Chatper 60: Awaken Guardian of the Elements: Shadow/Darkness
Mat stared at me curiously, from the couch. What did he see in this uneasy smile? Perhaps he didn’t know what the smile meant yet, but something told me he would shortly, though. He didn’t seem to say anything else so I started towards the door, but he stopped me as I tried to. Did he already know what I was up to, or did he think I would try to go back to Lelouch if I went out on my own (not a bad idea in some ways)? Lelouch…I thought. I hoped he was all right. My heart ached thinking he wasn’t. And my heart still longed for him, though my feelings for Mat had grown grown greatly sense he took me from Lelouch. It was like a neck-to-neck battle that neither one wanted to lose. It was like watching Mat and Lelouch fighting for my heart all the time. “Melissa, I believe now’s the time to tell you something I should have said before. It’s about Brocko…and a few others.” He said. Ugh! I didn’t need this right now! I had those eight gems to find! I needed to get even with Jordan! “I guess I could listen. It might be best for me to know.” I said, as calmly as I could manage. All I could think about were those gems. My birthright. Make it quick, dog breath! I thought (what I’m stubborn, and I’m not completely back in the light. He a very cute doggy though! Kawaii!) Mat motioned his finger telling me to come sit on the couch with him. Relucently, I did. I was to anxious to though. I kept shifting positions in my seat. Hopefully he didn’t notice. Get on with it already, cute doggy! I thought. I have something important to do! I shifted in my position again. Mat sat for a moment before beginning. “Ok then. So, I don’t exactly know much, but what I heard from my fairy partner, Twilie, they’re not the kind of people you would want to mess around with. They are known as the Dark Elementals, the beings representing the darkness of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. The one we fought was Brocko, the Dark Earth, and the leader of the four. As you already know, he’s ruthless and will complete any mission by any means necessary. The Dark Wind, Airius, is the second-in-command and can cause entire cities to be destroyed only by wind. She holds a scythe with two blades, each on opposite sides. The reason to fear her is that she has total control of the wind currents, and she isn’t hesitant to use them.” He said. Fairy partner, what the hell! I didn’t know he had a fairy partner. “The Dark Fire, Fyriax, is the embodiment of the destruction that fire can bring. He uses special spikes to claw at or throw at enemies, leaving internal damage to your body, as well as leaving you to die in a blazing wildfire. He’s the one who has already gone beyond the point of insanity. He can start a huge blaze just by touch something and he will not hesitate to kill.”
Well that’s how evil works isn’t it. They are supposed to be strong and evil to the bone. Joy! Just put me up against any of them once I have all the gems see how they fair against me. Especially the one of water. I’d take his…or her…as down in a heartbeat. “The last one is Sirenair, the Dark Water. Beautiful, but deadly. She has complete control over water, bending it and summoning it through the power of her Harp Staff. She also holds what is called Black Water. It’s a dangerous liquid, found only on one planet. I’ve been to the planet, and trust me….you would never survive there. It’s a cursed world, covered by eternal darkness. The Black Water has the power to cancel out the ability to breathe underwater, whether the power was gained, transferred, or born with. Nothing, not even mermaids, or even fish themselves, can breathe when submerged in Black Water. A lot of people have died from it.” He said. Ok…maybe she was more dangerous…take her staff away and then she’s nothing except for have a dangerous liquid that would suffocate me! No biggy…wrong! The question was did she keep the liquid in a container. Get the container or whatever she kept it in, and then she couldn’t fight could she? Without the staff she had no control over water, and without the liquid she couldn’t kill you. “They are mercenaries for the Dark Princess Sparkle, and evil ruler who was sealed for 13 years inside the Aqua Star. I didn’t know of what would happen when me and Sparkle (good Sparkle) rejoined the 7 shards of the star and freed her. But I was forced to find the shards and restore the Aqua Star. After that, I searched Tidus, the planet I was sent to, for a way to stop her once and for all. That’s where another entity comes in: Dark Mat.” He said. That was surprising he had a dark side. I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised…everyone has darkness inside them. “I too have had a darkness pulled from me. He was the first villain I faced on Tidus. The true villain I fought was Taiga, the Alien King. It was about 7 or 8 years ago, when I was still a child. I was with my parents,” He said. I tried to picture a small little version of Mat. Couldn’t get it in my mind. I couldn’t picture him as a small child. But then I heard the word “parent”. This had been the first time he’d ever mentioned his parents in front of me. “traveling to an island to visit some people. I was swept off the ferry by a huge wave that came in. I thought I was going to die, until I heard a magical melody. It was the first time I had seen a mermaid, and the mermaid was Sparkle. Of course, at that time, I had not known who you were because we never met then. The melody I heard was from the ocarina that I hold now, which the young Sparkle gave me.”
