Chapter 62: (Lelouch's View) Opera Angel
I woke in my room as usual. Pointlessly repeating the cycle. But the cycle was the same as before Melissa had come to me. But once I had her back…there’d be a new cycle. I’d wake up in the morning, and sing in her ear. Watch her sleep, and more, while waiting for her eyes to open...instead of waking up and being alone. I missed seeing those pools of chocolate. I desired to have my angel back. I would get her back. That mutt couldn’t have her forever. I had my bad feelings about him. I really felt he didn’t love her. That he was just doing his usual being the hero thing, and attracted a girl to him thing. I loved Melissa. She had no reason to be saved by anyone. I wasn’t going to do anything bad to her. I wasn’t going to eat her. I wasn’t going to rape, or kill her. I wasn’t a vampire….so I obviously wasn’t going to drink her blood. And if I was a vampire, I’d resist the urge to drink from her. What did Ana and them think I was…A kidnapper, a murder (shut up I’ve only killed a few people…and they had it coming…they’d done me wrong)….The Chain Saw Masque! Uh wrong. I was none of those. I was just a lonely man who wanted love, and understanding. I went for the shower, and then for breakfast. Today was going to be a very good day. I only said this though for one reason. I had over heard Ana as Mei Li talking to Jareth yesterday. She had suggested that Melissa work at the Opera House…as a chorus girl! A chorus girl! That was an insult! No matter! I would get her the lead role in Hannibal! The current leading female was a diva, and a horrible actor and singer. She had no talent in her body what so ever. Her voice made my ears bleed so much! I’d stop her ruining the arts. Who the hell had cast her as the lead in the first place. Whoever did obviously didn’t know music. I swear if it was Jareth that did I’d slaughter him! He was ruining my theater with this horrible girl! I went into Melissa’s dressing room to wait. This was the last rehearsal, and it was a in costume one. Everyone was going to stage, and I watched as Melissa did, following in the shadows, and I worked my way into the banisters where I would end the diva’s rain of torturing the arts. Ana as Mei Li was in the Orcrasthra pit. Melissa was expecting Ana though, and didn’t know about her being Mei Li. Finally Melissa noticed Mei Li and noticed it was Ana in disguise. We both knew she thought she was perfectly hidden from me. She wished. I saw, and knew all. She was staring at Melissa, that was the only thing that gave it away that it was Ana.
The cast became more irritated as the rehearsal continued. Some of the women working backstage actually had earplugs in there ears. Obviously this girl didn’t know she was so bad. All I knew was she was the lead, but Ana seemed to know her pretty well. She looked pissed in the Orcrastra pit, and at the girl in the lead to. Melissa had noticed to, and stared at Ana. They made gestures saying through them things like “kill me” Melissa was trying to resist her urge to start laughing. Then the mutt came in! He seemed to know Ana was Mei Li. But Mat was apparently here against will. Flet and Jet had dragged him in. Ana had to have something to do with this. He got up at one point and left the room. One reason was the leads singing, and the other was he looked like he needed a piss. Once he came back the real drama started. This diva was the queen of the diva’s. A real drama queen. As the next scene began everyone took there positions, Melissa included. But Jareth had walked in, and the diva was pleased at this. Everyone had got quite, and the diva finally shut her mouth. Jareth nodded, and the rehearsal continued. But Jareth was watching Melissa, the prima donna, and the banisters above the stage where I was. I knew he’d know where I was. He’d always kept a close eye on me! He acted like he was my father. I was 17 years old (two years older the Melissa)! I wasn’t a baby! I wasn’t a child, Jareth! Stop treating me like one. Miss diva threw something to the workers backstage, and the chorus and dancing began. Mat was watching Melissa happily (while watching for me). I dare he! Watching my angel like he had the right to. When would he realize she didn’t want him. She wanted me! She belonged with me. She loved me. Unlike that mutt I could give her everything she’d ever need or want. He was always running around leaving Melissa alone and defenseless. Me…I was always at her side to assist and attend to her. I wouldn’t leave her so open, and defenseless. I’d care for her. Protect her, embrace, and love her, unlike all the men that had hurt her before. The orcrastra continued the song, and the actors continued to act, and sing. It wasn’t the greatest song in the play. It was about there going to be a festival in the name of the return of there victorious throng who had returned to bring salvation. And how Hannibal had come. The diva strut on the stage like she was a wonderful actress. Give me a gagging bag. Please. She was horrible. Then someone stepped on her costumes, and she nearly tripped. Now she was pissed. She complained to the lady’s working backstage about it. Then the lead man came forward and sang his part of the play, about how he was sad to return and find that there land that they loved was being threatened once again by Rome.
