Chapter 61: Theature Arts First Opera: Think of Me
Me and Mat were the only one's moving as I stopped time. "Go for the necklace." I told him. He hesitated for a moment but then he went for it. There was a shattering sound, a bright light emiting from the necklace and then the dragon let out a roar. Mat backfliped next to me, and shetthed his sword again. Then the light died down, and we heard the dragon's diying cries. Or we had thought it was dead. Just then it's tail jerked forward and grabbed me, my glavie dropping from my hand. "Melissa!" Mat said, reaching for me. I reached back. "Ma-AGGGGHHH!!!" I cried. The dragon had sent dark magic through me, and electracuted me. I felt weaker. Then I noticed the dragon and me were glowing blue around the edges. I was only feeling weaker because it was sucking me dry of my energy. "M...Mat, destroy it! Destroy the...the...neck...necklace...get rid of it." I said, passing out. "Melissa!? Melissa?! MELISSA, ANSWER ME!" I heard someone say franticly. "What?" I asked, opening my eyes. I saw Mat staring down, at me, and I was in his arms. The dragon lay on the ground, and then burst into a bunch of silver sparkles and vanished. Mat sat me down on the floor, and bent down next to me. "I think he drained you of your energy." Mat said. "I'm feeling better already considering I was unconcious and resting." I said. "You sure?" Mat asked. My only reply was a nod. Suddenly the ground started shacking, and a bit of the temples ceiling fell not far from us. "I think our performance is bringing the house down." Mat said. Umbreon came up and jumped onto my shoulder. "We better book it!" I said, running for my glavie and then out the room's door. "Melissa, wait! You can hardly walk where that dragon took your energy!" Mat said. "I'll be fine lets just get out of here." I told him. My glavie vanished as I changed back into my normal outfit, my clock back on somehow. "We have to hurry." I said. I didn't feel to good though. I was dizzy. The room was spinning, and I felt faint. I hope Mat couldn't see that through my aura. I ran out the entrence to the temple and ran to my bike. Unfortuantly I kicked it into gear at a speed a little to much for me right now in my condition and got more dizzy. I quickly used magic to put a spell on the bike so it wouldn't take any damage. What was worse was I didn't see myself heading for the edge of the cliff instead of the path leading down the cliff safely, where I was so dizzy. "Melissa!" Mat yelled. Suddenly I felt the ground no longer under me, but instead air. I became more aware then, and realized I was falling. s**t! Before I had time to do anything to slow the decent and make the on coming inpact easier, I slammed to the ground, the bike slipped in the rain to quick, and I was sent flying off of the bike. "MELISSA!" I heard someone yell, as I blacked out.
"Melissa? Melissa, can you hear me? Answer me, Melissa? Say something!" I heard someone say. "Wha-" I said, opening my eyes. "Scare the s**t out of me why don't you? What were you thinking going off the cliff like that?!" Mat yelled. What was he talking about? Going off a cliff...oh...yeah. "I think I kicked it into gear a little to fast, and where I was dizzy it didn't help...I couldn't see where I was going." I said. I felt sore as hell. "Well your injuries not that bad I guess. Your just sore, and badly scraped up. I stopped the bleeding." Mat said. I laughed. "Nothing a little water won't help. Water has magical healing properties in it. At least for mermaids. I don't know about you." I said. "You think this is funny! Melissa, you could of died!" Mat scolleded me. "And this is coming from the mouth of a dare devil." I said with a glare. "It's diffrent with me! I actually know what I can and cant' do. I know when I need a break! I know how to use me powers!" He said. "There you go again considering me the weak one!" I exclaimed in anger. I got up and tried to walk over to my bike (which took no damage from the impact thanks to my magic) but fell down when a sharp pain reached my ankle. "Melissa, you ok?" Mat asked. I opened my eyes again as the wind blew in my face. I was moving I knew that much, and I was leaning against something or someone. "Good to see your awake." Mat said. I looked up. I was sitting on my bike, leaning against Mat, who was driving my bike slowly (obviously he's not a dare devil on a motorbike like I am). "You blacked out from the pain in your ankle. I think you just sprained it. I don't have the stuff to take care of that though so you'll have to wait till we get back to Ana's. How's it feel?" He said. "If I move it it hurts, or if I walk...that's all." I said. The rest of the ride "home" was quite, except for the wind blowing in our ears, the sound of the bike's motor, and my groning when my leg started to ace when I moved it a little. Mat parked my bike at the entrence to Ana's grotto, and helped me off. He put my arm around the back of his neck and helped me limp inside. "Does it still hurt?" He asked. "No! It feels fine now! OF COURSE IT STILL HURTS a** HOLE!" I yelled. I heard him mumble something but I didn't catch what it was. I did catch the words "Kill" and "Lelouch" though. "Yay you guys are back! Melissa, your not going to belive this. I've signed you up to work at Jareth's Opera, as a chorus girl!" Ana cried with glee. "WHAT!" Me and Mat exclaimed in chorus (I think I yelled it louder though...Mat doesn't really yell that loud when he's surprised or something). Mat was in such shock he let go of me (on accident I would hope) and I slammed against the sandy walls of Ana's grotto, nearly screaming from the pain in my ankle, and body where I had gotten injured. OW! GOD DAMN IT! I screamed in my head. I was astontished at what Ana had said. AT first I wasn't sure I had heard her right. But I had heard her correctly.