So he’d be separated from his parent’s, and Sparkle saved him. Sad….having to raise yourself at a young age like that. This only happened two or three years after my mother died. But I still had family to take care of me. Him…Mat…he had to take and look after himself. I hoped he would find his parent’s again someday. At least he could have both his parents. He still didn’t know why I never mentioned my mother though. I would probably tell him one day, but not any time soon. I was never really good at talking about it verbally. I never really talked about it. After she died my family just never seemed to mention it, so I never talked about it for that reason. Mat would have to pin me down, and give me a truth telling potion to get me to tell. But he was sweet, he wasn’t going to force me to tell…not unless I wanted to. “I became its keeper when Taiga invaded Earth and kidnapped her. Even though I was scared stiff, I had been given courage from her and with the help from Elias, Sparkles’ older brother, we got her back and I destroyed Taiga…or so I had thought.” I hated when you defeat and enemy but they just keep coming back. “Back on Tidus, he was resurrected by his followers, the Light Destroyers, and by capturing three spirits I gained as allies: Hanon, Spirit of Wisdom, can use nearly any kind of magic. Rina, Spirit of Courage, can smash up nearly anything with supreme strength. And Luchia, Spirit of Power, is balanced in both magic and physical strength. All three have helped me in various ways, but they also helped in me getting Aura powers.” He said. He seemed to always be surrounded by girls no matter what. Grr. Made me think I’d never get my chance with him. Though we’d kissed I wasn’t really sure if we were dating or not, and the pull towards Lelouch was still there. “So you see, I live a very dangerous life. I don’t like to put other people in danger, which is why I travel by myself or with others who are able to protect themselves. That’s why I don’t let you travel with me.” I was particually offended. His words burned in my head: That's why I travel by myself, or with others that can protect themsevles. I was offended completely. It hurt hearing those words. This was why he didn't let me travel with him. I couldn't protect myself. Couldn't. That word was etched in my brain. It...that word...was scratching, and digging at my heart burning a hole in my heart. It was like he was saying straight to my face "Your weak!" And those words were smacking me in the face. Clear across it. My dissapointment turned into anger. So I was...I was a mermaid princess! I wasn't expected or supposed to do anything dangerous like sword fighting! we were just to sit back and watch our people die, and give orders. What did he expect a princess to be! Some kind of warrior that could kick anyone's a**! Or were we all suposed to be weak, fragile, small people that couldn't defeatned or hurt a fly! A princess was waited on hand and foot. I may of been advetureous, and rebellious for a princess, but I wasn't built for fighting. So...I was weak was I?! Pathecilly weak! Fragile! AN EASY KILL! Lelouch had always said I was fragile. With me, everyone had to protect me! Not only because I was a princess, but because I was weak! I wanted to punch someone, and I wanted to cry. Go into my room, lock myself in, turn out the lights, climb into my bed, curl up into a ball, and cry. Weak...was that all I was ever going to be? Weak, defenseless, watching people die to protect me. I really wanted to hit someone, or throw something around. I resisted my impulse to take my fist and punch or slap Mat. If I did it wouldn't of ended well. I was pissed. Beyond pissed! I got to my feet, and left the room. I went to the kitchen and proed some ice cold tea in a bottle. I needed to go get t hat gem, as well as get some air. I needed to get out of here before I ended up punching Mat, or throwing something. I was going for that gem. Call me weak, or fagile will they? I'll show them weak! More like give them a piece of my ******** mind. I went to the entrance of the grotto, and got on my Mach Bike. Once I got those gems I'd be stronger, and no one would call me weak ever again. With just one of those gems it was bound to boost my strength, and ability's greatly. I kicked the engine into gear, and took off. I had memorized what the book said exactly. the shadow/darkness gem was at "Shadow's Peak", and I had the perfect place in my mind. I had a vivid image of a place on a cliff in my head for some reason. A temple sitting on the cliff. The cliff would be covered in storm clouds. I had heard of a place like this before, but I couldn't place my finger on it. I would know the place when I saw it though. Nothing would stop me from getting the gems. As I rode towards the edge of town I noticed I was crying, it was making it hard for me to see. I pulled over to dry my tears. Those last words Mat had said realy hurt. I wasn't that weak...was I? I could be strong...couldn't I? I used the sleeve of my shirt to whip my tears away, the just kept coming though.
I hated this! I hated being a princess, and being...w-weak. I had always depended on others for help when I was in trouble. I'd always depended on others. I'd never been able to defend myself. I was always waited on hand, and foot. And I was sick of it! I was tiered of being a weakling! Tiered of always having to have others come save my a**! For once I wanted to be the one to save someone. I wanted to be the hero/heroine for once! I whiped more of my tears away, but they didn't stop. Everyone who looked at me would consider me weak physicaly more then mentally. I could process things better in mind, like catching on to an opponets moves, but I ahd never been able to defend myself from them physically. I could be strong. I could defend myself. Why was I always the weak one? Why was I always the one that didn't know how to use magic? I was capable of being strong. The wind was picking up, and I could see strom clouds. Then it hit me. A place on a cliff, covered in storm cliffs...Strom Peak. I had heard of Strom Peak before. It wasn't really an ideal place to inhabit. It was known for heavy rain all the time, with hardly any breaks in between. I think Mat ahd mentioned it before. Rumor had it that there was a temple there. No one ever went to Strom Peak though, so the temple had never been exxplored. But stories had been told of a animal there. An animal with black fur, and yellow rings on it's body with red eyes. Stories by those who dared venture near (and there were very few) said it would stand at the door of the temple, and stare at you. But stare like it was looking through you, waiting for something...or someone in particular. Temple equeled...gem. creppy unihabited peak equeled...gem. Uneplored temple equeals Shadow/Darkness gem! BINGO! I had it! The book said "one at Shadow's Peak" it meanst Storm Peak! And the creature...the book mentioned some of the creature's she created...she had a coule of "pets" that represented a specific element that helped created the world, but they also represented a certain planet, or star. The creature in the stories may be one of her "pets", and it was probably waiting for her...the godess to come back. Or the birthright owner of the gems to It might be guarding the gem, or something. Either way the book said ti would know when she would appear. I dried the last of my tears, and kicked the bike into life again. I headed east, in the direction of Storm Peak, going at the fastest speed the bike would go (110 mph). Before I left I used magic to repare damages to the bike from where Brocko tried to kill us. It started to sprinkle rain as I rode, the wind growing stronger. I stopped again, and quickly placed my cloak on so I wouldn't change into a mermaid if I got wet. I then used magic on the bike so even if the rain hit it, it wouldn't even get wet 9the rain on it would vanish immediatly). No more distractions, I thought. I took off again, going 110 mph, till I could see the cliff. Storm Peak. It lived up to its name. the heavy rain was petliting down on me hard. It did nothing to my bike thanks to the magic. I parked at the entrense to the temple. I saw no red eyed creature with black fur, and yellow glowing rings, though. I was perfectly alone...for now. I walked through the temple door, and into the dark. s**t! I thought. I couldn't see a thing. I had spent some time in the dark with Lelouch, though, so my eyes adjusted quickly. I continued forward. I could see everything. I turned right and saw an inscription on the wall. I couldn't make it out through. Not because it was dark, but beacuse it was in a language I had never read...or seen for that matter "Uumbreeon!" I heard something cry with delight. Then I felt something soft, and furry rub against my leg! "Umbreon!" I heard again. I felt a tail against my leg. I got frightend, and let out a scream, and jumped.
