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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Believe Chapter 1
Believe Chapter 1
by Matthew Stephen Hyder
(August 24, 2010 Monday A.D.)

Note: I've been inspired by many things, but the one that made me want to write this the most is the Mother series by Shigesato Itoi of Nintendo. For a year, I got into the Persona series by Atlus and an anime called Princess Tutu, and it inspired me to broaden my horizons and made me an even better writer. smile I grew as a person, and even now I'm still growing. <3 I spent a long time on this, so I hope you'll enjoy it. wink

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In this world there is love but there is also hate.
Some people help others, and some people hurt others.
Some people give to the poor, and some people take everything for themselves.
Some people are blind to the love that remains in the world and simply give up on life.
But lately there's been a rumor about a city of dreams, and a train that can take you anywhere you want to go.

Part 1: To the City of Dreams (Setting: Medieval Present)

Chapter 1 (The Town of Water)

Hello there. My name is Kokoro Kanjoo. I am 10 years old. I am also a poor girl from a place called the "slums" in some kind of town. The place is really worn down and it's very hard to live in it... but I have two parents still that really care about me and a girl that I would call my best friend, named Ai. Me and her are like sisters I guess you could say. We're very close, and if it isn't for her and my parents, I probably wouldn't be here right now.
What I really wanted to say is that I had a very strange dream last night, but I can't remember it very well... I dreamed I was in some kind of really old looking place... an... ancient ruins? Yeah, I think that's it. I was in some kind of ancient ruins to look for something, and I don't think it was some kind of treasure either. It was... I can't remember... but I had a feeling today was going to be special.
I was really tired, but I tried to get myself up. I slept on a small, straw mat in a one-story building with only one room. It was that small. There was only one bed for both of my parents and myself, a place to cook, but not even a bathroom. When we went to go we had to do it... outside of the city where no one can find us, but still close enough to be able to find our way back.
When I woke up, all I could see was my mom. She didn't look too happy... Was it because we didn't have very much food today?
Kokoro: "Zzz... *Yawns* Mom?"
Mom: "Yes? What is it?"
Kokoro: "Is there any food?"
Mom: "I'm afraid not..."
Kokoro: "Oh... Where's Dad?"
Mom: "He's off to the plaza in town to see if anyone will help us, but lately no one seems to want to.
At this rate, we'll have to resort to stealing."
I couldn't believe my mom would think of doing something like that! I know I'm only 10, but I can't let them do something like that... I won't let them. I can't... I don't want people to hate us. It's not right to steal...
Kokoro: "No... why...? Mom, you can't steal things... Please..."
Mom: "Sweety, I know it's horrible, but we're poor and our lives are in danger. Now go play outside, okay?"
I was pretty upset but I knew she might be right...
Kokoro: "Okay..."
I went outside and took in my surroundings. The place was really dirty... and smelly... it was like being in a trash can... There seemed to be nothing but garbage... and yet... This is still our home. It's the only life that I really know so far...
I looked up at the sky and saw that it was sunny. That was strange, because usually it rains a lot and you can't see the sun... although it's usually sunny everywhere else in town. Sometimes I'm worried that the rain water is polluted... I seem to worry more about the pollution in the slums more than my own parents. They must not have been poor like I have my whole life... They must have gone to school and stuff when they were young... They won't even tell me why we live like this, just that we do... I guess today is going to be a good day though.
I smelled the air and it smelled somewhat cleaner than before... That's when I noticed something strange...
Kokoro: "Huh? Is that...?!"
I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a flower growing in the slums! I was going to rush to home to tell my mom and dad to buy a watering can when...
Kokoro: "Ah!"
A group of people then came in and stepped on the poor flower! Did they do that on purpose?! I wonder if they even care... That poor thing must be dying now...! If only it could live, we could... I must tell them what they did was wrong.
Kokoro: "Hey mister! You just stepped on that flower!"