She had said (sure as hell) that she had signed me up to work at Jareth's Opera (technically Lelouch's), as a chorus girl. I would have complained about having to be a chrous girl, but I didn't. Strictly because I had stage fright, which, Ana and Mat would find odd simply because mermaid's loved to sing to attract people. And secondly if Lelouch had had any knowledge of this he'd get me the lead. Partly to show my "angel bird flower" voice, as Lelouch called it, (I get where he gets and angel and bird, but not flower) to the world, and secondly he could take me away from Mat and Ana again. I wouldn't mind being taken away from Ana and the eels again. But from Mat...I don't know. I had become attached to him sense he took me from Lelouch. I felt calm, and so warm and safe with him all the time. but then it him me! What if Ana was using me to draw Lelouch out so her and Mat could get rid of him for good. But that couldn't be it because Mat knew nothing about it. "Ana, are you out of your mind!?" Mat protested, as I stood silently. "We cant' let her work at the opera! We all know who's there! And he'd pounce as soon as he sees her!" I knew Mat meant my Lulu. Let him pounce! It isn't your weither I work at the opera! It was mine! It wasn't his choice if Lelouch took me away or not! It was MINE AND LELOUCH'S!! Ana just smiled at him, like she was trying to help Lelouch get me and him back together. Like she was trying to reunite use. If that was the case I'd love her forever (as a friend!). And that was saying someting considering she aggravated me a lot. "Ana, are you even listening to me!" Mat asked. "Do you know what you'v-", but I cut him off then. "MAT!! It's not your choice! The choice now stands with me!" He jerked around, to look at me! I think some of my old darkness had flared up because everyone seemed alarmed and alert, like I was going to attack. As I was lening against the sandy walls of the grotto from my injuries, I thought I would look pretty harmless. But I remembered my emotional status. I looked at Ana, half pissed, but assuring no harm. "Thank you, Ana." I said. She knew what I meant. She was delighted. "OH, MELISSA! I KNEW YOU DIDN'T HATE ME! NOW LET'S TEND TO THOSE SOUNDS! OH I'M SO-" She came at me like to glomp me. Ha! I'd stop her delight. "for actually did something right." I said. She stopped dead in her tracks, and feel to her feet, crying. I noticed Flotsam staring at me furiously. If only looks could kill. His eyes pierced me like daggers. He looked like he was boiling with fury all right, like a volcano ready to go off. I gave a darker look that would even scare Mat. I limped past them, and up the stairs. "Melissa...wait!...What about your wounds?!" Mat called out. "shut up, Mat!" I growned. I went to my room, and shut the door (and locking it), to block out Ana's crying, and Mat's protests to me about my wounds. Once inside I fell to the ground, my leg in pain where I had crashed to my bike (I had used magic to repair it before I got injured and blacked out). My whole body ached. I was a mess. I quickly used my most powerful healing magic technic to heal my wounds. My leg had only been a small sprain so letting it rest tonight wound mean it be as good as new in the morning. I went over to my desk to write. I liked being at peace like this. If Lelouch was with me right now it'd be really peaceful. I'd go back to him now, but Mat would stop me. And if I managed to escape Mat would raid Lelouch's place again, kidnap me, and kill Lelouch! Or if he saw me at the Opera performance, snatch me away before I could return to Lulu. thinking about Lulu like this made me want to listen to music. I reached into my desk, and put my headphones on to listen to my music. I put it on the Sailor Moon tune "Galaxia (Solarstone Remix)", and turned back to my writting as the music started playing. I hummed the tune joyfully as I wrote.
I thought I had heard Mat at my door while I worked, but ignored it. The tune on my ipod had changed to "Sailor Saturn's theme" from Sailor Moon just as I heard someone yell "YOU DEMONIC DARK LOVING, LELOUCH UPSEST MERMAID! I'LL DARE YOU MAKE THE ONE I LOVE CRY!" behind me. there went my peace. I paused my music (taking my headphones off), rising to my feet, and turning to Flotsam. He hadn't gotten through the door, but he had come throug hthe window. He was angry, obviously. I just smiled innocently to piss him off more. "You should know Ana attempted sucide the other night!" He growled. "And why should I care?" I asked. I must of looked pretty heartless downstairs, as well as sounded it, as I did now. "Because she's your friend!" Fletsoam snapped. "Of course you wouldn't know that. Lelouch made you forget her!" I started laughing evily. "because I asked him to make me forget her! All of you!" I toldh im. "Besids why would I want friends like her, or any of you!?" I knew Mat was bound to hear me downastairs. "Your a bunch of goody two shoes who think they know the world when they don't. She's annoying, and puts her nose in everyone's buissness, as does Mat, and she expecially sticks it in mine!" "She only does that because she-" He protested. "why should I care about you or them!" I interupted. "you worked with that witch that turned me huma! (I begrudge them for that) You, and your brother both! Mat's trying to turn me against Lelouch! ana's got no clue when she needs to stop butting in, and keeping to herself! Your all annoying! You took me from my Lelouch! I WANT MY LELOUCH!" I yelled. "How can you be so heartless!?" Floatsam shot back. "Heartless...ha...let me show you...just how heartless I can be!" I said. My anger was flaring. I could feel my powers boiling up. The water was becoming uneasy, and a nasty wind was starting up. "Melissa, calm down!" I heard Mat say. I glared at the window, and saw Mat there. "If you want your Lelouch so bad...why don't you just go back to him already?!" Flotsam yelled. Mat ran forward, and embraced me. "Flotsam, go! You've made her mad enough!" Mat said. He used magic to get the door open, and motioned Flet out. He left. "Melissa, you've gotta calm down!" Mat told me, hugging me closer. Suddenly I felt calmer. I felt my legs buckle on me and started to fall, but Mat caught me, and picked me up into his arms. "gotcha." he said. Then he laughed. "I think someone needs a little nap." I did feel tierd from all the excitement. I gave a yawn. "I do feel a...little...tierd." I said. Mat layed me in the bed, and pulled the covers over me. "You tire out to easily. He said. " you think...that...I'm heartless?" I asked. "No." He said, strocking my hair as I layed in the bed. "But Flotsam said-" I said. "Just ignore him." Mat said. I closed my eyes, and my mind became my eyes.