I looked down and saw a pair of red eyes staring up at me, and little golden yellow rings below me as well. And like magic the tourches lite up down the hall. "Umbreon!" It said. I looked down. At my feet was a cute cat-like creature. Black fured, with glowing rings with gold on its body. It's red eyes were staring up at me, and its mouth looked like it was smiling at me...welcoming. It wasn't frightning was adorable. SO CUTE! I wanted to hug it so badly! "Umbreon!" It said. It sounded like it was telling me something. I lowered the hood to my cloak, and got on my knees. "Hey there, little guy! What's your name?" I asked. It jumped up onto it's back legs, and placed its front ones on my stomach. "Umbreon!" It cried gleefully. "Is that your name...Umbreon! Is that all you can say is your name?" I asked. It nodded. I got it now. All it could say was "Umbreon", its name, but when it said it, it meant it was trying to say something else. It climbed out of my lap, and started running around me happily, and excitedly. then it jumped up into my lap, and got up in my face, and looked deep in my eyes...taking in my features. It must of been seeing if I was the decending relitive...the one who's birthright is the gems. Umbreon must of seen I was to because...he...she it climbed off of me, and turned to walk down the left hallway. Umbreon turned it's head to me, and nodded, motioning me to follow. I caught on...he...she it knew I was a decendent and the birthright owner of the gems, so it was taking me to the Shadow/Darkness gem. I followed as I lisened to the rain and wind beat against the temple. The, now, lite torches made it easier to see, but Umbreon's gold ring patterns on it's body helped to see better when we went down completly dark corredors. I thought this roaming in a temple like this, with a sacrad item like the gem, would be dangerous...full of monsters, obsticals, and challanges. But then I realized it was dangerous. there were two directions leading to the gem...Umbreon was leading me down the safe path. The path that was dimly lite by torcehs. torches that lite the path leading to safety. If Mat had caught onto what I was up to then he would have to figure out which path lead him to me safely, or the one leading to me dangerously...that was if he'd caught on to me yet. Umbreon continued to lead me down the safe path, for what seemed like hours. I could hear the wind whistling through the temple hallways. the rain, and wind against the temple was the only sound in the temple. I coudl swear no temple could be this big. my feet would be killing me tomorrow. I wanted that gem already. But I could feel it. There was a feeling burning in my chest. I couldn't really explain it. I could feel I was close. Like it was (my birthright) calling out to me. Literally screaming "Melissa!" I would swear I could feel my heart beating in my chest, as well as hear it. If Mat were to look at me and view my aura he'd know I was excited...expecially if he could hear my heart beating.
That would probably cause him to worry if he could hear my heart beat, and not have to put his ear to my chest to hear it. Probably think I was having a heart attack or something. He seemed like one of those who was always concerened for his friends, family, and loved ones. The feeling grew so strong it hurt. It felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest from excitement. I felt like I'd pass out from the pain. But I couldn't..not now. Not when I was so close. besides if I passed out now, and Mat had caught on, he'd find me and take me back to Ana's..preventing me from getting the jewel. Call me me selfish. It was my birthright, and no one was going to keep that from me. I was intitled to it sense birth, and you couldn't take something I was intitled to away from me. I lend against the wall, clutching my chest from pain. I was a little sweaty, and shakey. Umbreon stopped and looked at me. "Umbreon..." It said. I understood. It was conserned about me. I smiled weakly. "No. Lets keep going!" I said. "Ouch!" My chest hurt badly. "Umbreon!" My litte friend cried. "Maybe...a't hurt." I said, struggling for breath. Umbreon sat next to me, looking at me in concern. I smiled weakly, and petted Umbreon's head, while still clutching my chest where my heart was. "I'm fine." I assured it. "Just a little pain." that was a lite. A little pain...this was a hell load of pain. It was hardly bearable...for me at least. I sat for several minutes, holding my chest, listening to the rain and wind, as well as my heavey breathing and heartbeat. Mat's words ran through my mind again. Those words wouldn't leave me alone...and they wouldn't till I had the gems and became stronger. "I...I can be strong. I...can protect myself." I whimpered, my tears starting up again. "Umbreon." I looked at Umbreon through my tears. "It's nothing." I said, whiping my tears. Just then the pain in my heart stopped, and was replaced by fear and horor. He'd caught on, and realized where I was! Mat had found me! I could feel his presence...he'd just entered the temple. "s**t!" I said under my breath. Umbreon didn't seem happy. "Umbreon! You need to get me to the gem now!" Umbreon still seemed concerned, but obeyed. "Melissa!" Mat yelled. I could sense he was still at the entrence. Umbreon speed off, with me at the heels. My heels were claping against the cold, hard stone floor so mat was bound to of heard me with all the noise my heels echoing everywhere. Umbreon lead me around another cornor, and down a hall, then left around a corner again. Just as we started down the hall I saw a door at the end! Yes! The gem was in reach! "Yes!" I cried. "MELISSA!" I heard behind me. Mat was getting close. I only noticed the door because there was a purple glow from inside the door. The gem's glow without a doubt! It was mine! My birthright! HA! Double HA! I ran through the door. "MELISSA!" I jerked around. Mat was right down the hall. He was coming fast! umbreon hissed with anger, not happy with the intruder (Mat). I noticed a long medal bar on the floor. I ran to it, and stood next to the door, waiting for Mat to come clase enought (where I was positioned he can't see me. Sorry Mat, I thought, but I can't let you take the gem! Or drag me away from here! I have to have that gem!! Besides you called me weak...He was right there at the door. I closed my eyes tight. Then I took the bar (like a baseball bat), swung back, and jerked forward with a yell. I heard the impact sound where it hit Mat clear in the head. I didn't see it though where I had my eyes closed. I dropped the bar, it making a loud Claing sound as it did. then I heard a loud thud sound. I opend one of my eyes, and then both. "huh?" I said, dazed. I looked down at the stone floor. "mat?" I asked. mat lay on hist back, out cold. Heh heh! I win! I win! I always win! Victory dance!
