Here are a few characters that I have made. Some of them aren't completely worked upon, but still mentionable.
Rakashi: My main character, some of his information is already listed in my profile thingy. Yet, here are a few things you DON'T know. Like a D&D-like thing!
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Rakashi is skilled with many simple and material weapons, but prefers his naginata-like halberd. Rakashi rarely wears any armor beyond his signiture mithril bracers, but he has been known to wear hide armor made from the skin of a dire rhinocerous.
Spells Per Day: Rakashi is strong in Druidic and Arcane magics, so he has a seemingly endless amount of spells. Seemingly, of course, because it is not possible to have unlimited spells. It is safe to assume, however, that he will crumple to the ground from exhaustion long before his runs out of spells.
Equipment: In his travels, he always carries many pouches and satchels filled with spell components, gold pieces and assorted items such as a dagger, many wands, healing salves and other random items. Of course, the amount of money he travels with is a pitance compared to the vast hoard he has collected over the years. Coins of gold, silver and platinum are stacked higher than an ogre can stand. More gems litter the floor of his hoard room than that lay within the stones of dwarf and gnome mines. Kings would pale at such wealth, make themselves seem like common beggers at the sight of his vast coffers.
Patron Diety: Rakashi revears Io, the Ninefold Dragon. Those few who worship, or even know of Io, think Rakashi blessed by their enigmatic god, for it was Io that saved his from the brink of death when the cleric of Lathander ripped Rakashi's beating heart from his breast.
Personallity: After secluding himself within the labyrinthine caverns of his mountain lair for over 3,000 years, Rakashi is socially rough to say the least. He stutters and mumbles often, is embarrassed easily when it comes to a lot of things, and is more likely to avoid confrontation than anything, yet curiousity is a strong compulsion for him. He is honest, sincere, empathetic, insecure and treasures life above all else and is a horrible liar. He prefers the company of animals, especially cats and cat-like creatures such as his tressym familiar. But if there's one thing that can win his heart, it's a shiny, sparkling sapphire.
Jostalphin: Brother to Rakashi, Jostalphin is a mighty sunwyrm. While Rakashi was cursed with small size and stature, Jostalphin seemed to compensate for the both of them, standing at a good 7' 1'' in his humanoid form. His figure is hardened with great muscles, giving him strength beyond most any two-legged being. Unlike his brother, Jostalphin is rather slow in his movements, finding that brute strength and overpowering his opponents is the way to go, whilst Rakashi makes up for strength in speed and dexterity, using them to his advantage to weave in and around his opponents guard when he's not blasting them with bolts of lightning (I mention Rakashi here only because they once fought together soon after the destruction of Chrirltwor. It ended badly.). He takes on the form of an aasimar, with short blond hair and, as was stated already, a muscular build. As a sunwyrm, he is colassal! Stretching 138' in length overall, which is larger than some of the biggest great red wyrms.
Height: 29'
Body Lenght: 39'
Neck (and head) Length: 47'
Tail Length: 42'
Width: 14'
Wing Span: 162'
Jostalphin is innately cruel, delighting in others' pain and death, or merely just forwarding his selfish gains.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Jostalphin has been highly trained with most weapons, even exotic ones like Orc Double-bladed Axes and Scourges. His mostly uses a massive waraxe, or a huge greatsword. He always wears a coat of full plate armor, or a chainmail shirt on certain occasions.
Class: Jostalphin is a powerful fighter and barbarian, yet has been trained in the fighting styles of monks, though only scarcely.
Equipment: He is not a very adventurous man, prefering to stay within his keep until times of war, where he will eagerly unleash his many trained warriors; dragonriders and warmages among them. Like all dragons, he keeps a hoard, yet it is not very vast compared to Rakashi's. This has often been a cause of conflict among them, as it was been with all of dragonkind.
Patron Diety: Jostalphin revears Tempus and Bane. He may be evil, but he does have some form of a code of honor.
Personallity: There's not much to say. He is cruel, deceptive man with little loves beyond the thrill of battle and the glitter of gold. Yet he's not stupid when it comes to diplomacy. He knows that it doesn't do well to be surrounded by enemies. He has a knack for singling out potential allies and has an astounding ability to put up sheath his tongue in silver, so to say.
Gnak: "Gnak" is the nickname Rakashi had given this gnoll ranger when Gnak had dragged the drow/dragon's battered, pathetic form into his home after a cruel assault by drow warriors. His true name is Brielrangnak, but the last bit was all the half-concious Rakashi could grasp. Ever since then, "Gnak" just stuck. Gnak stands at a standard 5' 9'', his coat of fur being honey-and-tree bark coloured, with a bit of red highlighting his "hair" as well as a few dark strips at his cheeks.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Gnak is adept with the scimitar, short sword and longsword, but is also very deft in his aim when it comes to bowmanship. He is trained and skilled with fighting with two weapons, usually a longsword and short sword. He often wears studded leather or hide armor.
Spells Per Day: Though he is a ranger, he rarely ever uses his ranger spells, much to the complaints of Rakashi.
Equipment: Gnak is not much for material posessions, especially in his on-going quest to rid Cormanthor Forest of the drow nemises that so plagues the wilderness and inner dales of the Dalelands. He and his troupe are one of a few non-evil aligned groups of gnolls, afterall. Still, he doesn't like pointless bloodshed, and he may very well depart the battle for Cormathor, though he'll never leave his companions behind.
Patron Diety: Gnak worships the goddess Mielikki, lady of the forest.