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Middle: "And?"
Kokoro: "If you gave it some time, more flowers could have bloomed, and there could have been hope for this place!"
Right: "Why bother? This place is being destroyed tomorrow."
Huh...?! What was that supposed to mean...? Destroyed how...?
Kokoro: "What...? But why?!"
Left: "Because you're scum, and don't even think "If only I could have saved that flower...". You can't change the past, so there's no use crying over something that's already happened."
Did they mean they were the ones that were going to destroy our home?! I... don't understand what's going on!
Kokoro: "But this is our home! Where are we supposed to live?!"
Middle: "There is no place for you to live. By tomorrow, this place will be your graves..."
Kokoro: "I won't let you do that! I'll stop you somehow!"
Middle: "As if. You got one day. See you later."
They walked off and I couldn't help but cry... my parents say I'm already a bit mature for my age, but I'm still a girl, and I'm still a kid... Sometimes it just hurts to see that the world can be this cruel...
Kokoro: "We're not scum... If only people helped us, we would be just like everyone else..."
That's when I heard someone calling me. It sounded like... could it be?!
???: "Kokoro!"
Kokoro: "Ai!"
It was! It was my best friend Ai! Thank goodness she's here! I'm sure she will listen to me!
Ai: "What's wrong, Kokoro? You don't look so good."
Kokoro: "I saw a flower growing nearby."
Ai: "Really?! That's amazing!"
Kokoro: "But these people stepped on it and said this place is being destroyed tomorrow!"
Ai: "Oh no! That's terrible! What should we do?"
Kokoro: "I don't know... I thought this town was supposed to be filled with nice people."
Ai: "Hm... A lot of weird things have been going around lately..."
Kokoro: "Hey, Ai?"
Ai: "Yes?"
Kokoro: "I had this weird dream that told me to find power. What do you think it means?"
Ai: "Hm... I don't know... I've heard of these ruins by the beach though from hearing some grown ups talking. They sounded serious about it, saying that something might be there."
Kokoro: "Oh, but that sounds dangerous. Can you come with me?"
Ai: "Of course! What are friends for?"
Kokoro: "Thanks! Let's go tell our parents first though, okay?"
Ai: "Okay!"
I wondered about telling my parents about those people... but for some strange reason, I knew I had to do this alone with Ai.
(Kokoro and Ai rush home)
Kokoro: "Dad! You're here!"
Dad: "Yep! All they gave me was some food and water. I wish we could also get some clean clothes and some other things so we could be healthier."
Kokoro: "That's okay. Can I please have some?"
Dad: "Of course."
(Her dad gives her some food and water)
Kokoro: "Mom, can me and Ai go to the beach together?"
Mom: "I guess so, but be careful. There's been monsters lately."
Kokoro: "Monsters?!"
Dad: "Yes, monsters. Nobody knows when they started appearing, or why, but they've been around for at least a month... You just don't know it because it hasn't been quite warm enough yet to go out there... Here, take this. Your going to need it."
(Her Dad gives her a spear)
Mom: "Wait! Don't you think it's dangerous to give our daughter something like this?! What if she hurts herself or someone else with it?"
Dad: "I believe in her. She's a very strong child. Besides, I was taught by my dad how to fish when I was her age."
Mom: "Well... alright... Be very careful Kokoro!"
Kokoro: "Don't worry, I will!"
I turned around to leave and waved goodbye to my parents.
Kokoro: "Okay, I'll be back soon."
(Goes outside to meet Ai)
Kokoro: "Alright, let's go!"

(September 9, 2010 Thursday A.D.)