Ok Victory Dance later! I got down on top of him, (NOT LIKE THAT!) on his stomach, my legs at his sides. "Mat?" I asked. "Mat? Hello?" I checked his pulse, and heartbeat. he wasn't dead...just out cold. How's that for weak basterd!? Who's the weak one now bitches!? What now!? I jumped up and started dancing around. Victory was mine! After I had it out of my system I looked down at Mat again. I felt sorry for having to do this to him. he was cut when he was sleeping/out cold though. I lend down next to him, andk issed him tenderly on the lips. "Sorry, Mat." I said. No responce. Of course! he was out cold. "Umbreon!" I jerked around half frightened. Then I realized It was just Umbreon. I had forgot she...he...or it was there (I don't know its gender yet). Umbreon looked at me like I was insane. "Sorry." I said, embaressed. "One of my moments." I got up to my feet again, but not before bestowing Mat with another kiss, and turned towards the gem. It was in a case, floating above a pillow, at the top of a staircase, surrounded by vases of roses, and a stone arch above it. Fantsy! I thought. Next to the stairs, leading up, was little statues of mermaids with there butts on a rock, and there arms streached upward, like they were reaching for the heavens...or torwards the gem. A little pound, with fish, behind them. Definatly fansy. The gems glow made it hard to see a bit of the celing though. It was enchanted no doubt. There were stars all over. In fact I could see the planets, Nebulas, Galaxies, and everything you see in space up there. I'd like to have a room or throne room like this. The only diffrece would be there wouldn't be a gem (or it's glow filling the room) at the top of the staircase, there'd be a throne or a bed. So need to remodel my room at Ana's I started up the stairs to the gem. I heard a groan from Mat. I ignored him, and moved forward. At the top of the stairs, I noticed a inscription on the wall behind the case. It was in the same language/writting asthe one I was earlier. I could read it. The only word I could make out was "shadow". The writting seemed familier. I moved over to the inscription, another soft moan from Mat. I studied the writing for a minute...and made out what it said.
Shadow's delight, Light's despair. Consumes all in path Not controlled Beware, Those who seek power, But can not control it, For your realize... Those who can't control it It controls you
Was it talking about the gem's atribute, and shadow's in general. It was a warning. It was speaking to those who seeked power. It was warning them saying "if you seek power, beware, if you can't control it, then shadow's would control you, and blot out the light". I could control it! I would control it! I was shadow! Blot out the light, and make me see the truth...the path to a better life. I turned to the gem again, and touched the glass case, and it shatterred into powdery silver and purple dust/glitter. It was a beautiful jewel/gem, and it was all mine! umbreon sat pearced on top of Mat, looking at me intensley. It was waiting for something. I would accept whatever the powers of shadow/darkness held for me. I would harness it...and I would use it to it's potential. I would embrass the darkness. Everyone had darkness inside themselves. Some more then others. There was light...and dark in everybody. Sometimes the other dominated over the other. In my case it was moraly dark that was in my heart. I always had dark thoughts. Thoughts of seeing boys who hurt me wither in pain, bleeding in front of me. And frequently I sometimes I had thoughts of suicide. These thoughts of suicide usually involved a knife going through my heart, and ending me misrable life (what's worse is I actually have these thoughts in real life). If I had emo moments, which was frequently, I would usually think about taking a knife and cutting myself. I never did though....I just had thoughts about these things. I'd never cut myself or attemepted commited suicide. I was afraid of death. That was one of the things keeping me from commiting suicide. I think the other thing was Mat and Lelouch. Lelouch had truely been the first male to show me the truth about life. And the first to show me love. He had respected me, and loved me. He'd never hurt me. And Mat...what was it about Mat that kept me here? He was sweet, and safe (like Lelouch), he was fun to be around, and I did harbor feelings for him. And...he showed me not all things in life sucked (I'd never tell him that though). Plus, like Lelouch, he respected me...loved even. Sometiems I woundered how anyone could love me. I wasn't pretty, or in any way close to beautiful (I know I have a low self esteem). I didn't wear makeup, or anything. And that's the type of girl boys went for. Girl's who wore makeup, with big butts, and boobs (my breast are actually very fair in size you jerks). Growing up I had always been the Mermaid to get picked on. Always picked on for not wearing makeup, for not having a boyfriend...everything. I was probably the ugliest mermaid there was. this was why I choose to stay in isolation. To avoid being picked on. To avoid the hurt of being rejected, and teased. Plus I wasn't sociable.
