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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Believe Chapter 3
Believe Chapter 3
by Matthew Stephen Hyder
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(November 30, 2010 Tuesday A.D.)

Last night I had a dream... it told me to find some kind of power... The place where it told me to find it however was... These ruins, far off into the desert... How could I ever do anything so dangerous? What would I even use it for? As I thought it over and over again, I realized... Should I use my power against the church? I was always upset at their views, and they always act like they own the place, like a theocracy, but I don't think it's like that anywhere else in the world where religion is still important... In other places, there's supposed to be kings and queens, mayors, or presidents. The leader of the church isn't the one that enforces the law... They only talk about things we should live by. But... I think their forcing their beliefs on people a little too harshly... and I'm going to find a way to stop them.

Tamashii: "... *Yawn* It's morning already?"
(Walks downstairs)
Tamashii: "Good morning mom and dad!"
Mom: "Oh, there you are Tamashii! Are you going to meet your friend today?"
Tamashii: "Of course! What's for breakfast?"
Dad: "Heh heh, well... We got a little something special today. I went outside in the early morning while you were still sleeping and... hunted for monster meat."
Tamashii: "Whoa, how did you get it? The priests say we shouldn't kill anything, even monsters. In fact, are you sure it's even safe to eat? I thought most monsters were animals that turned vicious... What if we catch some kind of illness?"
Dad: "Hm... It looks safe to me. I don't know how I didn't get caught either. I think the guards posted there often get tired at night and the early morning, and they don't have shifts too often. Even so, I guess I was just lucky. By the way, before you go out... I want you to stay away from those priests. Don't believe anything they say."
Tamashii: "Don't worry, I won't. You two were the ones that raised me to believe that it's okay to be myself and believe in what I want and to accept everyone, I know. I agree with that too, even now... But... How come none of you'll have gotten into trouble with them then?"
Mom: "Because... even the priests are kind enough and are too busy to get into the private lives of every person. They just assume what people are when they go out into the public. Every Sunday we still have to go to church despite our beliefs so as to not look suspicious... or else we'll be executed."
Tamashii: "Scary... You think God really exists? All those stories in the Bible happened so long ago though... I've never had him speak to me before or seen a miracle... or even a ghost... I'm not sure what to believe in..."
Mom: "That's okay... We're not sure what to believe in anymore either... That's why we don't worry about anymore. We live to serve the people around us instead. To care for them... Not some thing we're not sure about. Although some of the things they preach about don't seem that bad, like not killing things... but as it turns out, it's only bad if it's it out of malice, revenge, and... if there isn't much reason to. They think that those that kill the innocent in turn shall be killed, but somehow I feel that's still wrong... What do you think darling?"
Dad: "I agree. It's still... a little wrong to me. They need to see if they can repent for their sins first, and let them live for a while... although I suppose that's not a very equal punishment... If they make someone die, they should also receive death, is what they seem to be saying. It's unforgivable to them, but... Those who kill out of revenge don't seem to have an entirely unreasonable motive for that... Not like I would ever kill someone though. Even bullies can still have people who love them though, but are disappointed at the way they've been growing up, so if they were to die, they would still cry over them, right? If that were to happen for the killer, I'm sure they would forever regret their actions and could try and make up for it... They could still work for society and pay off the damage they've done in a way, right? To kill off a killer doesn't seem to make the priests any different from them... In the end, we could be losing people who are surprisingly valuable for someone who made a grave mistake... You'd have to do a lot to seem like some kind of demon. I think those people should still get a second chance."
Tamashii: "You two are so smart... I love you'll so much mom and dad!"
Mom: "Aw... We love you too!"
Dad: "I love you too sweety... Now, are you going to eat that meat?"
Tamashii: "Um... sure... But what about you two? Don't tell me you'll ate without me!"Dad: "Ah ha ha ha! I'm afraid we did. In fact, I got to go to work soon, off to the market to sell some things. You should probably go off and play with your friend in a minute."
Tamashii: "Alright... Well, I guess a little piece wouldn't hurt..."
I took a bite and was bewildered at it's effect. It didn't seem to have any effect on me... It tasted delicious at first just like any ordinary meat, but it had a pretty bitter aftertaste... as if I was eating the monster's bitter heart... It was a little disgusting. I hope we can find a way to get the animal's back to normal. I don't want to keep eating meat like this... but everyone still needs the protein that comes from it, I'm sure. I think we'd just need to eat a little less of it.
Tamashii: "It's... not bad. But it tastes a little bitter."
Dad: "So you've noticed it too huh? I think if the priests love these monsters so much, they could exorcise whatever evil is in them. The world can't go on forever with these things around. We're starting to lose a lot of trade from the nearby towns because it's so hard to go out anywhere..."Tamashii: "True... Well, I'm going out! Bye mom, bye dad!"
Mom: "Bye sweety! I hope you have a good day!"
Tamashii: "Thanks! I wish you two a good day as well! I'll be back soon!"
I went out the door until I ran into my friend Mikomi who was already outside, trying to meet me! Isn't that silly? We both came out to meet each other so we already ran into each other midway.
Mikomi: "Oh, hi Tamashii!"
Tamashii: "Hi Mikomi! Should we go inside your house?"
Mikomi: "Yeah, for a while anyway. I wanted to show you something."
So we went inside and went to Mikomi's room. To tell you the truth, Mikomi likes to practice magic... She's really into it despite the church saying it's wrong, an abominable art that grants powers from the devil, but I always thought it was a neutral thing for some reason, just like using weapons, we're able to use the power of the elements inside us or the environment around us. Well, I guess it depends on what magic you're talking about, but me and Mikomi are only kids, and she's my best friend. What could she be possibly doing wrong? Besides, I think em and Mikomi both know her magic isn't real, their just magic tricks, like a little joke. She just likes to be silly... I don't even know if casting magic is really possible. I've only heard of it. I know some monsters might be able to, but how could we do anything that they do?
Tamashii: "So, what are you working on now?"
Mikomi: "A magic love potion! I'm going to find a nice, hot guy to fall in love with me! We'll get married and have children, and be together forever!"
Tamashii: "Ha ha ha... alright Mikomi... Just take it slow and don't rush, alright? Besides, you shouldn't force anybody to love you."
Mikomi: "Oh, I know... This is more of a potion of bravery, you see. It's there to get rid of the shyness a person might have. I've been seeing this boy that comes around to the marketplace and he's so cute...! I think he likes me too because whenever I look at him and blush, he blushes back! Oh, I just want to scream! I tried talking to him too, about what he's interested in... We will talk in private when no one is around, and he says he's at least interested in studying magic and even the monsters and how they came to be that way. I told him I was interested in doing so as well. we both find each other so mesmerizing... At least I think so. What do you think?"
Tamashii: "I think you should let me see this boy first before you go out with him. I think it would be a good idea to have other people evaluate their opinions on someone so important, like a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Besides, most guys seem so pigheaded and shallow... Always going for a girl's looks and always teasing people, or cheating on them, never realizing how much it means to hurt other people... It's amazing that we even have parents that are so devoted to each other."
Mikomi: "I know, but... I don't want to be single my whole life, and... They say it's wrong for men and woman to date their own kind. I don't know what to think about that personally... I just think it's a little weird... I didn't think that was possible when I was a little kid. The only choice I have is to date a guy."
Tamashii: "Oh, come on Mikomi. You practicing magic is just as wrong as you going out with another girl, so if you ever did like girls, you should go out with them, but I guess you should try and see if you like any guys... I've never had a boyfriend myself... or a girlfriend... We're still pretty young, huh?"
Mikomi: "Yeah... makes you wonder why we even have our hormones all active like this already if our parents think we shouldn't go too far in a relationship, you know? Also, I don't think I'm attracted to girls Tamashii... I like boys... and as for the magic thing... Well... I'm not sure how much I should care about what the people at the church say, just like you. I practice magic a lot just like you do. I mean, what do you do for fun?"
Tamashii: "Me...? I don't know... I.... I just like spending time with you and learning things from school."
Mikomi: "Aw... That's so sweet! I like spending time with you too! You and me seem to be pretty studious, huh? You think that makes us... nerds?"
Tamashii: "Oh, we go again with stereotyping... You see why me and my parents don't like these priests very much? I feel like their just a bunch of bully that oucast certain groups of people as well. They can go ahead and believe in whatever they want, but I don't want to be forced to be a part of it and not be looked down upon for being different... And those kids are just plain mean. Who cares if we're nerds? Their just jealous that we're smart and their not. Although I guess they got the muscles, huh? Sigh..."
Mikomi: "Yeah..."
Tamashii: "Mikomi, why does God allow bad things to happen? How could God look down on his own creations? Why did he give us freedom?"