Then the orcrastra conductor cut in, tapping his conducting stick on this music post. The music stopped, and the actors did as well. Jareth walked forward onto the stage. Mat winked at Melissa, I sat in the banisters, making a fist. I’ll dare he! I was to angry to tell what Jareth was talking about though. But once the diva walked forward as in the fashion to flirt or impress Jareth. I would hope he would have enough sense not to she was a horrible match. She reached her hand out to him, then he took it and simply nodded. To my horror she had been the opera’s leading role for five seasons. How? When she was so horrible! She gave a wink to Jareth, and then curtsied. Something was said about the leading man, and he bowed to Jareth. Jareth apologized for interrupting rehearsal, and then stepped to the side for us to continue. The conductor asked the leading man to continue once again. The diva at the side getting ready for her next part was trying to say Jareth loved her. She was a twit. Clueless. The positions again were taken, and Mat and Jareth continued watching what they had been before. The chorus girls and my angel ran onto stage as the music began again, and danced. I heard several complements towards Melissa to like, “Exceptional beauty” and “promising talent, very promising”. Of course she was a exceptional beauty. She was an angel. And she didn’t have promising talent. She had talent unlike the diva. Speaking of her, she back up to the middle of the stage like a wrenched slut, and the other cast members followed singing the line “Hannibal’s friends!” Another person stepped on the diva’s dress, and there was a ripping sound. She complained. But smiled again and continued to act, stepping back some more. The music, dancing, etc; continuing. Suddenly the diva was pissed about something again. The music stopped, and everyone stuck into the finishing positions! While taking a break, and everyone got ready to do the next scene for the last rehearsal the diva complained some more. She went up to Jareth, as he was talking to the conductor telling him how he was excited for tonight’s performance. Then with a laugh she said. “I hope he is as excited by dancing girls as your new mangers…because I will not be singing!” For one there were no new mangers so where that came from I had no idea. Everyone stared. She turned to leave, and everyone waved delighted. Others sighed at how stupid she was. She ordered someone backstage to get her dog, and said bye as she walked off. Jareth followed trying to keep the show from being cancelled because of her. Who needed her. Just get Melissa to do it. She’d make the show a hit. She could do it. Despite her stage fright thing. He beckoned to Monsieur Reyer asking if there was a wonderful aria for Elissa in Act 3 of the opera. But the diva was complain again saying that she had no costume for that Act because it had not been finished, and that she hated her hat. But Jareth asked her to sing the song from act 3, as she faked crying earning rolled eyes from Ana (Mei Li), Mat and Melissa (and me). Then she said if Jareth commanded she would. And the conductor said she commanded. And she did. She took her position, and ordered everyone to shut up. The conductor took his place, along with the orcrastra, turning to the third acts song ‘think of me’. The conductor said she could begin. Everyone braced themselves for the horrible singing.