A tear had escaped my eyes. Of course. I was always the most emotional of the three of us. Between Mat, Ana, and Me I was always the one that cried the most. The one that always got upset at everything. I was in a sense....bipolor. One minute I would be fine...happy...cheerful...the next bitching...pissed. Most of the time I was ....evil b***h. Ana had her moments...and so did Mat, but I had always been the more emotional one. Ana frequently pissed me off these days so it was easy for me to go off on her. Mat usually had to end up being the one that calmed me down. I was never going to be strong at this rate. No matter what I did...I would always be the weak one of the three of use. Aoi had barly weilded a sword long and she was stronger then me. I looked down at my hands. I couldn't even use those to kill someone. I sat down on the steps and hid my head between my legs, wrapping my arms around my knees. Even a new born child would be stronger then me. I just let the tears flow. Why not? I was weak emotionly and physically....what ******** diffrence did it make if I cried or got injured? I sat weeping quitly, till I felt something nudging against me. "Umbreon..." I looked up through my tears at Umbreon, who was nudging against me. "Umbr...Umbreon?" It asked. It wanted to know what was bothering me. I petted it's head, and tried to smile."It's nothing." I lied. Mat moned again. I looked at him. He was coming to. I looked at the gem. I got up and reached out for it. "Melissa?" I heard Mat ask. Great he was awake...but he was to late. The Jewel was as good as mine. I touched it, and ran my fingers over it. It was smooth, and I could feel a spark of electricity go through me as I touched it. "Melissa, what are you doing?" Mat asked. His memory would come back in a second. After hitting him so hard he was bound to have forgot what I was up to for a moment. "Shadow's is a powerful element. It consumes everything in it's path, and makes your darkest fears a reality. It's also confronting to those who don't live in the light." I said. "Some can't embrace it or control it, because they don't understand it. Some would ask why darkness is so confronting. The truth is in darkness you don't have to worry about your secrets getting out, or your heart getting broken. Your" Yes you were always safe there. Thinking this made me think of Lelouch, and why I went into the dark abyss with him
"Why had I chose darkness?" I thought aloud. I thought my voice sounded dead. "Because the world of light hurt me. Because it had judged me, tanted me...rejected me..." My voice was cracking again, but I recovered quickly and replaced it with anger. "...and in the dark don't have to deal with it! Because in the dark you safe from harm, from rejection...all of it. That's how I found Lelouch. He showed me the way. Showed me the Music of the Night. The darkness caresses me. It's a nest. A haven. Home." It was home to anyone who wanted to escape the crueiltys of the world. "It's helped heal my wounds sense all the hurt. It' a loving mother or father. A guardian. It sent me My angel. My Lelouch." I pulled back my hand. I missed him. But with this gem....I could get even with those that hurt me, and I could get back to Lelouch. I jerked my hand forward for the gem. "MELISSA STOP! DON'T!" Mat yelled, running forward. "I EMBRACE THE DARKNESS!" I cried, wrapping my fingers around the gem. Show me the path to what I want... I thought. Mat ran at me. At first nothing happened. It was like everything was in slow motion in a strange way. Suddenly the gem (which was now floating in front of me) glowed brighter, and a strange gust of strong wind started blowing from what seemed to be the gem. Just as Mat reached out to grab me a wave from the gem shoved him back in midair. He did a backflip and landed on his feet. I let out a scream. I could feel the energy in me the gem started to fad into sparkles that entered my body. If the staff was inside me like the book said it should be then it was going to the staff to start it's reformation. My cloak blew away in the gust of wind and smacking Mat in the face as he tried to run at me again, and knocked him onto his back again. I closed my eyes where the gem had glowed so brightly. Then after the light and the wind died down I spun around and looked at Mat, who had blown the cloak off of him with a gust of wind. My outfit had changed. Great. Just like when I became "Sailor Mercury". But this time I looked like Sailor Saturn. My hair, eyes, outfit, everything. I even had the sythe that she had: The Silence Glaive. I definetly felt a darker force inside of me. Though I had no aura powers like Mat, I could fell aura was darker. If Mat was using his aura sight, then he'd sense it. I could sense it too. My heart, and, though I didn't have aura powers, my aura seemed darker. You would swear the sailor senshi were real for sure....and would actually mistakingly call me Sailor Saturn. I felt like her somehow. I didnt' feel like Melissa anymore...I felt more like Sailor Saturn. I was sailor saturn! I had to be! I looked just like her right now. He looked at me in aww and shock. I think he was looking twice to make sure it was me. "And shadow embraces me." I said with a sly smile. I jumped up in the air and then landed in front of him, almost right up in his face. He blushed. "Me-Melissa?" He asked. "Is that really you in there." "Yes." I said. Funny question but I understood. He wasn't sure if the girl he was looking at was me and wanted to make sure it was. He stared into my now purple eyes, and reached the palm of his hand out and touched it to my cheek. His hand was warm as always. He was holding my face in his hands like he still wasn't sure it was me. FOR ******** SAKE IT'S ME! TAKE YOUR MITS OF ME! I shoved his hands away from me, and he seemed a little upset about that. Like he thought something was wrong with me. Like my supposed darkness I got from Lelouch was flaring up again.
I did feel a diffrent energy though. Like I was also 3 people at once. Myself, Sailor Saturn, and....Sailor Pluto...the Guardian of Space and Time iteself. According to the anime and manga Sailor Moon very few people had had the prevlige of metting Sailor Pluto because she lived a life of solitude where she always had to watch the gate of time, and took her job very seriously. Sounded like a really suckish life. I didn't want to be alone in life. Sailor Pluto was said in the manga to be the "guardian of the underworld", some said she was the daughter of Choronos, god of time. But this did not apply to me in real life. Some people didn't even know of her existens because of her dominion and nature. Luna in Sailor Moon says she's a "lone warrior", noting the sadness in her eyes. She was the guardian of the time gate. Stating "Only those worthy of admitens may pass...YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!" In the anime and manga it's said that when she was charged with the duty of gurding the time gate by Queen Serenity, she was given three "taboos", rules which she was forbidden to disobey: She must not travel through time, she must not abandon her post at the Door, and she must never cause time to stop. If she does stop time, her life is at forfeit. Throughout the series she broke all three of the rules. She wielded a Garnet Rod, a key-shaped staff which is topped by the Garnet Orb, one of the three talismans carried by the Outer Senshi. I doubted I had the talisman...but I could probably change my sythe into the Rod, and my apperance to to Pluto's at will if I tried. Must try to later. I said to myself. Sailor Saturn is known as the sailor senshi of "ruin and rebirth", "soldier of silence", and "soldier of destruction". As Sailor Saturn she (and no me knowing it was real minues the talasman's and some of the stuff said about her and all the senshi in the sailor moon series) she (and I now) can/could destroy a planet by dropping her weapon, the Silence Glavie. Though a terrifying ability, Saturn reveals in the inifinaity (Sailor Moon S) arc of the manga that this power of hers is necessary, because rebirth cannot happen without death/destruction. It was Saturn in the Sailor Moon series who destroyed the remnants of the war-torn Silver Millennium kingdom, allowing a new world to be born. At first, knowledge of her disturbing and disturctive powers cause the other Outer Sailor Senshi to attempt to kill her unawakened form. However, Saturn's awakening ultimately saved the world by forcing Master Pharaoh 90 to escape to his former universe before beind destroyed with Earth. Sailor Pluto then sealed the gateway to their dimension so that he could never return and Super Sailor Moon used her powers as Neo-Queen Serenity to resurrect all that had been destroyed. In my case I don't think anyone knowing my new found powers would try to oppose and kill me knowing I could eliminate them in a heartbeat along with the world.