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Mikomi: "I don't know Tamashii..."
Tamashii: "What's so wrong with people being themselves?! Why do people have to be so mean and hurt others?! Why can't people just get along? ... Mikomi, do you think God even exists...?"
Mikomi: "I don't know Tamashii... I... Maybe some people are interpreting the bible wrong and misunderstanding it. Everything that happened back then was so long ago, and they have a funny way of explaining things... I don't think God would look down on us for being different... Only for doing bad things... But I'm sure he never hates us. He's only sad us for doing bad things, and he can't allow us to go to Heaven if we sin too much because the bad can't be rewarded."
Tamashii: "Even so, Heaven and even Hell is for eternity right? Should anyone ever be punished for eternity? Does God himself really... punish some of us that harshly?"
Mikomi: "I... I don't know... I don't like to think about these things much... I think he gave us freedom to do what we thought because he loves us, and love should never be forced. He's not just going to force us to give in to him. It's up to us to believe in him."
Tamashii: "But isn't that what the church is doing? If we don't believe, they'll kill us! How could God favor that?"
Mikomi: "You're right... I think they may be wrong with their ways too..."
Tamashii: "Thanks... I'm glad you agree... I'm so happy to be able to express myself to you."
Mikomi: "No problem! Is there anything else you want to say?"

(December 2, 2010 2010 Thursday A.D.)

Tamashii: "Hey, Mikomi?"
Mikomi: "Yes, Tamashii?"
Tamashii: "I had a weird dream last night It told me to find some kind of power. I think I need to get it to be able to stop them. I think it's in the ruins, but I don't want to go out there alone... Do you want to come with me?"
Mikomi: "Wow... You sure you didn't just dream this out of curiosity? What if we don't find anything? I would love to come with you, but I don't know what our parents would think..."
Tamashii: "I know it sounds wrong, but... maybe we should trick them and say we're just going to go outside for a while, when really we're going all the way out there and back."
Mikomi: "Oh, Tamashii... I suppose we could do that."
Tamashii: "Oh yeah... My dad said he actually killed a monster in the desert and gave me it's meat. Maybe he has powers that the dream told me about?"
Mikomi: "Whoa, really?! That's so cool! About having powers that is... I don't know how I should feel about that monster... I mean, it wasn't exactly innocent, but it sounds like your dad killed it on purpose..."
Tamashii: "Well, that's nature I suppose. People got to eat, and even eating other animals is what we do. Besides, some monsters even when they were animals tried to eat US, so we're just returning the favor."
Mikomi: "That's... a strange way of putting it, but I guess you're right."
Tamashii: Well then, let's go talk it out with our parents. Then again, that should be our mom, since our dads are out working."
Mikomi: "Alright. I'll see you later Tamashii!"
Tamashii: "Bye!"

(December 31, 2010 Friday A.D.)