Personallity: He kind of like a lucky young man's nice older brother. He's also a very good and responsible leader, having been born with a more sensable outlook than his more ferocious gnoll brothers. When push comes to shove, however, he is fierce and quick to action. But, really he's a nice guy who loves a good joke, though he wont prank someone at their expense. And please, don't step on the tail...
Dalsta the Red: Dalsta the Red is, as you may guess, a powerful red dragon warrior. She, in her humanoid form, is a formidable fighter and barbarian, taking similar approaches to combat as Jostalphin, who had trained her himself. Of course, she does not see the world with his cruel eyes, and turned to Rakashi as a companion, despite her complaining of his weak stature and the fact that she can deck him to the ground with one swing of her fist. She is solidly muscled, an excillent sprinter and stands at 5' 7'' in her humanoid form, which is that of tiefling. Being a red, her true, dragon form is quite large, especially compared to Rakashi.
Overall Length: 73'
Height: 13'
Body Length: 21'
Neck (and head) Length: 24 1/2'
Tail Length: 27 1/2'
Width: 5'
Wing Span: 103'
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Dalsta, having been trained by Jostalphin, is also adept with most any weapon, yet never goes far from her trusted sword; a huge bladed sword she had forced Rakashi to make for her. She wears red full plate armor, finding it necessary to "have scales no matter her form" as she would say.
Equipment: Dalsta travels light, finding that too much equipment to be a burden she could go without. Besides, it's hard enough trying to fly with metal armor holding her down.
Patron Diety: Dalsta finds Garyx the All-Destroyer to be of like heart. She thrives in the raw power of dragonkind, and being a red, with her mighty breath of fire, only improves the aligning.
Personallity: Like most reds, Dalsta is fierce and quick to anger. Battle is all she lives for. Fight or die; strike true or be stricken; never let your guard down. Yet, she his quite honorable, loving the thrill of fighting a truly powerful opponent. The stronger the adversary, the sweeter victory tastes. Yet she can be a good friend in a pinch, though she hides her more caring feelings, seeing them as a sign of weakness. It is as the reds teach, and that is the only reality she knows.
Nyllin Numil: Know to those of her flock as Diamond Bolt, Nyllin is a flighty young raptorian fighter just coming out of her Walk of the Four Winds. There's really very little to tell of her. Her parent's weren't killed by bandits or monsters, she wasn't abandoned as a child, in fact her life has been rather nice as every little fledgling's life should be. Still, she's always had a itching for adventure and a bit too much wanderlust for her own good, often getting into trouble with her elders. She stands at 5' 4'' with white plummage, though her feathers have black bands on them, though wings also have gray and rust brown bars on the longer pinions. She's lithe and slight as her race tends to be, but still has enough muscles to wield a sword or a footbow with ease and skill.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Naturally, being a raptorian, she is quite adept at the footbow, though she shows a better skill for "earth bound" weapons such as the longsword, spear and (her most prized possession) a beautifully crafted elven courtblade. She never leaves her perch without her fluted plate mail, a finely made suit of armor that looks heavier than it is. Crafted out of mithril, it's never failed her yet.
Equipment: Aside from the mentioned and the standard gear you'd expect a responsable traveler to have, she also carries a handy pair of boots with foot spikes installed in the sole.
Patron Deity: Though she does acknowledge Tuilviel Glithien as her people's Lady and creator, she's not a very spiritual raptorian, taking no god as her patron.
Personallity: Cheerful and outgoing, she loves a good spar. Still, when she's not honing her attack routines, she's too damn busy preaning her feathers to try anything beyond fighter. She doesn't really show a care for things beyond the visual, such as beauty and skill, and would never pass up a chance to look nice to, say, learn a skill that wont help in battle. Still, she's a rather magnetic person, and it's hard to stay mad at her for long, even if she is unusually short-tempered for one of her race.
Melopee "Whisperfoot" Kepilen: Little is known of this halfling, not even amongst those she deems "friends." She was born in Calimport, the dessert-rimmed city of sin, so it's only natural that she's a quite adept thief and rouge. She doesn't really like to admit that she's a thief, she'd rather leave that behind as she had Calimport, but still her thieving skills do come in handy. (Especially when running for law inforcements. I mean, you never know...) Still, despite her usually cold and quiet demeanor, she still has that cheery halfling disposition in there somewhere. Hell, that's the only reason she even talks to people.
She's considered tall amongst halflings, though that means little to, say, humans when you stand at 3' 9''. She often wears a dark cloak over her small form, and when her hood isn't shadowing her face one would notice her violet eyes and her wavy black hair, which is almost always tied back in a ponytail.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Naturally, being a rouge, she is adept with the dagger and short sword (she doesn't have a short sword, so dagger it is). She doesn't usually wear armor, but she does have a set of leather armor for certain, dangerous situations.
Equipment: Melopee doesn't carry much with her, finding such things to slow her down. Besides, when your hands are as quick as hers, it's hard not to snatch up what you need when people just don't seem to pay enough attention.
Patron Deity: C'mon, she's a halfling rouge. Just guess.
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Rakashi's Chronicles
Mere typings-downs that I decide to make public, I guess. I doubt it will be anything beyond stuff about my rp stuff, but, hey, you never know...!
It's a secret.
It's a secret.
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Amazing Gusto Community Member |
princess peachey
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That is more detail than. I can comprehend!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The onlly thing I noticed is that you didn't finish Melopees'......
Oracle has a middle name now. It's Geneveve... which means Witch in the Wiccan language. HWAHWAHWAHWAHWHAWHAWHAWHA!!!!