Sailor Saturn is especially recognizable for the Silence Glaive she carries (which I was now holding), which she may use to bring about the cataclysmic destruction of a world or wolds. apart from it's capacity as a bladed weapon, figures in many of her named attacks. It is referred to once as the "scythe of the Goddess of death," and the acto of lowering it's point to the ground is all that is required for her to "bring ruin to the world." No incantation is spoken and this action is separated from "Death Reborn Revolution" by the dialogue given in between the two maneuvers. In the anime, it is implied that Sailor Saturn will die if she used this abilit, (which might happen if I did this too) and Super Sailor Moon risks her life to prevent Saturn from doing so, defeating Master Pharaoh 90 herself. However, she had the ability to heal minor wounds in both her civilian and senshi form in the anime, all of the senshi (including saturn) ahd lives in the moon kingdom and their represented planets, and were all reborn with Princess Serenity and her court. But Sailor Saturn (in the manga) was said not to have lived among the other senshi. Additionally, the outer senshi were not supposed tobe reborn when the kingdom was destroyed, but they gathered together because of its destruction, and their talismans reacted and accidently awakened saturn from her sleep. She then killd the remnants of the silver millennium and they were all reborn on earth. After their rebirth, the talismans, which were never meant to be on the same planet, reunited and ended up awakening sailor saturn in the present-day. In both the manga and anime she is reborn as an infant immediately upon fulfilling her task as sailor saturn, and later, when she is needed in the role again, grows to her former age in a matter of days. Eventually she is vistited by an image of herself in senshi form, who bestows power on her again. Sailor Saturn's powers are mostly based on Roman mythology, in which saturn is the god of the harvest. As such, her primary role is that of the destroyer, and her comiing is greatly feared by the outer senshi. Her first actu upon arrival is to assault master pharaoh 90 with the attack "death reborn revolution." In both versions, Hotaru has visions of coming events, especially of danger, and can project these visions to other people. When she is a young girl, she creates a small projection of the galaxy which hovers in the air in her room, simulating astronomical history at high speed. However, it is only in the manga that Haruka stays with her while she reproduces these events to help keep her power in check.
I had the powers of Sailor Pluto (minues garding the time gate), and Sailor Saturn at my disposel. What was my true potential with these powers. Where was my true limit. "Melissa?" Mat asked looking closly in my eyes. "What are you planning to do when you've collected all these gems that are your birthrite?" I just laughed. "Franqley it's none of your buissness." I said. "Besides the key word is that the gems are my brith right. I'm entitled to them. Sense birth. You can't take what rightfully belongs to me away." and I was right. I was entitled to these gems so he couldn't take them from me. Just then a loud sound meet our ears. I jerked around in a defense position, and Mat jumped in front of me as to protect me, he's sword drawn. Of course I was the weak one....not anymore! "WILL YOU GET OUT OF MY WAY! NO ONE TOLD YOU TO FOLLOW ME HERE!" I yelled shoving him to the side. "Are you insane! You think just because that gem's given you power your all powerful!" I jerked around and pointed my Silence Glaive at his face! "If it's after the gem...then it obviously wants me. besides..." I said. I was going to tell him how I felt about him calling me weak without a doubt. "I'M TIERD OF BEING CONSIDERED THE WEAK ONE! ONCE I HAVE ALL THE GEMS I'LL PROVE YOU ALL WRONG! I WON'T HAVE TO BE THE WEAK ONE ANYMORE! I WILL HOLD MY POWERS AND USE THEM TO GET WHAT I WANT! FOR STARTES TO STOP BEING CONSIDERED THE WEAK ONE, AND THE SECOND REASON IS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS! YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A SWORD AND ARE REALLY FAST THAT YOUR ALL POWERFUL AND THE STRONGEST! NO! YOUR NOT! AND FRANLEY...YOUR NOTHING BUT A SHOW OFF! SHOWING OFF YOUR SPEED! YOUR SKILLS WITH A SWORD! IT'S NOTHING SPECIAL! ALL YOU DO IS PUT ME DOWN, AND MAKE ME FEEL WEAKER BECAUSE OF IT! NOT ANYMORE! YOU ARE NOT THE STRONGEST! NOT ANYMORE! NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Suddenly I noticed the symbol of saturn appear in the gem of my tiara, and on the center piece of my bow. Then Mat was sent flying backwards. At first I thought it was something else...but then I realized it was me that had sent him flying. My temper had flared to a point it sent it out of my control. I had the power. "You don't hold the power anymore..." I said taking notice to my aura being visable to me where my anger and power had flared. It was purple. "I do." "You only hold the power if you can willed it properly." Mat said struggling to the ground. "And I never...called you weak." I felt another wave of force push out from me and smack into Mat, knocking him over again. "LIER! You did too! You said that the reason you don't let me travel with because you only travel with people who can protect themselves. In short you called me weak because I can't PROTECT myself! AND I'LL DARE YOU SAY I CAN'T CONTROL MY POWERS!" I yelled. "You see there, Melissa? Your not controling your powers. There running wild because of your anger. And it's not safe for you to hold those gems. Your not ready to hold that kind of power. You can even see your aura. It's flaring. Your powers will be your let me help you learn how to control them. Or let me help you at all. And if you can't control your temper." Mat said. "I'm controlling them just fine thank you." I said. "It's your fault...that I'm angry. All of you! You, and this stupid world of light! Putting me down and everything else! You snagged me away from the one person that understood. LELOUCH! THE ONE PERSON THAT SHOWED ME THE TRUTH! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING MAT...." I didn't get to finish though. The loud sound came again. Followed by the shacking of the room, and then a loud rour. Umbreon had vanished somewhere. "What the hell was th-" Mat said. "Shut up!" I hissed, looking around cauciously. Something was coming without a doubt. The rour came again and then suddenly a bright light appeared where the gem had been. I furious wind blew out of no where and I knew Mat wasn't the one behind it. Suddenly I lost my footing and was sent flying. "Melissa!" Mat yelled. Suddenly I felt myself hit something solid...but it wasn't rock. I opened my eyes, and found Mat slammed against a wall holding me close. "Mat?" I asked. He had run and blocked me from hitting the wall....even though I'd just yelled at him, and told him off. How I told him I was annoyed...with him always showing off in his speed. "You ok, Mel?" He asked. "Yeah. You?" I asked. "Don't worry about me." He said. "Worry about that thing." He said.