It was horrible. I couldn’t stand it. I reached for the rope holding one of the set roles up, and then untied the rope, and let it drop the set. There were screams, as others ran so not to get hit, and the diva screamed as it fell on her. Ana who wanted it to drop on her almost as much as anyone else laughed and sighed with delight as she saw it fall. Melissa looked over at Mat, who was staring at Ana, who nodded. They knew it had been me. Ana and Mat turned there gaze to Melissa, and watched her closely, observing every move she made. The slimy eels watched as well. Melissa looked up in the banisters above the stage, to find me in the shadow’s. I stared down at her. She instantly became mesmerized when she saw me. “L-Lelouch” She mouthed. I nodded. “Take me with you…” she added. “Not yet. The time must be right. And I want you to share your voice with the world for once. I’ll save you soon. And take you into my arms again.” I mouthed back. I melted into the shadow’s, but she knew I was still there. She turned back to the stage disappointed. I didn’t’ want her to be upset, but with Mat here it was to risky. Ana, Mat, and the eels had all seen me, and they were alert. “Buquet! For god’s sake, what’s going on up there?” Jareth asked, though I knew he already knew the answer. Everyone turned to Buquet who handled the setting in the banisters, who came forward to his post. “Please, monsieur, don’t look at me. As god’s my judge. I wasn’t at my post. Please, monsieur, there’s no one there.” He said. I dropped a letter from the banisters still hidden in the shadows, and Jareth picked it up. “Or if there is, well, then, it must be a ghost.” Buquet said. He’d pay for that comment one day. I was no ghost. I just acted as one as no one ever saw me move around and do anything strange a** hole! “These things do happen.” Jareth told the prima donna. “For the past three years these things do happen. And did you stop them from happening? No! And you Monsieur Jareth are as bad as him. ‘These things do happen.’ Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen!” She walked off, and everyone knew she wasn’t going to be coming back! Everyone was glad to see her gone too. The conductor pleaded to Jareth asking if she would come back. Jareth held up the letter from me. “I have a message from the Opera Ghost (ugh stop calling me that. I just act like a ghost! I’M NOT REALLY A GHOST!) He welcomes us all to his Opera House. And he continues to command we leave box 5 empty…for his use. And reminds me his salary is due.” He said. “Obviously we shall have to cancel as it appears we have lost our star!” Someone said. “But surely there must be a understudy.” Someone else said. “There is no understudy for the diva!” A member of the orcrastra said. “A full house, Jareth! We shall have to refund a full house!” The conductor said. Come on Ana! Suggest Melissa already. “Melissa Sapphire Triton could sing it, sir!” She said. Finally! Everyone turned to her, and Melissa as well. She looked pissed, and shocked about the suggestion. Others started to whisper about how someone at her age would not be able to do it, or wasn’t ready. HA! She was plenty able. “What, a chorus girl? Don’t be silly.” The conductor said. Again with the insulting her. GOD! YOU SHA’LL ALL PAY! “She has been taking lessons from a great teacher.” Ana said. Wow. Didn’t expect her to complement me. Thank you….I guess. “Who?” Jareth asked, though he already knew of course. “I don’t know his name, monsieur. He hasn’t told me.” Melissa lied. She was keeping the fact that it was the ‘opera ghost’ from everyone. “Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught.” Ana said. Mat had this: WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!…look on his face. Jareth motioned her forward to sing. Everyone got quite, and Mat watched intensely. Melissa stood center stage and ready. The conductor asked her to begin from the beginning of the aria. I gave her all the confides I could. I was here. I was guiding her, giving her courage. As the music started, so did she. She began shy, but the became more confident.
Think of me Think of me fondly When we’ve said goodbye Remember me once in a while Please promise me you’ll try
When you’ll find That once again you long To take your heart back And be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me
Oh! Her voice! Her voice was soothing me again. Her angel like voice had come back to me. Healed my heart of it’s loneliness. Filled me with joy, happiness, pleasure (including sexual in some ways)….love. She had sung straight from her heart. Mat was on the edge of his seat, and the other members of the cast stared in aw, surprised that such a young girl like her could sing so well. The music stopped, and the members of the orcrastra stared. Melissa stopped. Jareth, and everyone burst into applause, casing Melissa to blush. “We have found our star!” Jareth said. She looked up in the banisters again. As I stood in the shadow’s I smiled and applauded. “Brava, Bravo, Bravissiomo.” I mouthed. I was still sad though. Because she was not in my arms right now. I missed her. I missed being with her, but soon I’d have her back. After rehearsal’s Mat waited for Melissa outside Melissa’s dressing room. He accused her of never singing in front of him before to which she said she had once when she’d first seen me, but he said it was hard to hear her directly when her voice was echoing in a