"Flet, I know your still there." Mat said. Fletsom came back into the room. "I still don't know or understand why you bothered saving her from that music loving, Melissa loving, singing puppy." Flet said. "Because I love her. And because she doesn't need to be in the darkness like that." Mat said. "She's nothing but trouble." Flet said. "Ana attempted suicide because of her! Melissa doesn't give a damn about us, or you. She only cares about her music, and that love sick twit Lelouch. Her precious little 'Lulu'". "You have to remember Flet..." Mat said, squeezing my hand. "Lelouch pretty much brainwashed her." I didn't hear anymore after that if there was any, because I blacked out. Next morning I sat in the tub soking up some water. My leg and my injuries all healed. Ana had already left for the Opera, and I said to her, in a rather hostile tone, that I'd join her there soon. After I dressed, and ate my breakfast I left. Mat had gone somewhere, along with Flet, and Jet. Knowing the lizards they'd be with Ana, Mat I had no idea. I went into the opera, and went to dress for the last was a good thing I could learn fast because this was going to be hell. Why'd she sign me up at the last second. Damn you Ana! I'll kill you for this. As we rehersed on stage, I looked around for Ana in the orcrasra area. I knew she was playing the flute, but didn't see her or the eels. Till I saw a girl with purple hair, stairing at me. Just staring at me, like I was a fasanating creature. Which I was to Lelouch. It was the way she stared at me that gave it away. Ana was in disquise as this purple haired girl. "Ana?" I mouthed. She nodded, and that was it. Why? Hiding from Lelouch no doubt! Lelouch wouldn't be fooled. As rehersal for "Hannibal" went on, people got more and more irritated, as well as having there eardrums ready to bust. And the eardrums part was only due to the singer for the Lead role of the play. I didn't know her name, but she sure as hell couldn't sing. If Lelouch was listening he was bound to show up soon and end her rain of ruining the arts. I noticed some of the women who helped the girls get ready for rehersal actually had ear plugs in there ears the girls singing was so bad. Did this girl honestly not know that she couldn't sing? Who was she? Whoever she was Ana didn't seem to like her too much. I noticed Ana getting angrier and angrier as the girl sang and the more she looked at her it showed. She noticed me staring. "She's so horrible. Who cast her as the lead again?" I mouthed trying to hold back a laugh. She snuck a move of sticking her finger in her mouth meaning discust, and then moved her finger across her through meaning "kill me". I tried to resist a laugh. I think Mat knew Ana was the purple haired girl to, because Flet and Jet dragged him in against his will not long after rehersal had started. Ana was behind this. She was not helping. I didn't want Mat to see me like this. Mat got up at one point and left the room. I could tell part of it was because he couldn't stand the lead stars singing, but also he looked like he needed to take a massive piss. When Mat returned was when all the drama really started. The girl playing the lead (girl) was a real drama queen, and diva. Everyone took there position's as we began rehersing the next scene. I stood in my dancing position ready to begin. Jareth came in then, and the diva became pleased. Everyone quitted down, and the diva stopped her horrible singing. Even Mat didn't like her singing. He nodded, and we continued as he watched...particuarly me, the diva, and the banisters above. She tossed something to the maidens backstage, and the chorus and dancing began. Mat watching me happily (while also watching for Lelouch). the Orcastra playing the tune to the song! I continued to dance.
With feasting and dancing and song Tonight in Celebration We great the victorious throng Returned and bring salvation!
The trumpets of Carthage resound Her, Romans, now and tremble Hark to our step on the ground Hear the drums Hannibal comes!
The diva strut across the stage like she had done well. Ugh! She was pathetic! A discrase! Then someone stepped on her costume, and she nearly tripped. Diva was pissed now! "You make my dress train too long!" She said to the costume makers. A man came forward and did his part of the scene, saying his lines in a sing song voice.
Sad to return To find the land we love Threatened once more By Roma's far-reaching grasp
Just then the Orcastra guy cut in, by tapping his stick director on his music post. Everyone became quite "Gentlemen, gentlemen--" He said. Jareth walked forward onto the stage. I glanced at Mat sitting near by, and he winked at me, causing me to blush. I didn't listen to what Jareth said, as I payed attention to Mat instead. Suddenly I glanced over as the diva walked forward as if to flirt or impress Jareth (this was the first time I'd seen Jareth in person, but not spoken to him). She reached her hand out to him, he took it and nodded. Come to learn she'd been the opera's leading role for five seasons. How? She was so horrible! She winked at Jareth, and curtsied. Then they said something about the lead man, and he bowed to Jareth. "An honor, signor. I believe I'm keeping you from your rehearsal. I will be here this evening to share your great triumph. My apologies for interuptin." Jareth said, stepping to the side to watch. "Once more if you please, signor." Said the conductor, to the lead man. "He love me. He love me." Said the diva to the maidens in her slight spanish accent. Everyone took there positions again, and Mat and Jareth continued watching what they had before. As the music began the chorus girls ran on the stage, and began dancing. "Exeptional beauty." I heard someone say. They directed the comment at me. "Promising talent." I heard them say. I blushed. "Very promising." The diva backed up into the middle of the stage like a slut, and the other cast members followed. "Hannibal's friends!" Everyone sang. Suddenly someone stepped on diva's dress, and there was a ripping sound. "Ah, me! Not on my dress! Why?" She said. She smiled again and continued to act. Stepping back more. There music continued, and I danced.