I looked back at the growing ball of light as the tearrafiying yell of the roar came again. "What is it?!" I asked. Mat pulled me closer. I blushed. There was the warmth again I got being this close to him. "I don't know. But whatever it's big...and it's pissed at you for taking the gem. But I'm not letting it touch you." Mat said. Then I realized my weapon as sailor saturn was gone. " Silence Glaive...where'd it go?" I asked. Then I noticed it laying in front of the steps to that lead to where the growing ball of light was. "I need it!" I said trying to pull away from Mat. "Forget about it, Melissa! That thing...whatever it is...will attack if you come to close. The aura around the light show's it's evil...but I sense light in it somewhere." He said, holding me, prevting me from getting my Glavie. "Mat, let go! I need my Silence Glavie!" I cried. Mat incresed his grip making my stomach hurt from the hold. "No! I think that's what it wants! Is you to come close. Because it know's you've got the gem!" Mat said. My anger flared again, and my aura showed it as it became visable to both of use again. "Melissa? Just control your temp-AGGGGGHHH!" He yelled. He let go of me, and fell in pain. I'd sent a massive bolt of electricity through him. He cluched his heart, sitting on his knees, and glanced up at me as I ran for my Silence Glavie! He reached his free hand for me. "Melissa!....NO!" He said. I grabbed the Glavie, and just then the roar came again and the light grew bigger. I jerked my head up to look. As the light fadded I noticed a shape appear. One with wings. Big and scally from the looks of it. Then the light died down and I saw what the creature was. It was a white dragon with a necklace (which I quickly realized was curesed) on it, and because of the necklace it gave the beautiful creature a dark aura and red-slitted eyes. It was actually a light dragon. I let out a furious cry, and came at me at incredable speed with it's wings. I stood my ground. "MELISSA GET OUT OF THERE!" Mat yelled over the dragon's cries. "Not this time..." I mused. The dragon opened it's mouth wide. "MELISSA!" Mat yelled, running forward. "MELISSA, GET OUT OF THERE NOW! TAKE MY HAND!" "I'm not weak" I told myself allowed ignoring Mat. "I'm strong! I'm not letting this dragon or anyone else take my birthright away from's mine!" I mused. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion in a weird way. "MELISSA, ARE YOU LISTENING!? TAKE MY DAMN HAND!" Mat yelled, running for me. "This time....I'm the hero/heroine...not you Mat...ME...YOU...NO...ME...I'm the one it I'll take it down." Then as he got ready to grab me once close enough...."SILENT/SILENCE WALL!" I yelled. Just as the dragon tried to ram into use itself into use I barrier appeared in a web like style. Me and Mat were protected. "Umbreon." I looked down while focuseing my power, and saw Umbreon looking up at me in aw. Mat was looking at me in aw, but then looked at Umbreon in aw, then back at me. "Witness my strengh." I said. The dragon was sent flying back into the stone wall. It stood back on it's feet. "Nightmare Eater!" It said. "IT SPOKE!" Mat said in shock as my barrier vanished. Suddenly everything around me got dark, and Mat (and Umbreon along with the dragon) was gone. I was.....alone...and had been abondened. "Mat?" I asked. "Umbreon! Where are you?" I started walking around looking for them in the infinete darkness. "Melissa, where are you going?" I heard Mat's voice. "Mat? Where are you?! Umbreon?" I asked. "Melissa, we're right here. What are you talking about? What's wrong, Melissa?" He asked. "Where are you? I don't see you?" I said. "OMG! What the hell did you do to her you stupid dragon!?" Mat yelled. "Where are you, Mat? MAT, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE BEING ALONE!" I cried, falling over. "She's facing her darkest fear!" I heard the dragon's voice. "Being alone....and..." No I thought. I couldn't be. Please no. "ABONDENED!" The dragon said. NO! I COULDN'T BE! I couldn't handle being alone, and abandoned. "You bastered!" I heard Mat say.