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The path from my home to the beach was a little long, but also pretty easy going. The area around the town was a bit swampy, like a marsh... A few reeds popped up here and there, and some patches of water, but nothing too serious.
I breathed in the fresh air, feeling very relaxed... If only I could live on the rich side of town... or at least, what's said to be the "normal" side of town. If only we could live over there, things wouldn't be so bad... The rest of where I live is so nice... and yet... my dad just said there's monsters out. I can't believe he even let me out, even if I did have a weapon... In fact, I'm surprised he didn't say that I'll "Poke my eyes out" like my mom did. Did he really believe in me that much?
As I turned around to see Ai, I could see that she also had a spear like me. I was too excited at first to even notice. I wonder why her parents let her do that too... Maybe they think that we'll make it through because we're already poor and we still manage to live this long...
When Ai looked at me, she didn't seem surprised to see me staring at her. In fact, she smiled and acted like she had something to say in the first place, which she did.
Ai: "Kokoro?"
Kokoro: "Yes? What is it?"
Ai: "I figured we could use some herbs in case we get hurt from the monsters."
Kokoro: "Oh, thanks!"
I was really thankful for having Ai around. She can be really helpful! That's why I love her so much... Me and her... I hope we can be best friends forever...
As I kept looking at Ai, I could see that her face started to get a little white... She looked scared and started to shout and point to something.
Ai: "Uh oh, there's a monster right there!"
As I turned to look at the monster, it seemed like it was some kind of... watery blob thing. Or maybe it was slimy? It looked kind of gross... but it didn't seem all that harmful. We will just have to see...
Kokoro: "What is that...? Some kind of slimy thing? I hope we'll be okay..."
Ai: "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine! Let's get it!"
I was surprised to see how much confidence Ai has... I hope she doesn't get too confident though. We're only kids, and girls at that. It's not going to be that easy... We're going to need to train a lot if we're going to become stronger.
This battle at least was easier than I thought though. It didn't take long to reach the beach.
Kokoro: "I'm getting pretty hungry... How about you?"
Ai: "Yeah, me too. Let's eat."
It wasn't much of a picnic. We were poor after all. All we had for food was bread, and then we had some bottled water.
We sat there wondering if there's anything we should discuss.
I wasn't quite sure what to say, but I knew I should say something...
Kokoro: "Ai?"
Ai: "Yes? What is it Kokoro?"
Kokoro: "Are you sure we can do this? We're just two little girls..."
Ai: "Hey, don't worry, we'll be fine! It would be a problem if we were on our own, but we got each other and that's all that matters. Besides, we also got spears! I'm sure we can handle them pretty well like we did back then with that one monster."
Perhaps she's right. Maybe I am worrying too much... I'm also worried about how poor we are and stuff... Was my dream just a dream or did it mean something more...?
Kokoro: "Ai, do you think we have a future?"
Ai: "Hm? What do you mean?"
Kokoro: "I mean, we're poor... and our dream seems like just a silly dream..."
Ai: "... I suppose so... I think we should just trust in what we believe in. What's that grown-up word for it again...? Instinct? Yeah. We should just trust our instincts Kokoro."
Kokoro: "Yeah, I guess your right... Well, we should be going now, huh?"
Ai: "Yep! Let's go!"
After we ate, we did some training along the way.
When we finally found it, we were both pretty nervous.
Kokoro: "Well, this is it..."
Ai: "Yeah..."
Kokoro: "I'm glad I'm not alone."
Ai: "It's nice to have a friend, isn't it?"
The ruins was pretty big and a little hard to navigate, but we found the way.
When we got to the end, the room was incredible!
Kokoro: "Wow... this looks amazing!"
Ai: "It's beautiful...!"
Kokoro: "The power I need must be here somewhere..."
We looked around, but we didn't see anything out of the ordinary besides how beautiful the place looked. It was like... a garden spring. A small man-made waterfall was flowing in front of us somehow.
We waited until we heard a noise... All of a sudden, an amazing creature appeared before us! I knew in an instant that it was the guardian of this place.
It was some kind of... giant whale?
Water Beast: "Hm hm hm... I did not expect children to make it this far. What do you seek from me?"
This thing could talk?! Wow, this is all so amazing! I couldn't tell if it was evil or what though... I figured the only thing I could do now was to tell it what I came here for.
Kokoro: "A strange person in my dream told me to seek power. There's a group of people that will destroy our home soon. Please, we need your help."
Water Beast: "Hm... I'm afraid you must fight me to prove your worth. Let's see if you're worthy of being saved."
I had to fight my way out of this?! Does that mean I have a chance of dying...? No wait, I always had a chance of dying... but if this thing could talk, then I feel like our chances of defeating this thing is very small...
I turned to Ai who quickly turned to look at me as well. She seemed even more nervous even though she said earlier today that everything will be alright...
Ai: "K-Kokoro, what should we do...?! This one looks really scary if it can talk..."
Kokoro: "... We have to fight it, even if it costs us our lives... We have to do this if we are to save our home. I know we can do this!"
Water Beast: "Hm... What admirable tenacity you two have for a couple of children, and females at that... Well, come at me if you must."
I had no idea what the words admirable and tenacity meant, but I guess it was time to fight. We ready our weapons, ready to do the impossible.