The trumpeting elephants sound Hear, Romans, now and tremble Hark to their step on the ground Hear the drums! Hannibal comes!
Diva was pissed about something again. The music stopped, and we stuck into our finishing positions! "All day! All they want is the dancing!" The diva yelled, as everyone took a break, and got ready for teh next scene. The diva came up to the Goblin King, Jareth, as he said he was excited about tonights gala, and said with a laugh, "I hope he is as excited by dancing girls as your new managers...(where was that coming from...what new managers) because I will not be singing!" Everyone stared. Oh s**t! What was she up to? She turned to leave, and everyone waved delighted. Others sighed at how stupid she was. "Get my doggy, bring my doggy. Bye-bye." She said going to the stage right. Jareth followed trying to keep the show from being cancelled because of her. "Monsieur Reyer, isn't there a rather marvelous aria for Act 3 or Hannibal? Perhaps the signora--" Jareth said to the conductor, Reyer. "No! No! Because I have not my costume for Act 3. Because Somebody not finish it! And I hate my hat!" She yelled at the costume designers. "Signora, as a personal favor, would you oblige us with a private rendition? (the diva started fake crying and me, Ana, and Mat rolled our eyes) Unless, of course, Monsieur Reyer objects." Jareth said. Diva regained control and smiled. "If my managers command. Monsieur Reyer?" She said. "If my diva commands." The conductor, Reyer, said. "Yes, I do." The diva said, taking her position. "Everyone, very quiet!" She ordered. The conductor took his place, as did the Orcrastra (turning to Act 3's song 'think of me'). "Signora." The conductor said, ready to begin. "Maestro." She said. Everyone braced themselves for the horror of her voice.
Think of me think of me foundly When we've said goodbye (Jareth flinched at how horrible she was) Remember me once in a while Please promise me you'll try When you find that once again You long to take your heart back And be free--
Suddenly one of the sets fell on the diva, and others ran as not to get hit. I looked at Mat who looked at Ana, who nodded. They knew it was Lelouch. They turned to me, and watched me closely. Every move I made they observed. Damn I couldn't run off to Lelouch. Mat and Ana would see me, and Mat would catch me in no time because he was so fast. "Oh my god, signora!" Someone yelled running forward. "I hate you!" The diva yelled. Flet and Jet watched closely as well. I looked up in the banisters above the stage, to see Lelouch's shape in the shadow's. I saw his pruple eyes staring down at me. I became mesmerized and heard the music of the night again. "L-Lelouch" I mouthed. He nodded. "Take me with you..." I mouthed. "Not yet. The time must be right. And I want you to share your voice with the world for once. I'll save you soon. And take you into my arms again." He mouthed. He melted into the shadows, but I knew he was still there. I turned back to the stage, disappointed. Mat and the eels saw him as well as Ana and me. They were more alert, but Ana seemed deep in thought, but quickly recovered. "Lift it up!" The diva yelled. "Signora, are you all right? Buquet! For god's sake, what's going on up there?" Jareth said, though he knew what it was. Everyone turned to Buquet who handled the settings in the banisters who came running up to his past. "Please, monsieur, don't look at me. As god's my judge. I wasn't at my post. Please, monsieur, there's no one there." Buquet said, Jareth noticed a letter on the ground, which I realized was from Lelouch by the stamp seal on it, and put it on his coat. "Or if there is, well, then, it must be a ghost." Buquet said. "These things do happen." Jareth told the diva. "For the past three years these things do happen. And did you stop them from happening? No! And you Monsieur Jareth are as bad as him. 'These things do happen." Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen!" She walked off, and everyone knew she wasn't coming back!
Finally! I thought. But...who would take her place?! "She will be coming back, won't she?" Said the compser. "You think so, monsieur?" Said Jareth, holding up the letter from Lelouch. "I have a message from the Opera Ghost. He welcomes us all to his Opera House. And he continues to command we leave box five empty...for his use. And reminds me his salary is due." He continued. "Obviously we shall have to cancel as it appears we have lost our star!" Someone said. "But surely there must be a understudy." Someone else said. "There is no understudy for the diva!" A Orcrastra member said. "A full house, Jareth! We shall have to refund a full house!" The conductor said. "Melissa Sapphire Triton could sing it, sir!" Ana said. Everyone turned to her, as I did in anger and shock. whispers started up about someone ase young as me not able to do it, or not ready. "What, a chorus girl? Don't be silly." Said the conductor. How insulting. I knew Lelouch would be pissed at hearing this! "She has been taking lessons from a great teacher." Ana said. "Who?" Asked Jareth, already knowing. "I don't know his name, monsieur. He hasn't told me." I lied. "Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught." Ana said. Mat had a "What the hell are you thinking!" look on his face. "All right. Come on, don't be shy. Come on, come along. Just..." Said Jareth. Everyone got quite, and Mat watched intensely knowing this was the first true time he'd hear me sing. I stood center stage and ready. "From the beginning of the aria then, please, mademoiselle." The conductor said. I had to suck it up here and now. But Mat watching wasn't helping. But I knew Lelouch was watching, and guiding me, giving me courage! I had to do this! Not only because I knew I could do it, despite my stage fright. But also for Lelouch. I mustard up my courage. The music started and so did I. I started out a little shy, but quickly gained the courage I needed.