I went back to my home to tell my parents. It didn't feel right to lie to them, but I knew it had to be done.
Tamashii: "Mom, Dad...?"
Mom: "Yes, sweety?"
Tamashii: "Me and Mikomi want to go outside for a bit. Is that okay? We're going to go to the marketplace, but we're not there to buy anything. Mikomi says she has a crush on a guy she sees there that might even go to our school. Can we go?"
Mom: "Oh, of course! So your friend has a crush, huh? That's cute... I remember my first crush... Your dad here however wasn't my one and only I'm afraid. Relationships are hard... but maybe you should find a nice boy just like her anyway."
Tamashii: "Oh, mom...! She's not even going out with him yet! I think maybe it would be a good idea if she didn't anyway."
Mom: "You seem to really care about your friend. That's really sweet. I'm so proud of you!"
Tamashii: "*Blushes* Aw... mom... Stop that! You're embarrassing me!"
Dad: "Hold on. I have a feeling that this isn't an ordinary day for her... I have feeling that you're lying."
Oh no! Could my dad really see through my lies?
Dad: "You want to go to the ruins to find some kind of power to force the church to change their ways, right?"
Tamashii: "I-I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
Mom: "Honey, what on earth are you saying?!"
Dad: "I'm saying I did the same thing a long time ago... and it was too dangerous though so I stopped. I don't have any powers. I only have my body to depend on, and a sturdy weapon. I'm afraid that isn't enough to stop those things though... or maybe it's because I went alone. Are you planning on bringing Mikomi along too?"
Tamashii: "But I'm not...! Oh, alright... Yes, it's true... What we really wanted was to go to the ruins."
Dad: "I thought so... Well... maybe today is the day for change. Take this mace with you. It will serve you well, just like it has for me."
Tamashii: "Thanks dad! I promise I'll make it back out alive! I have the blood of a great warrior on my side!"
Dad: "Ha ha ha ha... Don't exaggerate Tamashii! But I guess it's true that you do have some good genes in you. Alright, you two be careful."
Mom: "Oh, sweety... Don't push yourself too hard okay? Don't get careless and head straight into battle. Those creatures outside aren't supposed to be taken lightly."
Tamashii: "I understand mom. Well, I'm off!"
I left to go see Mikomi. It looks like her parents let her go as well. I wonder if she got away with a lie or if her parents saw right through her and let her go anyway, just like me.
Tamashii: "Oh, hey Mikomi? Are you ready?"
Mikomi: "You bet!"
Tamashii: "Hold on though. Did you have to lie to your parents to come out here, or did your parents found out the truth and let you go anyway> My dad was able to see right through me but he's still letting me go! He gave me this mace though."
Mikomi: "Whoa, that looks cool! Oh, so your dad was able to tell that you were lying though?! My parents actually believed me when I told them so it's not so bad! I got a mace too by the way. It has all these fancy designs on them, so I thought maybe it was magical somehow. Looks pretty rich at least. I wonder why my parents had it..."
Tamashii: "Oh, Mikomi... You had to steal it from them? Well, it's for a good cause."
Mikomi: "Yep! Since the ends justify the means, I'm sure God is still smiling on us. Well, no, I mean... Hm... Tamashii, if we're going to go against the church, does that make God our enemy?"
I was shocked. I never thought about it that way... I figure that maybe their looking at the rules in the bible the wrong way, or their making up their own rules to brainwash people and that God accepts all of us, except maybe those who kill and steal... Was what we were doing wrong?
Tamashii: "I... I don't know... I hope not. I thought maybe what they were telling us wasn't true from the bible, that only they look at things that way... or that only they think it's right to kill people for not believing in things their way."
Mikomi: "Hm... Well someone has to do something. I don't want anymore people to get hurt or die... But we're just a bunch of kids... Why are we the ones that feel the need to do this the most?"
Tamashii: "It's probably because we're kids that we feel the need to this even more than adults because we're so young and vulnerable and we shouldn't have to deal with the idea of being killed or tortured, among other things. Older people may be used to this as a way of life, but we're new to the world, and I think it's time for a new era. One of peace and love... Little kids on the other hand though would probably be too little to understand that all of this is wrong, so it's up to us to save the day."
Mikomi: "That's probably true... Life is strange, isn't it? Well, I guess we should be going then."
Tamashii: "Yep. Let's go."
As we went off, we noticed they were priests walking by with the leader of the church; the father. We went and hid behind an alleyway just outside their field of vision, but still close enough to eavesdrop on them as they came to a halt and started to discuss things. I knew it was something out of the ordinary considering they were part of a higher power, and that it would be all formal and unfriendly. As we leaned in closer to hear, we started to hear some very bad news...
Priest: "Father, what should we do about these non-believers? These... men and women who date their own kind? Surely their hearts are not evil even if some of their actions are, right? They simply do not know the truth about God and his ways! Do you have any idea how we can prove it to them?"
High Priest: "I'm afraid not. I'm afraid we'll have to continue... killing them off. The world can not be ridden by their evil. They are more heartless then you think. God does not approve of those that do not follow him, nor does he approve of those can't give birth so that the world can continue to grow. They are abominations, just as much as the sinners that rob people of all of their happiness by taking everything they can. They must be stopped, and their stubbornness will not allow them to change. We have already tried to negotiate with them. There is no other way."
Priest: "But... There could still be a use for them! They can still do so much for society, even if they don't follow our ways! It hurts to see so many people die in front of my eyes, good or evil. I don't want to see anymore bloodshed. I thought God told us not to kill."
High Priest: "Ah, but you see, there is always loopholes. God punishes those who are sinners into Hell once they die, so why should it matter if they already die now? I'm only trying to do a favor for God, in which he shall reward me, of that I am sure. There is nothing to fear. You do not have to be there to see their deaths no longer. You can be excused. However, someone must carry out the deed, and it may as well be me. Do you dare defy your master?"
Priest: "No, of course not! You're right... I must have been mistaken."
High Priest: "Very good. Now, we must be off to the church."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He must be lying. God would never accept that kind of twisted logic! Something must be wrong... Even if what he said was true, something like this can only be carried about God. A human couldn't take something like this into their own hands, could they?
Tamashii: "No way... I can't believe they would agree to something like this..."
Mikomi: "We should go before they come back! Hopefully the guards will be too preoccupied by the church's actions right now."
Tamashii: "You're right. I don't think these people are too smart. We should get going."
So then we left to go to the gates and eventually to the outside world. As we thought, no one was there.
Tamashii: "Alright, no one's here! Let's go Mikomi!"
Mikomi: "I'm right behind you!"
The sun immediately started frying our skin as we stepped on to the scorching sand... We were finally ready to go out and see the truth of what's out there...

(January 11, 2011 Tuesday A.D.)

As we traversed the desert, me and Mikomi were starting to get pretty tired...
Even though we lived here our whole lives, the heat still gets to us.
Tamashii: "Phew... Where do you think the ruins are?"
Mikomi: "I think it might be past the oasis."
Tamashii: "Oh, that would be nice. I could use a break already. How about you?"
Mikomi: "Same here. Did you bring anything to eat with you?"
Tamashii: "Not much, just some bread."
Mikomi: "Oh. Well, good enough. This may as well take us the whole day to get to there and back, so I think it would be a good idea to stop somewhere and have some lunch."
Tamashii: "Good point. How do you think there's so much water and plant life somewhere in a desert anyway? How is that possible? I mean, what about the rest of the desert that's so dry?"
Mikomi: "Maybe it's a fertile area that's very resistant against the heat? I don't know. Maybe an oasis is one of the seven wonders of the world."
Tamashii: "*Giggles* Oh, don't start that kind of nonsense Mikomi! I've heard that rumors about seven wonders are usually false, being some kind of misconception or even a prank to scare people. There's no such thing, although I suppose the world does have many other wonders..."
Mikomi: "Yep. I even heard somewhere that along with a very hot place like the desert that we live in, there's a very cold place and some people even live there, where they could freeze to death! They must have some pretty warm clothes. I wonder what they make it from..."
Tamashii: "I don't know. Maybe it's... animal fur? I heard people use animals in many more ways than just eating them or keeping them as a pet. Like how we get milk from cows. I wonder if any of the monsters are cows..."
Mikomi: "Ah ha ha ha! That would be pretty silly, wouldn't it?"
Tamashii: "Yeah, but considering how big and heavy they are, if they ran at us fast enough, it would be pretty scary!"
Mikomi: "That's true. Well, we should probably get going now."
Tamashii: "Yeah... Wait, what's that?!"
All of a sudden we saw a strange looking creature, and we knew it was a monster. It was a scorpion, but it looked strange... It about twice the size it should be, and it had red flame markings on it's sides, like tattoos. It's eyes looked really wicked, like something out of hell... It looked almost possessed. Just what in the world has been going on lately? Even by looking at it we could tell that this thing wasn't normal.
Mikomi: "Is that... one of the monsters?"
Tamashii: "It sure looks like it. It's probably poisonous too. I don't think we have any choice but to kill it. Let's go!"
Mikomi: "Alright, I'm right behind you!"
As we fought the monster, we only had a few scratches on us, nothing too serious. However, we could feel it's poison going through us...