"M....M....MA...MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! NO! NO NO NO NO! NOOOOOO! I CAN'T HANDLE BEING ALONE!" I cried, my tears starting up. "Melissa, I'm right here. It's just an illustion. A trick he's playing on you. Fight it!" I hear Mat say. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders, shacking me, but I couldn't see anyone. "Where...where are you? I don't...I don't see you anywhere." I said. My eyes were definatly open...but I couldnt' see anyone or anything but darkness. "Melissa, you have to look to see me! Look closely. I'm right here." Mat said again. I could feel Mat's hand's on my shoulder's shacking me, but I didn't see him. I tried focusing harder, but nothing came. "It's useless to even try. Unless she can face her fear, or somehow see you." The dragon said, clearly amused at my pain. "Melissa, please. Look as hard as you can. I'm right here. I promise you." Mat said. I felt him holding me closely. I tried focusing, and then as hard as I could. Then I started to see someone looking down at me. A boy. Blue hair, and brown eyes. I took one of my hands and reached up for his face to see if it was really him. He noticed and took my hand into his hands as his other hand held me close to him. "Melissa, can you see me?" He asked. "Y...yes?" I said. I looked around. I could see everything again. I then realized that I was on the floor, by the door. How had I gotten there? Then I remembered how I had been walking around, and calling for Mat. That explained a lot. I sat up, and noticed umbreon was perched on it's hanches staring at me. "You ok now, Melissa?" Mat asked. I looked up at him, and just stared and blinked. "Hello in there? Can you hear me?" He asked. "Wha-" I asked. "Are you ok now?" He asked. "Y...yeah...I think so." I told him. "You sit here. I'll take care of that dragon." Mat said putting me against the wall. He ran off to fight the dragon. I was pissed again. He was considering me weak, and out of the game so soon. "Umbreon." My cat like friend said rubbing against me. "Your right. He needs my help...and I'm not weak!" I said getting to my feet. And besides I knew the dragon's weak point. I ran forward, and held my glavie above my head as I did. "DON'T COUNT ME OUT OF THIS FIGHT, MAT!" I yelled jerking forward ready to fight. "Melissa, just what are you trying to prove here?!" Mat said. That I'm not weak. I thought. I think he realized I wasn't going to give up so he did. "Fine." He said. "FINE!" I snapped back. I knew what I could do. I felt I knew what my powers were. My limits. Umbreon ran forward in between me and Mat, and prepared to fight, then a bunch of stars shot forward at the dragon. It let out a roar and swatted at us. "SILENT/SILENCE WALL!" I yelled. My barrier appeared again and protected Mat and Umbreon along with me. Or at least them more then me. there was some sort of magic on the dragon's tail swip. I let out a scream, as I felt electricty shoot through my system. "Melissa!?" Mat said catching me as I fell back still holding the barrier up. "How the hell!...that barrier is meant to protect me and anyone I choose. How the hell did he get through that and hit me?!" I said clutching my heart. "Maybe you should just sit back and let me-" He said. "NO!" I yelled in his face. "WILL YOU STOP CONSIDERING ME THE WEAK ONE! I TAKE ONE BLOW AND YOU AUTOMATICLLY THINK I'M OUT OF THE GAME!" He got a stearn face with me I had never seen him use towards me. "I'm not considering you weak. You just don't know how to use your powers. Not to mention there dangeors to you, and use." Mat said. I didn't notice at first that my barrier had fallen till I noticed an attack of dark magic coming at us. "MAT, LOOK OUT!" I yelled, jumping in front of him and taking the blow. "MELISSA!" He said, catching me, as I fell forward. "I'm ok. Really." I said looking up at him weakly. Just then another attack came at us and Mat jerked back towards the door, Umbreon at his heels. "Melissa, just let me take care of this." He said, sitting me down, drawing his sword and running foward to fight. "I struggled to my feet more then what I had before. "I call upon the powers of time and space! I call upon the powers of the planet Pluto! GUIDE ME!" Suddenly my Silence Glavie turned into a Rod...Pluto's Garnet Rod. Mat looked around at me. He was going to serisely b***h at me later for not listening to him. Sense when did I listen to anyone though...besides Lelouch. I noticed my outfit turned into Sailor Pluto's. "PLUTO'S DEAD....SCREAM!" I yelled. I swang my rod around me, charging up my attack, and then made the attack fly at the dragon.
The attack connected and the dragon was sent flying into the stone wall again. I fell to my knees, and Mat rushed over. "Your not looking to good, Melissa. Just let me finish it off." He said. "I'll be fine in a second." I said weakly, getting to my feet. "Just need a little refreshment. And I know just where to get it." Mat looked at me, clearly not knowing what I meant. But he would in a second. I changed back into my Sailor Saturn attire. "Now then...." I struggled towards the dragon, and then pointed my glavie at him. "D...dream...EATER!" I cried. My body glowed blue around the edges, and the dragon did too. My attack was apparently modeled after Gardevoir from pokemon. I remembered seeing Mat play a game called Pokemon Collsem once, and seeing a Gardevoir using that attack. Then the a blue stream of light came out of the dragon's mouth and towards me. "What in the he-" Mat said. The dragon tried to get up, but fell weakly to the ground. The stream of light flowed into me via my mouth, and I swallowed the energy stream. I felt imediatly recharged. "Much better." I said. "Melissa, what did you just do?" Mat asked. "Took some of the dragon's energy for myself...making it weaker." I said. Now we may be able to finish it off. Mat gripped his sword and ran at the dragon. He leaped into the air and then came down with a battle cry, and then slashed at the dragon, leaving a big gash in it's side. Umbreon went, and bit the dragon's tail and then shot more stars at it. We had to keep it down long enough for one of us to get the necklace and destroy it. "MAT THE NECKLACE IS THE WEAK POINT!" I yelled. The dragon heard me and swung it's tail at us. Knocking Umbreon back, and barly missing Mat. I grabbed Umbreon, and layed him down on the ground. "SILENCE GLAVIE!!!" I yelled rising my glavie above my head, "....SURPRISE!" Mat looked at me. There was a moment of silence, and then I dropped the glavie, and then there was a bright light of purple. It died down and the glavie came back to my hand and the dragon slamed into the wall shattering it. "Now...TIME STOP!" I cried. I "NO, MELISSA! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PLUTO USES THAT ATTACK! ARE YOU TRYING KILL-" He yelled. "Go for the necklace!" I cried. Mat didn't waste time, and went for it. then there was a roaring sound again, and a shattering sound.

To be continued in Chatper 61...