(September 11, 2010 Saturday A.D.)

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After a long, tiring battle, the magic creature thing finally accepted me.
Water Beast: "Amazing... humans can be so strong yet so weak, and when they work together... Alright, my power is yours. There's one thing I would like to ask you though."
Kokoro: "What's that?"
Water Beast: "To use your power for good and to bring the world together. Humans are meant to help each other, not fight each other. You humans are so diverse that it's no wonder you single each other out as an individual, but that's no excuse to hurt each other. You are one and the same with everyone else. Do you understand?"
Kokoro: "I think so..."
Water Beast: "Good. I shall now bestow my power unto you. Good luck."
All of a sudden, me and Ai had a surge of energy overcome us. I wasn't sure what the power was at first, but then I realized it had to be magic.
Ai: "What is this feeling...? It feels like... I can use magic!"
Kokoro: "I think so too! This is great!"
Ai: "Alright, now all we have to do is head back. It's going to take a long time though, and I'm pretty tired. I wonder if we have any herbs left."
Ai checked the supplies and I could tell it was empty.
Ai: "Oh no, we're all out! What will we do?!"
Kokoro: "It's okay. I have a feeling we can heal ourselves too. Just close your eyes and pur your hands over your heart."
Ai: "Okay, I'll try..."
As expected, we were able to heal ourselves.
Ai: "Wow, how did you know?!"
Kokoro: "I guess I just felt it deep down inside my heart."
It turns out this thing called instinct was real after all! If animals can have it, why can't humans?
We then took the long trip home and the sun was already setting.

(September 20, 2010 Monday A.D.)

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When I got home my parents were worried about me, of course.
Mom: "Sweety, what took you so long? It's late."
Kokoro: "I'm sorry, I should have told you and dad earlier..."
Mom: "Told us what?"
Kokoro: "Last night I had this weird dream that told me to seek some kind of power. Ai said it might be found at those dangerous looking ruins."
Mom: "No way! You two could have died! I'm amazed you're still alive... Is Ai okay?"
Kokoro: "Yes, she's okay."
Dad: "So, it's true..."
Kokoro: "Huh?"
Dad: "There's been rumors about a spirit that grants magic upon reaching the bottom of the ruins. Only heroes are chosen and only they can reach the city of dreams. There are two heroes for each town, but one has to stay behind so they can protect their homes."
Kokoro: "But what's the city for?"
Dad: "It's for making their dreams come true."
Mom: "How do you know all this?"
Dad: "Because I went there. My dream was to find a real home, or to get money to do so here, where I could live in a normal place and not have to starve anymore... I had to leave though because it was too dangerous."
Kokoro: "A city of dreams... I bet it's nice... So, where is it?"
Dad: "It's in the middle between all of the towns, but I don't want you to go, I don't want you to get hurt."
Kokoro: "Don't worry, It's too late for me to make my decision anyway. I'm sure I would be fine though with my new power. I'm going to bed now. Good night."
Dad: "Good night."
Mom: "Sweet dreams."
It was hard to sleep, because I knew those three people would be here to destroy the place. I have to stop them. That's when I heard footprints...
Middle: "Heh, lying to that girl was a piece of cake. No one will expect a thing if we do it at night."
Right: "So where's the middle of the slums, the place we need to set the bomb?"
Left: "Right there..."
I've heard enough. I should have known they would do such a dirty trick. Luckily, they were outside my home. I sneaked outside to see them.