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(January 15, 2011 Saturday A.D.)

Mikomi: "Ugh... I don't feel so good..."
Tamashii: "Me either... Mikomi, did you bring plenty of antidotes?"
Mikomi: "Oh, you bet! I wonder if I could experiment on these little beauties and make something with even more potential, maybe mix them with some herbs... What do you think?"
Tamashii: "Yeah, maybe. I don't think we have time for theories though. Hurry up and give one to me."
Mikomi: "Oh, sorry about that... Let's see... how does this work?"
Tamashii: "Maybe we should just patch it over our wounds, or perhaps... eat them?"
Mikomi: "Let's try rubbing it on us first."
So me and Mikomi rubbed some antidotes on us, and even some herbs. Blood and poison seeped through the leaves, soiling them. We have already used a few of our supplies. I hope we still have some by the time we reach the end of our journey and our way back home...
Mikomi: "Phew! I feel a lot better! Don't you?"
Tamashii: "Huh? Oh, yeah, definitely. That seemed to have done the trick. Now, let's continue!"
Mikomi: "Alright! Hey, is that what I think it is?! Is that the oasis?!"
Tamashii: "Where?! Oh, yeah, I think that's it! I don't know though... It could be some kind of mirage..."
Mikomi: "Well, it's not like it's going to kill us to find out, right? Better safe than sorry!"
Tamashii: "Oh, I suppose so... Let's get over there then. I'm exhausted..."
We finally made it to the oasis, which turned out to be the real deal. Lush plants and a sparkling pool of water lay before our eyes. It was beautiful...
Tamashii: "Whoa... It's so pretty!"
Mikomi: "Yep! To think that something like this exists in a desert... It's a miracle, isn't it?"
Tamashii: "Yeah... I wonder if nature can create itself, or some kind of superior being like God really made it this way..."
Mikomi: "Who knows. All I know is that we should still be careful. What if there's still monsters around?"
Tamashii: "I don't know... It seems pretty safe to me. It's so quiet... Maybe the monsters don't like how cool it is here. Maybe they have other ways of finding water, or they don't need any."
Mikomi: "Could be. Why don't we drink some water at that lake over there and then take a dip inside?"
Tamashii: "Alright, sounds good to me!"
When we drank the water, it was surprisingly cool and refreshing. The water revitalized us and kept us on our toes again. That's when we remembered that we should eat some food too.
Tamashii: "Wow... the water is so fresh! I feel like I could walk around in the desert all day and never get tired!"
Mikomi: "*Giggles* Oh, I'm sure the water isn't THAT effective. *Stomach grumbles* Oh! Um... *Blushes* I'm starting to get pretty hungry... I almost forgot all about our bread. Do you want to eat some too Tamashii?"
Tamashii: "Of course! Even if I wasn't hungry right now, I'm sure I would get hungry much later, and it's going to be a long time until we can get back here. Let's eat!"
So we got some bread out and started eating it. While the taste was rather ordinary, it's abundance made it really filling.
Tamashii: "Phew...! Alright, let's get into the water!"
Mikomi: "Alright! I'm already ahead of you!"
Me and Mikomi took off our clothes so we wouldn't ruin them, of course. Although having our clothes wet could make it easier to go through the desert, the added weight from being soaked would make it a lot harder to move around, and it would be really uncomfortable.
Mikomi: "Ah... This feels so good... It was definitely worth fighting our way here, huh?"
Tamashii: "Yeah, you said it..."
When I looked at Mikomi to talk back to her, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was... Even at her age, I'm surprised no one has started to hit on her yet... Or maybe it's just me? Could I be coming on to her? My best friend? Nah, it couldn't be...
Mikomi: "Is something wrong Tamashii? What are you staring at?"
Tamashii: "*Blushes* Huh?! Oh, um... It's nothing. I just spaced out, that's all. I was thinking how of how amazing it was that we got this far. I hope we can still make it to the ruins and come back out alive."
Mikomi: "Ah, don't sweat it! I'm sure it will be a piece of cake!"
Tamashii: "If you say so... Well, we should probably get going now..."
Mikomi: "Yeah, you're right... Well, that was a nice break though, huh?"
Tamashii: "Yep! But now it's time to move on. I just hope it doesn't take too long to get there."
So we headed out to find the ruins. As we stepped out of the oasis, I could feel the heat from the sun, burning on to our skin... but this time it only felt half as strong as it did before. I have a good feeling we were going to be okay.

(February 3, 2011 Thursday A.D.)