cave. Ana came up to them as Mei Li, and as Melissa got ready to call her name, she placed her finger at her mouth, telling her not to call her Ana because of me being the opera house. They left. I went back to my lair to prepare for tonight’s opera. It was going to be wonderful. My angel as the lead star. Amazing people with her voice. Nothing could be better. As I took my afternoon shower I sang happily. But that ended when I tried washing my wound, and it started to bleed some. Damn you Mat for giving me this wound. This would have been so much better if she was in here bathing with me (what…I have my perverted moments…and some couples showered together). I ate my dinner, after I changed into my suit, and then headed up into he opera house to take my place in box 5 for the performance. Jareth came in the box soon though. “I thought I’d find you here if not hiding in Melissa’s dressing room.” He said. “Of course you’d know where I am…your always spying on me. Watching me like I’m some kind of child.” I said. “If I don’t keep eye on you you’d do something to Melissa that would harm her weather emotionally, or physically…or perhaps…both.” He said. “Why do you, Ana, and those twits assume all I want Melissa for is sex, and her singing voice. That’s not the case.” I said. “So I’ve come to realize you love her. But she belongs in the light. Has that not accrued to you. And Mat loves her too.” Jareth said. “MAT IS NOT A GOOD MATCH FOR HER! HAS THAT NOT ACCURED TO YOU!” I exclaimed. “Mat doesn’t love her. He’s just doing his usual being the hero, and attracting some girl to him thing. Melissa didn’t’ need saving from me. I’m not out to rape or kill her…or eat her. I’m not a murder. So I killed those military men back when I got the power of Geass! It was my only way of escaping if I hadn’t used it to get rid of them. I’ve never once thought of using my Geass on Melissa. Seduction is hardly required with Melissa. She truly loves me. She’s seen underneath my mask, Jareth!” he seemed shocked at hearing she’s seen beneath my mask. “She’s seen my face! She was not frightened! She looked past my appearance! She saw the real me! She didn’t care about my appearance! She loves me…for me! She knows about my Geass! She knows I won’t use it on her…and I don’t plan to use it on her. Mat is not a good match for her because he’s never around. He’s always running around on some mission leaving Melissa along and defenseless. And we both know Melissa doesn’t like being left alone. Especially in the romantic sense.” I had not once looked at Jareth in our conversation, but he seemed to astound at my response to answer. In fact he had left without another word.
I sat waiting for the opera to begin. The seats had been filled, and the orcrastra was ready. I watched as some of the actors looked from behind the Curtin to see it there friends and loved ones were in the audience. Then Melissa looked out to see for herself. She found Ana no problem, and then she pointed to Mat, Flet, and Jet behind her. Wow he was in a tux. For once he was in something civilized. When Mat saw her, she ducked behind the Curtin again. Jareth came out on the stage and hoped everyone would enjoy the performance. Then the Curtin rose and the play began, as the applause died down. The first two acts of Hannibal went by quickly in my opinion, and the opera was a success so far. But my favorite scene was coming up to. The one with the song with ’think of me’ from the third act of the opera. The one Melissa had sung during rehearsals. As the intermission began, and everyone got ready for the next scene I decided to go see Melissa. As she sat getting ready I spoke to her while in the shadows. I sometimes hid in the shadow’s to tease her, but sometimes I ended up scaring her instead. “Lelouch?” She asked, as she placed her earrings for the scene in her ears. I came out of the mirror of the dressing room (one of the many secret passages in the opera house), as she sat in a chair with a desk in a elegant silver dress with silver star earrings, and hair pins. Silver glittery eye shadow on as well. The scene she’d be in was moonlit scene. She smiled as she saw me, jumping her feet, and ran to me. “Why won’t you take me with you now?” She asked. I smiled, and kissed her gently on the lips. It felt nice to kiss those lips again. They’d returned to me. I hadn’t felt them touch mine in so long. She placed her hand at her mouth, and she smiled. “the time is not ripe yet.” I said. “Besides don’t you want to share your voice with the world?” I asked her. “No. I only want to share it with you.” She said. I gave a chuckle, and brought her closer to me. “Your doing fine. I know you can do it. Nothing can shun you.” I told her. “Besides…I’m here guiding you.” “Lelouch, why’d you get me the lead?” She asked. “Despite your stage fright you were perfect for the part. That other girl was ugly, and couldn’t carry a single note. She brought nothing but shame to the opera.” I said. She gave a giggle. “She is a diva.” She said. “Everyone was glad to see her gone.” I said. Then a tap came rapping at the door. “Mademoiselle Triton, we’re ready for you.” Said one of the workers. “Thank you.” She said. “Don’t worry you’ll be fine. I’m here.” I assured her, again bestowing her with a kiss, and bringing her closer. “I’ll be watching your beauty from box 5.” I said, vanishing again. “I want to go back with you, Lelouch.” I heard her say with a sigh.