Think of me Think of fondly When we've said goodybe Remember me once in a while Please promise me you'll try
When you'll find That once again you long To take your heart back And be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me
I sang straight from my heart. Mat sat on the edge of his seat like an angel had just decended from heaven, and spoke. The other cast members, all stared in aw, suprised taht such a young girl like me could sing so well. The Orcastra stopped playing as the conductor stopped waving his conduction, and stared. I stopped singing thinking I had done something wrong. Suddenly Jareth, and everyone applaed. I blushed deeply. "We have found our star!" Jareth cried in delight, and applause. I looked in the banesters, and from the shadow's Lelouch smiled, and applaued. He looked sad though at me not being in his arms right now though. I missed him. I missed being with him. After rehearsal's Mat waited for me outside the dressing rooms for me. When I came out he smiled as he leand against the wall. "How come you've never sang in front of me before?" He said, dissapointed. "I have. In the cave the night I first saw Lelouch." I said. "Kind of hard to understand you when your voice and his was ecoing all over the place." Mat said. "Hey guys." Ana said coming up to us. "An-" She placed a finger over my mouth. "As long as were in the Opera House you will call me Mei Lei." She said. Mat rolled his eyes. "I think he already knows who you are, 'Mei Lei'" He laughed, and she gave him a look. We left. "So how does it feel to be the lead?" Ana asked. "Good I suppose." I said. "Why'd you go and point me out though! I didn't ask you too!" I snapped at her, and then went walking on my own. "Well...I'll just go make sure she's not going evil on us again." Mat said running after me. "SURE! TAKE HER SIDE!" Ana yelled after him. Once we got back, Mat followed me to my room. What the hell. "Do you have a nagging thing for following me?!" I snapped at him. "You have stage fright...don't you?" Mat asked. I froze in my tracks. " course not! Don't be rediculus!" I stuttered. "So you do...why are you embaressed about it? Is it because your a mermaid and you know your used to singing to attact people. Particularly men." Mat asked. "I do not have stage fright!" I blushed. "You don't need to be embaressed, Melissa. Everyone has there fears and all that." Mat said. "I'm not afraid...of anything." I said, getting my things to take a bath before the play, and dinner. "I can see it in your aura. That your embaressed, and that your liying about the stage fright thing." He said, coming up behind me, and wrapping his arms around me (not helping my blushing). "It's understandable." He said. I looked down at my feet, and took Mat's arms off of me. Heading for the door I said, "Not for a mermaid, Mat. We're supposed to sing and attract men with our singing. I don't like singing in front of people. It's nerve wreacking." I walked out the door to go take my bath, and closed the door. As I stood outside my bedroom door I heard Mat say, "You seemed fine while doing it in rehersals, and you have a beautiful voice."
I sat in the tub soaking up some water. I needed to realax. It was bad enough that I was going to have to be the lead role, but it was even more nerve wreaking to know I had to do be the lead role in front of thousands of people. It was several hours away, so I had to use my time to relax. Then I thought about the diva who quit the opera. Ana didn't seem to like her too much. I wonder if Ana knew her. I'd have to find out. Deciding to get out of the bath, I drained the water down the drain, and then got dressed. I went downstairs to find Ana on the couch. She had what looked to be a anime rain cloud hanging over her head (this was a figure of language though). "Hey, Ana. I have a question...but...what's wrong?" I asked. Then she did something I'd never expect from her. She blew up all in my face. "You drive me to the edge! I attempted suicide the other night because of you, and I'm pissed I didn't succed! Your driving me crazy! We used to be close friends, and now your just a b***h to me! Your always being hostile, and putting me down! You don't even appreciate the fact that I got you the part as the lead in the opera Hannibal! Why don't you go back to your Lelouch, get out of my house, or just leave me the hell alone b***h!" I started to tear up, and when she noticed the first tear fall she seemed to become a lot less angry. "M...Melissa, are...are you ok?" She asked. "'s want then I'll leave." I said. I ran from the room, nearly slamming into Mat. "Melissa?" He asked. I ignored him, and went to my room. I layed on my bed, my face buired into my pillow, and the rest of me hidding under my bed covers. I could hear Mat and Ana arguing downstairs. "She's such a b***h to me?" Ana said. "Ana, was that really nesacery?" He asked. "I don't think she hates you. You have to remember, Ana, Lelouch pretty much brainwashed her, and erased all her memories. Melissa may still be struggling to remember you as being her friend." "She seems to have no problems remembering you." Ana said. "That's because I've spent a lot of time with her, and somehow, for whatever reason, just warmed up to me more faster then what she is with you." Mat said. "I don't think she hates you either. I think her always being angry at you is how she shows affection towards you." "How is that affection? And why are you always taking her side?" Ana snapped. "I am not taking sides! I just have a better understanding what's going on with Melissa then you right now. Because I've been around her for so long lately. It's like I can see right into her heart, what's going on in her heart and mind. I can see her aura. It changes moods all the time and very easily. Her moods change at a rapid pace." Mat said. I heard him leave the room and coming up the stairs. I put my pillow over my head. "Melissa, I know your awake." Mat said. Damn it! I forgot to lock the door. "Leave me alone!" I snapped through my pillow. "Take the pillow off of your head." He said, trying to take it from me. "No." I said. He pulled it off of me to reveal my tear streaked face. "Why are you and Ana always fighting?" He asked. I wondered how my aura looked right now to him. "She pisses me off easily. I don't see how she was ever my friend. She sticks her nose in my buisness all the time, when she shouldn't, and I don't want her too." I said, hugging my stuffed bunny close. "She's a pain in the a**. She aggravates me. Expecially when she pulls out those really big sophisticated words out on me. I may be a princess but I don't know big words like she does. And it makes me feel stupid. What's more is she treats those eels like actual people." Mat looked at me. I knew he was listening. "Do you begrudge Flet, and Jet because they worked for Ursula?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "I dont' think there that bad...anymore anyways. And don't worry. Your not stupid." Mat said, ruffling my hair, and laughing.