We walked and we walked, into finally we found the ruins. Bits and pieces were lying around the building, but it still seemed to be in pretty good shape, as far as the outside goes at least. As ancient as it was, it actually looked quite impressive. It seemed to lead underground as well. Were all ruins some kind of catacombs? Was it a city in the past? A shrine? I wish I knew the answers, but right now that isn't important. The secret power that lies inside... What could it be?
Tamashii: "So this is the place... You ready?"
Mikomi: "Of course I am! Like I said, this will be a snap!"
Tamashii: "*Giggles* You're so ambitious for a girl Mikomi! You sound just like a boy."
Mikomi: "Hey! *Giggles* I'll have you know I am very lady like! I'm just brave and confident in my skills is all!"
We both laughed and laughed until we got over our silly little jokes. As we went inside, the place still felt rather warm... it's like we were going to head into the center of the earth. Many monsters appeared in our path but we knocked them down one by one, until finally, we reached the end. The room at the end was so beautiful... It looked like a place suitable for royalty. I wonder why all of this was built...
Tamashii: "Whoa... this place is neat!"
Mikomi: "Wow... You're right! It looks so... magical!"
Out of nowhere, we heard a voice.
Fire Beast: "Who goes there?! I smell... humans... Have you come to seek my power? Heh heh heh... You do know it can cost you your life, right?"
That voice... everything it said chilled me to the bone. I no longer felt hot. I felt cold... very cold... But we came this far, so we can't back down now.
It turns out the voice came from a monster. It was a giant snake. I didn't know monsters could talk! If it willing to give me power if I did what it wanted us to do however, maybe it wasn't all that evil... A real monster would kill us in an instant, even if it was smart. Even if it could speak... like this one can. Just what was this thing?
Tamashii: "Um... I am Tamashii, and this is my friend Mikomi. Like you said, we have come to seek power."
Fire Beast: "Oh... and what do you need it for?"
Tamashii: "Um... well... There are some other... humans in this world we think are evil and were here to stop them. We don't want to kill them though, only... to change their ways if it's possible, with perhaps... a little force?"
Fire Beast: "Hm... that motive doesn't really suit me... You humans are always fighting each other it seems. Well, if you defeat me in battle, you can have my power, as well as my wisdom on how to use it properly. But if you lose... I'm afraid you'll have to die. I am very powerful you see, and I won't hold back. Only the chosen ones can survive. You see, what I'll be able to offer you humans is something that can change your lives forever. You must be willing to sacrifice anything for this power, even at the cost of your own life. Are you ready?"
I was scared, but I was determined to win. Despite Mikomi's previous courage, she was shaking.
Mikomi: "I-I-I take it back! I didn't realize something this huge was down here! I don't want to die! Tamashii, save me!"
Tamashii: "Calm down Mikomi! We can win! I know we can! We made it this far, right?"
Mikomi: "True... Wait, maybe one of these monsters are it's children or something!"
Fire Beast: "That is correct. The ones that follow me are the ones that share my element, which would be fire. No other creature has anything to do with me, however, and that is why they are so reckless. My minions are only there to test humans if they choose to fight them, but the others will surely chase you down if you choose to run away. Don't ask me how they came to be that way for not I even I or any of my brothers and sisters know..."
This thing has a family too?! Wow... I wonder what they look like. Logically, they would all be snakes, but of different elements, I'm sure. I wonder if it's possible to fight them all and gain the power of all the elements. Something like that sounds... impossible... I wonder if any of the witches and wizards in legends have done this very thing? The stories on them have always been about them doing the impossible, like flying. I never believed any of that...
It was time to fight though. Thinking these things isn't going to help us win.
Tamashii: "Um... that's very interesting, but now we're ready to fight you. Right, Mikomi?"
Mikomi: "U-um... Yes, I'm ready now! I'll take you on, scaley!"
Fire Beast: "Hm... How amusing... You two are nothing but children... But if you humans want to waste your lives away, then fine. Be my guest. Let's see what you've got."
We fought the thing until we cried blood, sweat, and tears. I thought it was impossible, but we won... I feel like it was holding back despite everything it said. Was it really this easy? Even with the bruises and cuts all over our body, I feel like it should have been much harder...
Fire Beast: "Impossible... You humans have actually won! Ha ha ha! I can't even remember if there was ever a time when a human has defeated me! Hm... I'm sure there's been a few... It doesn't happen often though. You humans are usually so fragile, that by the time I breathe my flames, you'll die. It seems my flames only hurt the wicked, although... It seems all humans have a little bit of evil in them, am I correct?"
Tamashii: "All humans are a little bit evil... Yes, I'm afraid that's true... Everyone can have quite a lot of anger and hatred in them that can cause them to do things they shouldn't have, even me and my friend here..."
Mikomi: "I-I'm sorry! Are we really all that bad? I'm sorry for anything bad I've ever done!"
Fire Beast: "Ho ho ho ho! Relax, child, I am not a God, although I do tend to watch over the place that I call home, and test those that choose to fight me, I did not create this world, so I can not be called your mother or father. Now then, I will bestow upon you my powers, but first... I'd like to tell you two something."
Tamashii: "Yes, what is it?"
Fire Beast: "You must find a way to befriend the monsters all around the world and turn them back to normal. If you can't do it, find another hero that can, someone who has powers just like you do. Everything in this world deserves to live just as much as you humans do. At least, that's how I feel... Will you do this for me?"
Tamashi: "Of course. We don't want to see anymore bloodshed if necessary. We just want the world to be at peace..."
Mikomi: "Um... y-yes! I agree with her! We only fought them all because... we didn't think they could be turned back to normal, and they were... kind of in our way, and wouldn't let us live anyway, as we appear to be their natural prey. If we can find a way to tame them though, we will. Ooh... How exciting it would be to have them as a pet!"
Fire Beast: "A pet? Ho ho ho ho... how amusing! You humans are so strange... Killing certain creatures, and yet, taking them into the comforts of your home to have them live with you... Such a two-sided contradiction... Well, I will bestow my powers on to you two. Go forth and be one with the world."
The monster then gave us the power we fought so hard for. I felt a burning sensation inside of me... I was about to scream! And then I cooled off... Just what was this feeling?
Fire Beast: "Now then... farewell!"
With that said, the giant snake thing left from where it came from, whatever that is. Maybe it went to go sleep after all that hard fighting...
Tamashii: "I wonder what this power is... Do you know Mikomi?"
Mikomi: "Ooh... I think I know... I have a good feeling about this!"
With a snap of her fingers, Mikomi lit up a flame suspended in air above her left hand!
Mikomi: "Oh my god! I can use magic! THIS IS SO COOL! Tamashii, you try! Make sure to use your left hand though! Stories tell that the left side of your body is more suitable to magic!"
Tamashii: "Really? I wonder why... Well, here I go!"
I snapped my fingers and a wisp of fire appeared above my left hand, just like Mikomi. I was awestruck. Magic was real!
Mikomi: "Oh my gosh, this is the best day of my life! I'm so glad I came here!"
Tamashii: "Hold on Mikomi. Wouldn't that make us... witches? We'll have to hide our powers from the rest of the world and only use it in case of an emergency."
Mikomi: "Oh, I guess that's true... Wait! I thought the whole reason we came here is to use it against the church! Did you really forget all of that?!"
Tamashii: "Oh my gosh, you're right! I'm so sorry! I just... I'm still afraid of them, even with my new power... I don't want to die..."
Mikomi: "It's okay Tamashii... There's two of us. I'm sure we'll figure something out."
Tamashii: "Yeah, you're right... Alright, let's go home!"
Mikomi: "*Groans* I don't want to fight any more monsters though! I wish we could just teleport out of here!"
Tamashii: "Heh heh, I know what you mean! I'm sure we'll be okay though! We can even stop by that oasis again if you want!"
Mikomi: "Oh, okay! Sounds like a plan! Let's go!"
And so, we left the ruins, back to our home... What of it we can even call home... At least we had parents to take care of us to say the least, and each other... The sun was setting down after a long, hot day, with a cooling passion much like our own. When we got back, we said our goodbyes and went home.