I wanted her to come back with me now to. But due to Mat being in the way right now that wasn’t possible. The intermission was coming to an ending and the Curtin was about to rise for act 3 to begin. Melissa was probably nerves, as her big scene approached. Mat was waiting anxiously for her, and Ana was preparing herself and her flute. Melissa had peaked out the Curtin again, and looked up at box 5 where I sat. I was in the shadows watching and waiting. My tux was so black, along with my hair, made it nearly impossible to see me. The only real way you’d know I was there was if you saw my eyes. Mat had seen her looking, along with Ana, and they looked where she had. They had seen me, and they immediately seemed to became alert. Melissa vanished behind the curtain again, and waited for the scene to begin. The scene had gone well, and now it was time for Melissa’s song ‘think of me’. She walked to center stage, and Mat got on the edge of his seat again. The people behind the stage watched with intrigued looks. As she stood in the middle of the moonlit scene she began to sing as the orcrastra began to sing.
Think of me Think of me fondly When we’ve said goodbye Remember me once in a while Please promise you’ll try
When you find That once again you long To take your heart back And be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me
She had began shy, and then she became more confident. People were literally sitting on the edge of there seat’s amazed. My angel had spoken. She glanced up at box 5 at me. I watched, smiling at her triumph. I nodded, and she seemed to become more confident. She continued her song, and the orcrastra continued to play there current song.
We never said our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember Stop and think of me
Think of all the things We’ve shared and seen Don’t think about the way Things might have been Think of me, think of me waking Silent and resigned
Imagine me, trying too hard To put me from my mind Recall those days Look back on all those times Think of all things we’ll never do There will never be a day When I won’t think of you
The next instrumental break came and people were starting to applause with a start, even Mat was starting to. I decided to tease her a little and act like we hadn’t seen each other in years (and it felt like we hadn’t)…sense childhood practically. “Can it be? Can it be Melissa? My angel?” I said. She knew I was teasing too. I said this in a sing song voice. “BRAVO!” I exclaimed, clapping. Mat and Ana looked up at me. I kept applauding her. “Long ago…it seems so long ago…how young and innocent we were…she may not remember me…but I remember her.” I said teasingly, in my sing song voice. She looked like she was restraining her giggles. She glanced at me, and in her eyes I knew what she was saying. That she had not forgotten her angel. Mat seemed disappointed the she was happy only to seeing me, and not him. She looked at him, as she got ready to pick her singing back up, and smiled. Damn! Why not just let him be miserable.
Flowers fade The fruits of summer fade They have there seasons So do we But please promise me That sometimes You will think
Ooooo oooo oooof (she vocalized this line Of Mee~ (and this part was carried out till the music stopped)
The others backstage watched wondering if she could pull of the high note. I had no doubt in my bones that she couldn’t. The orcrastra seemed a little nervous though. Even Ana. Damn even the sea witch that was supposed to be Melissa’s friend had no faith in her. Some friend. But Melissa had. The music stopped, and she stopped singing. The song was done. The audience stood up, and staring applauding. She had earned a standing ovation on her first performance. Jareth was standing in his box and clapped as well. “Brava! Stupida!” He cried. I stood up in my box as well, and clapped as hard as I could. “bravo, Brava, Bravissiomo!” I said. I took a rose out of my pocket, and rose it up enough in the air for her to see. She knew as I showed her this that I loved her, and that I was extremely proud of her. She looked to where Mat was. He was standing and clapping, smiling at her. Then winked. UGH! AGAIN WITH HIS FLIRTING! SHE WAS MINE! SHE DIDN’T WANT YOU! Good thing Melissa would be mind forever soon. I couldn’t take his flirting with her much more. Melissa was getting redder in the face by the second. The orcrastra was even standing clapping. Then Melissa fell backwards, out of the blue. “Melissa!” Mat and Ana exclaimed, the audience, followed by the gasps from the crowd. “My angel!” I cried. She didn’t respond. She was out cold. Mat rushed to the stage, nearly tripping over everything in his path, like I was going to get there before him. Mat picked her up as he reached the stage. Followed by Ana, Flet, Jet, and Jareth. Jareth instructed them to take me to her dressing room, and called for a nurse. He turned to the audience, and bid them goodnight saying it was probably just a faint spell. I rushed into the shadows and franticly rushed the dressing room belonging to Melissa, using one of the secret passages making it there before the others, and hid in the shadow’s masking my aura so Mat wouldn’t know I was present. Ana rushed in, as Mat followed carrying her. Flet and Jet didn’t come in though. “Think she’s all right?” Mat asked. “Should be. She’s breathing. She probably just got really warm under the lights on stage, as well as being embarrassed from the standing ovation.” Ana said. The nurse came in, as Mat laid her on the couch. She took a look at Melissa. Mat sat next to Melissa holding her hand. “Melissa? Melissa, can you hear me? Is she all right?” He asked. “Yes, she’s fine.” The kindly women answered. “It was just a simple faint spell. Just let her rest. She’ll come to in a bit.” Mat sighed with relief, and I did as well. She was fine. Thank god. The women left the room leaving Ana, Mat, and unknowing to them, me alone with Melissa. “Considering she’s a princess, I’m not surprised. It’s sort of a princess like thing to do. Princess’ seem prone to fainting sometimes.” Ana laughed. I didn’t find it funny. Melissa groaned.