When I left my room, Ana had already left for the opera. Flet and Jet were waiting for Mat to talk to him about something. I didn't expect Mat to be going to the opera. Partly because he didn't like sitting around for long, and two these opera's were formal so he'd have to wear a tux which he claimed was not his style. I could only think of one reason he would go: to hear me sing, and act, but also to keep Lelouch from getting me. It still would of been nice if he would go. I needed all the courage I could get, and I wanted Mat to be there for some reason. As I walked towards the dressing rooms of the opera, Ana (as Mei Lei) came up to me as she headed for the hall that lead to where the Orcrasra was to go. I didn't feel like talking to her right now. I was planning on looking for somewhere else to stay after tonight so I'd be out of Ana's hair. Maybe even secretly stay with Lelouch without Mat's notice. Or perhaps we could live in a nice little house by a lake or something. Hightly doubt that would happen though. I looked down, I think she saw what I was thinking. "You can stay at my place whenever you like." She said. "Thanks." I said. I thought for a moment. "What's her name?" I asked her. "Huh?" She said confused. "The diva that didn't seem to like her. You know her. I know you do. What's her name?" I said with my hand on the door knob that lead to my dressing room, looking down at it. She sighed. "Her name is Sophia. Though her friends (suprise she has any the diva she is appears to be) call her Serena." Ana said. "And how do you know her?" I asked, not looking up. "She...she's my sister (first time she's ever mentioned any of her family)." Ana said. "I'll explain more about it later. Right now we have an opera to put on." she added walking off. We were having a pep talk thing going on right before the play. As the curtin was closed and we were getting ready for the first Act and scene. Some of the actors looked outside the cutin to see if there friends and loved ones were in the audiance. I decided to look myself and see how the Orcrasta was doing...and (I admit) to see if Mat had come. I saw Ana and them turning to the page of music they needed. Ana saw me, and smiled at me weakly. I think she caught on I was seeing if Mat had come. She giggled, and pointed directly over her shoulder. Mat sat there. He looked like he was there against his will, and at the same time like he was ok with being there. I saw Felt on his right, and Jet on his left. They had forced him to come. What was more was they had forced him into a tux. It suited him. He looked up a little, and I went behind the curtain again, blushing. I didn't want him to see me yet. Jareth went out on the stage to begin the play saying he hopped everyone would enjoy todays opera. When he did everyone got into position, and the opera begain, as the applause died down. Hannaibal was a success so far. Everything was going great. And my favorite scene was coming up. The song 'think of me' from act 3 of the opera. The song that I had sung earlier today in rehersal. As I sat in my dressing room waiting to be called for the scene in my dressing room (we were having a short intermition to get ready for the scene), I heard Lelouch's voice whispering in my ear. I jerked around, but didn't see him. Was he hidding the shadows again? He sometimes did it to tease me...sometimes it ended up scaring me.
"Lelouch?" I asked, as I placed my earrings for the scene in. He popped out of the mirror in the dressing room as I sat at a chair with a desk in a elagent silver dress with silver star earrings, and hair pins. Silver glittery eye shadow on as well (what more was the scene I was getting ready to do was a moonlite scene). I ran to him. "Why won't you take me with you now?" I asked. He smiled, and kissed me gently on the lips. Oh those lips! Those lips had come back to me. I hadn't felt them touch my lips in so long. I placed my hand at my mouth feeling the tickling feeling, I always did when he kissed me, for the first time in so long, and smiled. "The time is not ripe yet." He said. "Besides don't you want to share your voice with the world?" He asked. "No." I said. "I only want to share it with you (and mat)." He chuckled, and brought me close to his chest. "Your doing fine. I know you can do it. Nothing can shun you." He said. "Besides....I'm here guiding you." "Lelouch, why did you get me the lead?" I asked. "Despite your stage fright you were perfect for the part. That other girl was ugly, and couldn't cary a single note. She brought nothing but shame to the opera." He said. I giggled. "She is a diva." I said. "Everyone was glad to see her gone." he said. Someone tapped at my door. "Mademoiselle Triton, we're ready for you." Said one of the workers. "Thank you." I said. "Don't worry you'll do fine. I'm here." Lelouch said, again kissing me gently, and bringing me closer. "I'll be watching your beauty from Box 5." He said...then...he was gone. "I want to go back with you, Lelouch." I said with a sigh. Act 3 progressed easily, and now it was time for my big scene. I was nervous. I looked out the curtain again as everyone got ready, and saw Mat waiting anxiously for me, and Ana readying herself and her flute. I looked up towards box 5, and saw Lelouch hidden well in the shadows watching and waiting. The tux he wore so dark, and his hair so dark made it impossible to see him. The only way you'd know he was there is if you saw his eyes. Mat had saw me looking, along with Ana, and looked where I had. They saw him, and they immediatly became alurt. I went behind the curtain again, and waited for the scene to begin. The scene went well, and then it came to my big song 'think of me'. I walked to the center stage, and Mat got on the edge of his seat again. The people behind stage watched with intreging looks. As I stood on the moonlite scene I begain the song.