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Kokoro: "You liars! You said you would be here tomorrow!"
Middle: "So what. Today or tomorrow, what difference does it make? This place will still be destroyed very soon."
Kokoro: "Only because you have to wait until night time while everyone's sleeping."
Right: "You little brat, do you have any idea who you're talking to?"
Kokoro: "No, I don't. I want answers. Who are you people?"
These people then started to spread out, and I noticed for the first time they had some kind of jacket with some strange symbols on their shoulders. What could that possibly mean...?
Left: "I am the Oblivion, the Forgotten Past."
Middle: "I am the Chaos, the Warring Present."
Right: "I am the Despair, the Hopeless Future."
Chaos: "Together we are the Black Wolves! Now it is your turn to suffer little girl. Prepare yourself for a slow and painful death!"
After a hard, cruel battle to the death, I had to make sure these people were gone. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. Every muscle in my body ached, and I ran out of magic... Ai was nowhere to be found. I really needed her help. Now what was I supposed to do?
Chaos: "No way... How could three people lose to one little girl?! It must have been that strange power... Are we supposed to continue living like this?!"
Kokoro: "What do you mean?"
Chaos: "We only did all of this because everyone hated us for some reason. We tried to put the blame on someone lower than us, so we figured it would be poor people. It's not fair... We just live to suffer, and it's not just us, but monsters and the very world itself..."
Kokoro: "That's not true. If everyone helped each other as human beings I'm sure they would still be hope. We're not that different from each other. We are all one and the same. Oblivion, you say the past is meaningless? What about when you first met your friends? Chaos, doesn't yout family still love you? Despair, have you heard of the Ciy of Dreams? If we found a way to make those dreams come true, there would be no more suffering."
Chaos: "Interesting... A City of Dreams... Anyways, the world is much darker than you think. A lot of families fight each other, and some don't even have one."

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Kokoro: "No way, I didn't know that! That's horrible... So you'll aren't lying?"
Chaos: "No, we have nothing to hide anymore... Also, the names we told you aren't our real names of course. It's Jisei, Iru, and Kioku. So, what's your name?"
Kokoro: "It's Kokoro."
Iru: "Well Kokoro, we'll try to spread your wisdom, and maybe even find that City. We'll be going now, and we'll try to live a normal life again. Goodbye..."
Kokoro: "Goodbye..."
Somehow my strength recovered slightly and I went home to sleep. In the morning, my wounds have all healed! I guess everyone could use a little sleep. Tomorrow, me and Ai will start our journey to the City of Dreams.
Kokoro: "Dad, are you sure I can't go to the City?"
Dad: "Well, why don't you talk to Ai first?"
Kokoro: "Alright, I will."
Mom: "Why do you want to leave so badly?"
Kokoro: "Because it's hard to live here, and I really want to be a hero. I'm going to make everyone's dreams come true and save the world."
Dad: "Well, you'll be needing more supplies. Sadly, I don't have anything to offer to the people here for a trade."
Kokoro: "That's alright. Some of the monsters dropped some stuff. Here, look!"
Dad: "Oh my, this is quite something. I've forgotten what some of these looked like."
Kokoro: "I'll be going now. Goodbye."
Dad: "Goodbye."
I went outside to find Ai, but to my surprise, she was already there.
Kokoro: "Ai, do you know about the City of Dreams?"
Ai: "No, what's that?"
Kokoro: "It's this magical city that when you make it there, somehow your dreams can come true!"
Ai: "No way! That sounds amazing!"
Kokoro: "So, do you want to come with me?"
Ai: "No... I'm sorry, I can't. This is my home, I couldn't possibly leave it. Besides, my parents would worry about me. Are you sure you have to go? What about your parents?"
Kokoro: "Yes... I'm sorry, but one of us has to go. Only we have the power of magic, and someone needs to make the world a better place."
Ai: "Wow, you're so mature for your age Kokoro."
Kokoro: "Oh my, really? *blushes*"
Ai: "Mhmm! Your parents say so too right? Then it must be true!"
Ai smiled at me and I felt a warm glow in my heart... It gave me all the more reason to believe in myself.
Ai: "Is there anything else? Oh yeah! Those bad people that were going to destroy this place yesterday! What happened to them?"
Kokoro: "Don't worry, I took care of them. They said they wouldn't hurt anybody anymore."
Ai: "That's good. Do you think that flower that they stepped on has died?"
Kokoro: "I don't know. I'll have to go check on it on my way to the city. Alright, I'm off. Wish me luck!"
Ai: "I will! Bye Kokoro!"
Kokoro: "Bye!"

So I went off to search for the City of Dreams.
I wonder who the other heroes are...

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