Name: Richard Lafayette Age: 24 Race: half-elf Height:5' 3" Build: Thin and wiry Hair: blond, short and messy Skintone: light
A Short Biography: Richard makes a living doing whatever jobs he can get his hands on; one day, he might be a petty thief, the next, he's a caravan guard. He isn't a particularly tactful person, though he does usually have the sense to keep his mouth shut around those who are paying him.
He is the eldest sibling of seven, though most are only half-siblings. Only a sister shares the same father, though neither have any clear memories of him. Richard isn't on speaking terms with his mother due to his less savory sources of income, though appears to maintain a friendly relationship with some of his siblings (if only because some of the money he can spare tends to find its way to them).
He doesn't care overmuch for people, and for the most part, his loyalties can change at the drop of a hat (or rather, at the sound of a jingling purse).
He'll fight with whatever's around, but he prefers a longsword. He also has a couple different kinds of knives secreted on his person, each for various purposes.
Despite being half-elven, he doesn't really look it, and generally identifies as human.
Cress Sybellos · Wed Nov 14, 2012 @ 08:51pm · 0 Comments |