Think of me Think of me foundly When we've said goodbye Remember me once in a while Please promise you'll try
When you find That once again you long To take your heart back And be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me
I had started out shy, and then became confedent knowing Mat was watching, as well as Lelouch. People sat on the edge of there seat's amazed. The angel had spoken. I glanced at Box 5 where Lelouch was. He was watching, smiling at my triumph. He nodded, and I became more confedent. I continued on with the song, as the orcrasha continued to play the song.
We never said our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember Stop and think of me
Think of all the things We've shared and seen Don't think about the way Things might have been Think of me, think of me waking Silent and resighed
Imagine me, trying too hard To put you from my mind Recall those days Look back on all those times Think of all things we'll never do There will never be a day When I won't think of you
As the next instrumental break came people bagan to applause with a start, even Mat was. "Can it be? Can it be Melissa? My angel?" I heard Lelouch say from his box teasingly, knowing I could hear him, in a sing song voice. "BRAVO!" He exclaimed clapping. Mat and Ana looked up at him. They knew he would be pleased at my perfect voice. He continued to applause, while standing up. "Long seems so long young and innocent we were...she may not remember me...but I remember her." He said again in a sing song teasing me voice. I surpassed a giggle. I have not forgotten you my angel I thought. Mat seemed to get sad at me being happy at seeing Lelouch, but not him. Then Mat saw me staring at him as I got ready to sing again, and smiled. See I saw you silly boy.
Flowers fade The fruits of summer fade They have their seasons So do we But please promise me That sometimes You will think
Everyone backstage watched wondering if I could pull of this high note. Lelouch had no doubt I couldn't. The Orcrastra seemed a little nervus though. Even Ana. Have a little more faith girl.
Ooooo oooo oooof (this line was vocalized) Of Meee~! (and the last bit was carried out till the music stopped)
The music stopped, and I stopped singing. The song now done. Suddenly the audiance stood up, and started applauing. I had earned a standing obation. Jareth stood up in his box and clapped as well. "Brava! Stupinda (he means excellent)!" He cried. Lelouch stood up in his box as well, and clapped as hard as he could. "Bravo, Brava, Bravissimo!" He said. He took a rose out of his pocket, and rose it up enough for me to see. He had meant by showing it...he loved me, and that he was extremely proud of me. I looked to where Mat was he was also standing and clapping, smiling at me. Then he winked at me. I kept getting redder by the second. I looked at the Orcrastra. They had placed there instruments down, and were standing clapping. Even Ana, despite our fight from earlier today. The play was over, and it had been a success. Suddenly I felt a little to warm from the blushing, and embaressment. Everything was getting blurry. My head was spinning. Suddenly I felt myself falling backwards. Then I heard a girl and a boy (Ana and Mat) cry "MELISSA!" From the audiance. Followed by gasps from the crowd. "MY ANGEL!" I heard Lelouch cry...then...nothing...I knew no more. When I next opened my eyes, I could hear someone repeating my name, as they squeezed my hand. "Melissa? Melissa, can you hear me? Is she all right?" Mat asked someone. "Yes, she's fine." A kindly women's voice answered. "It was just a simple faint spell. Just let her rest. She'll come to in a bit." I heard Mat sigh in relief. The women left the room. "Considering she's a princess, I'm not surprised. It's sort of a princess like thing to do. Princess' seem prone to fainting sometimes." Ana laughed. I groaned. "Melissa?" Mat asked. I could tell he was the one squeezing my hand, partly because I knew he was sitting right there next to me. I let my eyes flutter open. I looked next to me to see Mat (of course), and Ana leaning against a wall as Mei Lei. I kept looking around to realize I was laying on the couch in my dressing room. How'd I get here? The last thing I remember was being on stage, and then as the kindly lady said fainting. "Ugh. My head." I said, rubbing my aching head. "Here." Mat said handing me a drink and some pills. "This'll help." I took the pills and then a drink to help swallow. "Thanks." I said. "How'd I get here? Last thing I remember was a lot of people clapping, and then nothing." I added. "You fainted. So I carried you your dressing room." Mat said. Ana laughed. "You should of seen him trying to get up to the stage to help you. He looked funny. Nearly tripping over everything in his path. He acted like Lelouch was going to get you if he didn't hurry." She said. "I did not!" Mat blushed. "Yes, you did." Ana argued. "Guys, can we not do this now?" I asked, holding my head from the pain. "Sorry." They said. "Where'd all these flowers come from?" I asked, sitting up. "" Ana said. "It seems you've became a star in no time flat." Mat said. I groaned. Great...more people trying to steal me away from Lelouch. "Why don't we go get something to eat?" Ana suggested. Mat stood up. "Yeah. I'm starved." He said. "I'll be there in a minute. Going to change real fast." I said. "We'll wait for you near the entrence." Ana said. "I'll come check on you before long. Don't need to worry me so much." Mat said. I could tell he didn't want to leave me alone. He was afraid Lelouch would appear and take me away again if he didn't keep a close eye on me. Expecially now that he knew that he had seen me preform, and knew I was working at the opera. I nodded and they left.