“Melissa?” Mat asked (I swore I saw him squeeze her hand….grrrr). Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the chocolate pools. She looked next to her to see Mat (grrr), and Ana leaning against a wall as Mei Li. She continued to observe her surrounding, and realized she was in her dressing room. “Ugh, my head.” She said, rubbing it. “Here.” Mat said handing her a drink and some pills. She took the pills and then a drink to help swallow. “Thanks.” She said. Mat and Ana explained how she ended up in her dressing room, and Ana teased Mat about how he’d tried to get to the stage as if I was going to get Melissa if he didn’t, and then he denied it. They shut up when Melissa complained where her head was hurting she didn’t want to put up with arguments right now. “Where’d all these flowers come from?” She asked, sitting up.” Admirers…fans.” Ana said. “It seems you’ve become a star in no time flat.” Mat said. She groaned. I was a little upset about that to. Now more people would be wanting Melissa’s heart, and singing voice. “Why don’t we go get something to eat?” Ana suggested. Mat stood up at the sound of the word “food”. “yeah I’m starved.” He said. “I’ll be there in a minute. Going to change real fast.” She said. “We’ll wait for you near the entrance.” Ana said. “I’ll come check on you before long. Don’t need to worry me so much.” Mat said. I knew why he’d come check on her. To make sure I hadn’t snatched her away again. They left her to her bidding. She smiled. I knew the reason for the smile. She knew I was here. “Lelouch?” She asked. I walked out of my place in the shadows, holding a Boca of roses. She ran to me, and nearly knocked me over, as she glomped me. “You sang so beautifully tonight.” I told her, earning me a blush from her. “Well I have you to thank. For giving me courage, and for inspiring me to let my voice out.” She said. I wrapped my arms around her. “You have no idea how much you saying that means to me.” I told her. “Why can’t you take me back with you yet?” She asked. She was persistent in wanting to know that. Then something seemed to accrue to her. “Is it because Mat injured you or something?” She asked me. She lead me over to the couch, and sat down next to me. “No.” I said. “Mat would follow if I took you while he’s around…and he’s an obstacle. I’m still planning to take you back with me without his interference.” I took her hand, and handed her the roses. “For you.” I said. “There beautiful. Thank you.” She said. I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. She sat them on the side on the small table, and started taking the top portion of my tux off. She was concerned about my injury. “How’s your shoulder?” she asked, removing the white shirt under my tux coat, exposing my bare chest to her (I knew she was enjoying the bare chest part (^,^)) She looked at the bandages I’d placed at my shoulder where the injury was. They were a little bloody where I’d made it a little worse while showering this evening. “It’s not healthy or sanitary to leave a bloody bandage like that on for long.” She said. She laughed. “I took a bath before I came to the opera, and the hot water sort of disagreed on helping sooth my wound.” I told her. She fetched for a clough to use to re-bandage my shoulder, and then started removing my bandages. As she looked at my wound, she realize that it’s stopped bleeding, but my injury was still pretty bad. She tossed the old bandages in the trash, and started putting the new one’s on. I groaned a little in pain, but not much. “Does it hurt?” she asked softly. I had never had someone care for me so much like this. I’d never had anyone to care for me like Melissa was before. It felt strange, but I liked having someone care about me and my welfare. It made me feel tearful almost. “Just a little.” I told her. “There.” She said, done with her task. “Thanks.” I said. She threw herself at me then, and she laid against my chest as I laid down on the couch, holding her. “I miss being with you.” She said. “I do to.” I said, bringing her close. She felt so warm to me. I hadn’t felt her warm skin like this sense the night that we had been about to have sex before Mat and them rudely interrupted us. I petted her head, and like I’d never let go of her again. I didn’t want to. I wanted to take her with me now. Away from Mat, and Ana. So we could live happily together again. Finally get married, and have children (I know you want one my angel….I