Page 14

(February 9, 2011 Wednesday (Morning) A.D.)

I finally returned home, safe and sound. I knew my parents were going to be worried about me, especially my mom. You know how mothers are... I guess I just got to grin and bear it... Having her scream at the top of your lungs that I'm okay.
Mom: "Tamashii! Thank goodness your alive!"
See? My mom ran up to me and gave me a big bear hug. My dad came over to give me a hug too, but it wasn't as strong. I don't think it's that he doesn't care that much about me. He just knew I would come back. Dad... He really is something. I guess me and Mikomi are too. We've both come a long way. But this is far from over... That thing I got my powers from... It wants me to save the world? Really? Right now at my age? I'm only 14! I'm still a kid! But I guess we'll just have to see...
Dad: "Phew... I'm so happy to see you again. How did it go?"
Tamashii: "Well, it wasn't easy. It's a good thing my friend was with me. I think we split the pain in half. Alone we would have probably died. I found what I was looking for though."
Dad: "I see. What is it?"
Tamashii: "Well, I... Please forgive me for this, but I... I got powers from some kind of monster, but it told me to save the world in some way. It even talked to me. I don't think it's evil... but... It gave me magic. Me and Mikomi can control fire. Watch."
I snapped my fingers and a spark of fire came up from my left hand. My parents were astonished.
Mom: "Wow... That's pretty cool. You don't seem to be any different from how you were before you left this morning though. All that's changed is that you've gotten stronger. But that would mean..."
Dad: "That magic isn't evil after all. Magic is just a power that can be used by good or evil. Maybe a lot of people that have used magic used it for evil, or that normal people feared their power and what they could do with it. Since most people can't use magic, I suppose they thought humans weren't meant to have these powers at all, and God didn't create us with any, so learning it any other way than holy beings, they figured it was an evil power."
Tamashii: "Yeah... I'm really confused... But maybe even the angels and demons are a little bit like us. I mean, why else would God make us so flawed? Some of us don't even like the way he runs things... or at least, his followers... like us being against the church... Couldn't he force us into submission?"
Dad: "Well... He could, but God doesn't seem to want that. He wants us to have freedom."
Tamashii: "But we don't even know if he really exists anymore! And if we do something wrong... He'll send us to Hell... forever... That's really scary. What the priests are doing seems so wrong though. God can't possibly want this..."
Dad: "You're right. But it's been a long day... You should probably find out what to do tomorrow. I don't want you and Mikomi to push yourselves. The priests are probably all sleeping anyway. Are you sure need to use magic to solve your problems? Besides, it's fire power... That is really dangerous. It feels like your going to have to kill them."
Tamashii: "Well... maybe I just need to kill their leader. Then they won't know what to do anymore. It would save us a lot of trouble. With my weapon and magic, I don't think they can do anything to stop me, even if their a bunch of grown-ups."
Mom: "Well... we'll just have to see what happens. Good night Tamashii..."
Tamashii: "Good night Mom! Good night Dad!"
As I went up to my room and tried to sleep, I couldn't... I was so anxious... What am I supposed to do? I don't want to kill anyone! I just want them to stop their madness... This is far too much for me to handle... I can't take it anymore! I'll kill them if I have to... but only if I have to... Mikomi... I'm sorry for dragging you into this... I wonder if she'll do the same thing that I do...
That's when I heard something outside. It sounded like... screams.
I went outside my window and I could not believe my eyes. People were carrying torches and pitch forks! Things like this only happen when someone is about to get executed! But who could that be...?! Wait... No.... NO! Did they find out about Mikomi?!
Tamashii: "... What the hell...? What are they doing?!"
Man: "Burn the witch!"
Woman: "Send that wicked girl to hell!"
Mikomi: "TAMASHII!!! HELP!!!"
Tamashii: "Oh no...! Mikomi!"
I ran downstairs as quick as I could. That's when my mom stopped me.
Mom: "Tamashii, where are you going?"
Tamashii: "Mom, Mikomi is going to die! Don't you see what's going on outside?! Don't you hear them?! They say their going to kill her! I heard her cry for help! I have to save her!"
Dad: "Hold on. We're coming with you, just in case. I'll lock up the house, but we can't just sit here alone in this house while something like this happens..."
Mom: "I don't believe this... Are you sure their going to kill your friend? She is only a child! She hasn't committed a crime in her entire life! What could have gone wrong?!"
Tamashii: "I don't know... Maybe someone found out she's a witch. There's no time to talk now! We have to go!"
Dad: "We're right behind you."

(February 9, 2011 Wednesday (Night) A.D.)

