Oh well. Just gave me more peace. I went to the book shelfs and started looking for books on shadow and water magic the types I used most. While scanning the books sides something fell off one of the selves and hit me in the head. "Ouch! What the hell?!" I looked down at the floor rubbing my head. There was a book there. I picked it up. But it's title caught my eye. Praposed legends of the undersea kingdom of Alantica. Alantica? Alanctica was my home. Was it talking about the same one? Maybe it would mention something about the merfolk and supposed powers they have. I went back to my room and jumped on my bed to read. I opened to the contents and scanned for what could possibly help me. then something caught me. "'The Goddess of the Sea; creator of the world" I mumbled. I flipped to the page where it began talking about her. I had heard stories about her, but learning a little something new wouldn't hurt. In fact I already knew my family was supposed to be related to her. So I think that made her my grandma (not good with the family tree thing).
Well most of what the book said I already knew. She was said to be a goddess, of the sea, and that she was said to be a mermaid. No duh! But what was this about her creating the world. I kept scanning the book. I was just about to toss it when I found what I wanted. It said she was responsible for the creation of the world because she had "other worldly" powers. It said in mythology mermaid's were greatly thought to be conected to the stars, and the plantes. It said that legend had it that at first the world was nothing but water, and that she was sad to see that there was only water. So she used her "other worldy" powers and formed the land and everything else in it. She used the powers of light, dark/shadow, water, fire, earth, air, spirit, and love to create the world using The Staff of the Angel's, that harnessed all her powers supposedly. When her task was complete she was to weak to go on. She died in her husbands arms, and her children were left with no mother. That was sad. They had lost there mother like I had. The world continued to prosper though, and her family ruled over the different parts of the ocean. Her husband watched over the kingdom of Alantica. When he died his son, Prince Pharos, took control and he had a family of his own. Generations went by and the faimly continued to grow. A record of all who was in the family is not now according to the book but they did mangage to find the Greek God Poseidon, and his wife Amphitrite. Poseidon...he was my grandfather. I adressed him as Grandpa Poseidon. and Amphitrite was my grandma. I called her Grandma Amphi, instead of adressing her full by full name. My dad said the only reason I grew up calling her "Amphi" was because I could never fully pronounce her name for some reason so I just always adressed her as "Amphi". There son, and my father, Triton was said to be the messanger of the deep. And as the family man inhearited he held the Triton when he became king of the sea. In legends (and this part is true) he is usually represented as a merman, having the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish, "sea-hued," according to Ovid "his shoulders barnacled with sea-shells". Barnacled in sea-shells. Wow human were pretty stupid. Where'd they get that from. And like my grandpa, he inherited the trident. But it was said that my father's special attribute was a twisted conch shell, on which he blew like a trumpet to calm or raise the waves. Its sound was so terrible, that when loudly blown, it put the giants to flight, who imagined it to be the roar of a mighty wild beast. This was false. It was my fathers trident that controled the waves and water. Though he did have a conch shell like that when he was kid, but that's not how he used it. According to Hesiod's Theogony, my father dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea, the kingdom of Alantica. Well that was true, but my grandparents no longer lived there, after they stepped down from the throne they chose to settle into the country parts of the sea.
Then when my dad married my mom, Athena, they had seven girls (I was the youngest), and two sons. There would of been a third son, and the 10th child of King Triton, and Queen Athena, but my mom was killed while she was in the early stages of pregnancy with my little brother, who I never got to see (don't ask me why she had that many children). If she was still alive I would be the youngest daughter of Triton and Athena, and my unborn brother would have been the 10th child, as well as the youngest son. I missed her. The book made hardly any mention of his daughters and son's except that he had some. But then it started to get freaky. The book said that the goddess of the sea, before she died in her husbands arms, split her staff into eight gems that represtend the represintative power and it's planet. (so red would mean fire and the planet mars) But then the freaky part was that the gems flew to different locations in temples, that were never found, and that they were the birthright of the youngest child of Triton that was a female! But I was the youngest daughter of Triton, and the youngest female in the family! It birthright. According to the book the staff was somewhere stored in my body, waiting for the gems to be assembled. That's disturbing. The staff's inside me. Ewww! But then it hit me. This was how I could get even with Jordan. I could make him pay for what he did to me. I could get revenge. I could finally make him wither in pain before me. I walked down the stairs in thought, after marking my place in the book and laying it on my bedside table. The book said that the gems represinitve location was 'One in a vast lake, one in the hevens, one in a vast forest, one in a lava filled cavern, one in a spirits sands, one in at shadows peak, one in lights invisability, and the romances pearl.' "Melissa are you ok." Mat asked as I came down stairs. I looked up and tried to look normal. "Do I not look it?" I asked. I sure sounded in a better mood. "You looked were...scehming something...evil." He said. He was looking at me like I wasn't myself. "No, I'm fine. Prefectly." I said. A smile spread across my face, but it wasn't the kind of smile I usually had. This was a true smile, and a devilish smile. Mat noticed. Oh well. Let him try to stop me. will rue the day you messed with me: Princess Melissa Sapphire Triton, the 7th daughter of Triton and Athena, younger sister of brothers Kaname and Zero Triton, and sisters Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella and Alana (I know it's a long title). I would make sure of it. (This would be when I would laugh out loud evily. But I didn't cause that would give away to Mat that I was "scheming".)

To be continued in Chatper 57...