know all). “Melissa, you must love me.” I told her. “How can you talk like that? When I sing only for you!” She said sadly, and trembling. “Sorry.” I said. “You know I love you.” She told me. “I know. How’s your head feel?” I asked. “Fine.” She told me. “Good. You took a hard hit to the head when you fainted. Are you very tired?” I asked her. “Oh, tonight I gave you my soul…and I am dead.” She said. “Your soul is a beautiful thing, child,” I told her. “and I think you. No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight.” Her soul was truly a beautiful thing, as was she entirely as a whole. She snuggled closer to me, and then someone knocked at the door again. “Melissa, what’s taking you? Are you all right? Is there someone in there with you?” Mat asked. Melissa jerked up, and I thrust my tux shirt, coat, and tie on again. DAMN IT! He was interrupting us again. I vanished into the shadows. And Melissa got up to look for her cloths like we’d never interacted with one another. It was hard to find them though with all the flowers in the room. Mat came in. “Melissa, didn’t you hear me?” He asked. She looked up at him. “huh, oh…no.” She said.. “sorry…just…just a little dazed tonight.” “Maybe you hit your head a little hard after all.” He said. “Maybe. I’ll be fine. I’ll be out in a minute. As soon as I can find my cloths, and change.” She said. “I’ll wait outside the door.” Mat said, leaving the room, and closing the door. I came out of my hiding again. “Do you need help getting into your cloths?” I asked, coming up, and wrapping my arms around her. “I’m fine. If only I could find the damn things.” She said. Once she found them she started to change out of her costume.
Then we heard Jareth talking to Mat outside the door. “I thought I’d come down here, and see how Melissa was.” Jareth said. “She’s fine. She just seems to be a little dazed and confused right now. She just fainted, but I think when she hit the floor she hit it a little hard, but she’s fine.” Mat said. “Good.” Jareth said. “She’s just changing cloths and then we’ll be off.” Mat said. “Well have a good night.” Jareth said, walking off. “Lelouch, can you help me get this dress off?” She asked me. I walked over, and started to help her. She didn’t mind that was getting ready to see her in her bra, and panties though as we’d seen each other naked before. “You shouldn’t stay up late tonight. You do look a little dazed.” I said.. “I don’t really plan on it.” She said. She pulled on her skirt, and then her blouse. “I just rather go home with you now.” She said. “And I’d love to take you right now, but it’s to risky.” I said. “Who’s voice is that? Who is that in there?” Mat said, knocking on the door again. “Melissa, Melissa!” I plunged into the shadow’s again. “come in.” Melissa said sitting on the couch to put her knee high silver boots on. “Melissa, was that Lelouch I heard?” He asked. “No.” She lied. Mat stared at her subspecialty. “Mat, I think your as dazed as I am.” She said, getting up, and feeling his forehead. “Maybe you should go wait with Ana. I’ll be there in a moment.” she turned him towards the door, and shoved him out the door. I came out of the shadow’s again. “I’d like to mangle that mangy mutt right now.” I said. “but I can’t because of my injury. I can’t fight.” She ran to me again. “He can’t find us if we remain in the shadow’s without his notice.” She said. “No, I want him to fall to his knees at the mercy of my power.” I said. “I will come for you soon.” Then I went into the shadows again. Melissa picked up the roses I’d gotten her, and left the room. I followed in the shadows as she walked to the entrance of the opera. Mat looked at her, still suspects that I’d been there in the room with her. But he was still pretty much oblivious though that I had been. That I’d meet with Melissa several times tonight. “Where’d those roses come from?” He asked. “Oh, these? A…admirer.” She said with a smile, and blush. She then smelt the roses.
We both knew she’d return to me soon. And once she was in my arms again, nothing would tear us apart. And she was going to wait for that day I knew. I wouldn’t keep her waiting for too long hopefully. As I stood in the shadow’s she glanced back for one last glimpse of the opera, knowing soon she’s be living with me here…forever. And I would make it happen.

To be continued in Chapter 63...
Note: Next chapter will be a very special one of Melissa's older brothers view...