We rushed over to the town square where the executions are held. I can't believe there are such sick people in the world to show death in front of the public... As if what their doing is really that just... As if the whole world needs to know what they've done and... PRAISE THEM. For KILLING people. Even if they are evil, it's just wrong to cheer about it... You would think they would cry in disappointment... but maybe some of them know them personally. Maybe they wanted to get revenge and it finally got served. But... I think it's still wrong... Even if they have to use force, I would want them to repent for their sins... To see if it's possible for them to fix the damage they've done... Even if their a murderer, and the person they killed can't be brought back to life... They could still make something of themselves. Humans killing humans... That is nothing that anyone should ever have to do... But I just might have to do the same thing their doing... to THEM. To save my friend. I can't let them get away with this... No... I WON'T let them get away with this!
As I saw my friend being held on a cross, ready to be crucified, I cried... How could they kill my best friend? She's still a kid, just like me... Even if she's an adolescent, she's still a kid... She's not even old enough to drink... Why is this happening?! Mikomi... you can't die... You just can't...
Mikomi's Mom: "Leave my daughter alone! What did she do wrong?!"
Mikomi's Dad: "She's only a child! You're nothing but a cold-blooded murderer!"
High Priest: "Hmph. Allow me to explain. Your daughter was walking through the streets past curfew. She should be sleeping by now... Why would a girl her age be up this late? She should be going to sleep for schooling the next morning. That's when we noticed she was trying to find her way... somewhere... Perhaps to go home and sleep, like a good child... But what she did is how she got to be here right now... To light the way, she created a wisp of fire from her very hands. Yes, you see... She is a witch. *Turns to Mikomi* Go on then. Show them your wicked powers!"
Mikomi: "Ugh... I'm not... a witch...!"
High Priest: "*Slaps* Liar!"
I couldn't stand this anymore. It was time to put and end to this once and for all!
Tamashii: "Don't you dare touch her!"
Tamashii's Mom: "TAMASHII, DON'T!"
Tamashii's Dad: "It's alright. She can handle this. I believe in her..."
High Priest: "Ah... a sympathizer... Would you like to join her too?"
Tamashii: "Join h- What the hell is wrong with you?! Just because a person uses magic, doesn't mean their evil. Magic can be used for both good and evil, it depends on the user. Just look at her. She's so young... she's my best friend... She hasn't done anything wrong in her whole life... It's not like she's able to bring the dead back to life! Just let her go!"
High Priest: "Ah ha ha ha ha...! What was that?! Do you know what her powers are then? Have you seen them? How do you know she doesn't have... more up her sleeves? Besides, I can see into people's very souls... You two are the same... You are both witches! But that's not all... You two are non-believers! I can tell! You two have been planning an attack against the church this entire time!"
Everyone in the town then stared at me. I couldn't believe this... This b*****d was making me and my friend out to be some kind of demon!
Mikomi's Dad: "Wh-what?!"
Mikomi's Mom: "You're lying! My daughter would never do such a thing!"
Tamashii: " Oh yeah? If you knew all of this, then how come you didn't kill us a long time ago? Your a liar... Your just now figuring things out, aren't you?"
High Priest: "Silence child! Do you wish to die?!"
Why was this guy so eager to kill us? That's when I noticed something strange... Was it because of my powers? As I looked closer I could see... into his soul?! It was like a cloud of toxic smoke... It was all... black. Pure black, and moving around hastily in hatred. It was disgusting... Even a human soul couldn't look this... dark... This... person... This person can't be human. This person is some kind of monster. Maybe even a demon. I didn't think he was that evil. This person is a hypocrite! I bet he lied just so he could get what he wanted. I just hope... this isn't the devil himself standing before me.
Tamashii: "Wait... something's wrong... I think... I can see into your soul too. You're not human, are you?"
High Priest: "I don't know what you're talking about..."
Tamashii: "I'll force it out of you if I have to!"
High Priest: "Foolish child... You will die by the wrath of God!"

Page 15

(February 10, 2011 Thursday A.D.)

*Midway into battle*
High Priest: "Huff... huff... Impossible! How can a child be this strong?! I am the head of the church! I am the law! No one can defeat me! I guess it's time for me to show my true powers..."
The high priest started to slowly transform into something... of pure evil... His eyes glowed red and there was a black aura of evil energy all around him. It was... hideous... How can anything have this kind of awful power?!
Now, standing before me, was some kind of demon. He had horns on his head, and wings like a bat. His skin was all black and his eyes were red. All red... When he smiled, his teeth were all sharp like fangs. It was horrifying, but I stood my ground. This thing was not going to kill me.
Tamashii: "I knew it... You are a demon!"
Demon: "Ah ha ha ha ha...! Yes... it's true... This whole time... I was going to brainwash all of you humans in being so very narrow-minded... sending lies about God... In fact, there is no God. Not that I know of. He has not done anything for you humans in thousands of years. Why else do you think there's so much suffering?! If there is a God, he must be dead now, or in a long, long sleep... Now that you foiled my plans and shown the whole town what I really am, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill all of you! You should be scared you know... You are facing a demon from the lowest pits of hell. Well? Are you going to beg for mercy?!"
Tamashii: "Never. This ends right here, right now. With my mace in hand, and magic from my soul, I will send you back where you came from!"
Demon: "Hee hee hee! I see then... Well, come at me then, child! Let's see what you've got!"
After a long, furious battle to the death once again... I won. I actually won... He was a demon and I won. He must have lost a lot of his powers disguised as a human in the mortal world for so long... Wasn't a demon supposed to be much stronger than these monsters? Or maybe... we humans are a lot more powerful than we think we are? Maybe God was watching over me... The real God... maybe that's why I won. I won and this thing was finally going to die...
Demon: "No... How could I lose?! AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!"
The demon slowly started to turn into a pile of dust... and then it got blown away in the wind... Which was strange, because the air was still. I wonder if his soul still lived... With a death like that, it looks like I killed him for good. He will never return to harm another human being ever again, or any other creature at that.
I ran over to my best friend to free her.
Tamashii: "Mikomi! Are you okay?!"
Mikomi: "Yeah... I'll be okay... I'm just a little tired... Thank you for saving me... I'm sorry I couldn't help you in the end... I guess I'm just useless..."
Tamashii: "Don't say such things... You did your best. You should save your breath. I'll get you out of these ropes."
The ropes were really tight. It may have looked kind of weird, but I cut them with my mace.
Mikomi then fell on me and I had to grab her. As she fell on me, her body felt so good and warm... I was so happy to have my friend back! Tears wouldn't stop flowing from our eyes...
Mikomi: "Oh Tamashii, I love you!"
Tamashii: "I love you too!"
Mikomi: "What are we going to do now though...? Everyone knows that we're a witch. Everyone must be shocked at what happened. We may have to go and live in another town."
Tamashii: "Yeah.... maybe... I don't know... I just hope I can go back home and go to sleep... That's all I want to do right now..."
Mikomi: "Yeah... me too..."
As I looked around, I could what was left of the church. There were priestesses too, but they never did much. Some of them were teachers, and some of them helped baptize people's children. In fact, we already got baptized from birth. That's what my parents said. And yet we went against them and fought their leader... I never did get the point of holy water. It always seemed like ordinary water to me. They seemed to be discussing things amongst themselves so I listened in.
Priest: "Well then... it seems some people who follow their religion too strongly may actually be a demon in disguise... How could this be?!"
Priestess: "Maybe we were wrong in all of this... Has our way of life been a lie all this time?!"
Priest: "No, that can't be! Don't ever lose your faith in God! I'm sure he exists! I know he exists..."
These two were starting to give me a headache. After all that happened, their still going to be the same way they've always been?
Tamashii: "Their so persistent..."
Mikomi: "Of course they are... It's what they've lived by their whole lives..."
Tamashii:"Yes, but after all this time?"
Mikomi: "I guess so... Tamashii, I just want to go home... I'm so tired..."
Tamashii: "Me too..."
Mikomi: "How did you even find your way home?"
Tamashii: "I don't know, I guess I just got a good memory."
Mikomi: "Lucky... If only I was as smart as you know, this wouldn't have happened..."
Tamashii: "Oh, come on! Don't feel so bad! We did it right? Well, I guess I did it. I defeated high priest who was really a demon and now everything is back to normal."
Mikomi: "I guess so... but what if my parents don't want me anymore because I'm a witch?"
Tamashii: "It's okay... maybe you can come live with me and my parents."
Mikomi: "Oh, I would love that very much! Well, I guess we'll just have to see, huh?"
Tamashii: "Yep. Let's go home..."
We went home and fell asleep despite all that happened... Maybe some things in their religion is true. Maybe some of the things that are wrong were because of demons. I don't know... I never even heard that there's a Goddess along with God. If that's true, why were girls like me even born? Why isn't God married, with a wife? How could he have given birth to us without one? It's like God doesn't have to worry about a wife having to suffer the pain of childbirth... Even if he did have a wife, she probably didn't have to give birth to the first man and woman that way. It's only us, humans, that are like that. That's so unfair... Why can't we be a little more stronger, like God? Despite my powers, I still feel so weak... At the very least, everyone else in town besides Mikomi seems weak. Many have died from the simple little monsters outside that are so much smaller than them. How is that possible?
I became too tired to think anymore and went to sleep...

