I'm running around on a plain. For some reason there's a minimap in the upper-left of my vision that fills in as I explore; it would seem I'm in a video game, but somehow I'm viewing it through first and third person simultaneously. I'm running, and soon I come to a mountainous area. I continue exploring, jumping easily up the mountainsides and over ravines...until I come to one where I simply start falling. Halfway down, I begin to wonder what's going to happen to me when I hit the ground, then I realize I'm not falling anymore. I'm mounted on a gryphon, and now I'm flying over the grassy plains and mountains.
Then I see a butterfly, and I get a thought (that might not be my own) that tells me I could probably use it as a mount if I caught it...but once I catch up to it, I'm told that I'm not the right race to use it. I sigh, land, and decide to switch from the gryphon to a broomstick.
So I take off on the broomstick, and fly into a village (and though part of me tells me it's a dumb idea to swoop in on a broomstick because swooping is bad, I don't seem to be accosted by anyone). And then...I see someone selling cats. So I run over to pick a skinny tabby up, but it runs away and disappears. Disappointed, I continue through the plaza I landed in and walk down another street, where I see another row of cats for sale (and a dog or two).
I beckon to one, a fluffy white persian, and this one happily trots up and accepts my love.
Everything further is fuzzy and vague.
Cress Sybellos · Wed Dec 21, 2011 @ 08:34pm · 0 Comments |