"Lelouch?" I asked, after they were gone. He walked out of the shadows, carrying a bucay of roses. I ran to him, and nearly knocked him over, as I glomped him. "You sang so beautifuly tonight." He said. I blushed. "Well I have you to thank. For giving me courage (and Mat), and for inspiring me to let my voice out." I said. He wrapped his arms around me. "You have no idea how much you saying that means to me." He said. "Why can't you take me back with you yet?" I asked. Then I remembered his injured shoulder. "Is it because Mat injured you or something?" I asked. I lead him over to the couch, and sat down next to him. "No." He said. "Mat would follow if I took you while he's around...and as he's an obstical I'm still planning to take you back with me without his interferance." He took my hand, and handed me the roses. "For you." He said. "There beautiful." I said. "Thank you." He leand forward and kissed me gently on the lips. I sat them to the side on a small table, and started taking the top portion of his tux off. I had to see how bad his injury was. "How's your shoulder?" I asked, as I removed the white shirt under his tux coat, revealing his bare chest. I looked at the bandages on his shoulder. They were a little bloody. "It's not healthy or sanitary to leave a bloody bandage like that on for long." I said. He laughed. "I took a bath before I came, and the hot water sort of disagreed on helping sooth my wound." He said. I fetched a small clouth to use to re-bandage his shoulder, and then started removing his bandages. As I looked at the wound, I noticed it had stopped bleeding, but the injury was still pretty bad. I tossed the old bandages in the waste basket, and started putting the new one's on. He groaned a little as I did, but not much. "Does it hurt?" I asked. "Just a little." He said. "There." I said, done with my task. "Thanks." He said. I threw myself into his arms, and laid against his chest as he layed down on the couch, holding me. "I miss being with you." I said. "I do to." He said, bringing me close. The hot skin of his chest felt nice to me. I hadn't felt it sense the night that we had been about to have sex before Mat and them rudely inturupted us. He petted my head, and I started feeling drowsy."Melissa, you must love me." He said. "How can you talk like that? When I sing only for you!" I said, sadly, and trembling. "Sorry." He said. "You know I love you." I said. "I know. How's your head feel?" He asked. "Fine." I said. "Good." He said. "You took a hard hit to the head when you fainted. Are you very tired?" "Oh, tonight I gave you my soul and I am dead." I said. "Your soul is a beautiful thing, child," Lelouch replied, "and I thank you. No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight." I snuggled closer to him, and then someone knocked at the door again. "Melissa, what's taking you? Are you all right? Is there someone in there with you?" Mat asked. I jerked up, and Lelouch thrust his tux shirt, coat, and tie on again. He vanished into the shadows. I looked around the room for my cloths, in the clutter of roses, as Mat came in. "Melissa, didn't you hear me?" He asked. I looked up at him. "Huh," I said. "Sorry...just...just a little dazzed tonight." "Maybe you hit your head a little hard after all." He said. "Maybe. I'll be fine. I'll be out in a minute. As soon as I can find my cloths, and change." I said. "I'll wait outside the door." Mat said, leaving the room, and closing the door. Lelouch came out of the shadow's again. "Do you need help getting into your cloths?" He asked, coming up, and wrapping his arms around me. "I'm fine. If only I could find the damn things." I said. Once I found them I started changing.
Then I heard Jareth talking to Mat outiside the door. "I thought I'd come down here, and see how Melissa was." Jareth said. "She's fine. She just seems to be a little dazzed and confused right now. She just fainted, but I think when she hit the floor she hit it a little hard, but she's fine." Mat said. "Good." Jareth said. "She's just changing cloths and then we'll be off." Mat said. "Well have a good night." Jareth said, walking off. "Lelouch, can you help me get this dress off?" I asked. Lelouch started helping me out of the dress. I didn't mind that he was getting ready to see me in nothing but a bra, and panties as he had seen me naked before. "You shouldn't stay up late tonight. You do look a little dazzed." Lelouch said. "I don't really plan on it." I said. I pulled my skirt on, and then my blouse. "I just rather go home with you now." I said. "And I'd love to take you right now, but it's to risky." Lelouch said. "Who's voice is that? Who is that in there?" Mat said, knocking on the door again. "Melissa, Melissa!" Lelouch went into the shadow's again. "Come in." I said sitting on the couch to put my knee high silver boots on. "Melissa, was that Lelouch I heard?" He asked. "No." I lied. Mat stared at me suspecefully. "Mat, I think your as dazzed as I am." I said, getting up, and feeling your forehead. "Maybe you should go wait with Ana. I'll be there in a moment." I turned him towards the door, and shoved him out the door. Lelouch came out of the shadow's again. "I'd like to mangle the mangy mutt right now." Lelouch said. "But I can't because of my injury. I can't fight." I ran to him. "He can't find us if we remain in the shadow's without his notice." I said. "No, I want him to fall to his knees at the mercy of my power." Lelouch said. "I will come for you soon." Then he was gone. I picked the roses he gave me up from the table, and left the room. As I walked to the entrece of the opera Mat looked up at me, still suspces that someone else had been in the room with me. he was pretty much oblivious though that Lelouch had been in the room with me. He was unaware I had had several secret meetings with Lelouch tonight. "Where'd the roses come from?" He asked. "Oh, these? A...admirer." I said with a smile, and blush. I smelt the roses.
I would get to return to Lelouch soon. And once in his arms again, nothing would tear us appart. And I would wait for that day as patiently as I could. Lelouch, don't keep me waiting for too long. I thought, as we left, as I gave the opera house one last glimpse. Soon I would live with Lelouch here....forever.

To be continued in Chapter 62...