(February 11, 2011 Friday A.D.)

The next day, my parents had something they wanted to tell me.
Dad: "Tamashii..."
Tamashii: "Yes Dad? What is it?"
Dad: "I need to tell you a rumor I once heard. A long time ago, there was a rumor of a place called... The City of Dreams. Somewhere in the city there has been said to be a way you can have all your wishes granted to you. You could live in peace for the rest of your lives if you made it there... But so many have tried to find it and failed. They say that only the chosen ones, ones with pure hearts can make it... People with magic like you. But... It has been said that they are two heroes... two for each town, and one has to be left behind to defend it, while the other one goes. I wish you could stay here with us... I don't want you to go... I don't know if it should be you or her... but considering she was the one you had to save last night, it might as well be you..."
Tamashii: "I see... I... have to choose if I want to leave or stay? I... I have to talk it out with her first."
Dad: "Of course. There's no rush. Now... your mother also wants to say something."
Mom: "Tamashii... We're... not your real parents."
I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did she really just say that...? I'm not their real daughter? Then that means I'm... adopted?! There's no way that can be right! I wonder if my real parents are still alive...
Dad: "A long time ago, your parents went off to fight a monster that was causing major problems in the town. No, that's not right... It was a little village, but they had control over this thing called electricity, much like lightning. This monster also had that kind of power, but... It was so strong, and it used it to destroy everything. Lightning would strike and destroy many people's homes. Many of them died... many of them escaped. Who knows if they lived or not out there in the wilderness, where there are more monsters. Even your mother was a fighter, so the two of them had no choice but to leave you all alone. Just like now, you were an only child. We could hear your crying and we came to save you. We were your parents best friends. We found you and raised you as our own. We may not be your real parents, but we love you so much..."
Tamashii: "No way... Where is this place? I've never heard of it before."
Mom: "That's because... we weren't born in this time. We are... from the future."
Tamashii: "Huh?! The future?! Really?"
Mom: "Yes, and you see... The City of Dreams... doesn't actually make your wishes come true, necessarily... It's a place where there's some kind of time traveling machine that can take you anywhere your heart desires... across time and space... And when we used such a device, it took us here. I'm not sure why it led us here, but it did. It must be because it was fate for you and Mikomi to get this power of yours some day, and now one of you must leave... To find this city... I'm not sure why, but I hope you two live a long, happy life, whether you leave or stay."
Tamashii: "Well, it may as well be me that goes. I have to find my real parents, or at least, my real home... How old was I when you guys raised me?"
Dad: "Much too little. You were only a baby. We couldn't just leave you to die... Nothing that's just been born should die... and even if we didn't give birth to you, you will always be my daughter.."
Tamashii: "Th-thank you... *Sobs*"
Mom: "Don't cry dear... I don't want you to ruin your pretty face. Now dry up those tears and look straight ahead. Go and tell Mikomi everything."
Tamashii: "*Sniffs* Okay... I'll go and tell her."
I went outside to look for Mikomi. It looks like she isn't feeling well either...
Tamashii: "Hi Mikomi! What's wrong?"
Mikomi: "*Sobs* Oh Tamashii... My parents disowned me! I'm going to be all alone forever!"
Tamashii: "It's okay Mikomi... I'm sure my parents will let you stay! You should go and ask them!"
Mikomi: "Oh Tamashii... thank you! You're the best girl a friend can have!"
We then hugged each other tightly. It was so nice to have a hug from someone you can rely on. I'm sure there's other people in the world suffering much more than we have... I'm so glad to be alive... I hope one day I can find those people and help them, wherever they are...

Page 16

Tamashii: "Mikomi, I need to tell you something."
Mikomi: "Yes, what is it?"
Tamashii: "You and me have to decide on who gets to stay here to protect the town, and who gets to go out into the wilderness... to find this place called The City of Dreams, where all your wishes can come true. Apparently, what it really does is take you to wherever you want to go. I think I should go because my parents just told me they came from the future... and that my parents are from the future too. I was adopted because my parents might have died from a monster attack."
Mikomi: "What?! No way! Oh Tamashii... That's so sad! I don't want you to go... I'll miss you..."
Tamashii: "It's okay! Don't worry about me! I'll be fine! Don't miss me too much! *Winks*"
Mikomi: "Alright... I'll do my best! Bye Tamashii!"
Tamashii: "Bye!"
And so my true journey begins... To find the City of Dreams... I wonder where all these other heroes are... I wonder if we will have to work together? It seems strange to go into other towns at my age and look at all these strangers... maybe even talk to them... But we're all human, right? We should all get along. If anyone causes me harm again, I can stop them with my powers. I hope everything will be okay though...
As the sun shone in my eyes, I could feel hope shining down on me. It felt like God watching over me... or maybe... my own guardian angel. I was still pretty nervous, but at the same time I had a good feeling that I would make it. It seems that school will have to be put on hold until I'm done with my journey. What else could I possibly learn though, I wonder?

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