Stats: Strength: ▌▌▌▌▌Intelligence: ▌▌ Kindness: ▌▌▌▌▌Rapping Skills: Non-ExistentWeapon of choice: FistsWish: To become the most successful musician to ever exist. Momo's EndingJust barely surviving, he slowly walked over to the chest that held the Mysterious Man's most prized possession. After opening it, he realized there was an envelope inside with the words "Adopted Son" written on the front of it. He opened it and began reading the letter inside. Jordan - Momo-Chans. E I E I O. *Twerks rapidly* I don't really remember when I met you. I had always seen you around Charles, so he probably introduced us. I actually remember meeting you on lVlomentori or whatever it was, just because that's where I came up with the nickname Momo. Momo and I never really spoke much, at least not until we were both invited to the Skype group. Oh lawd, good s**t. Momo and I actually got pretty close because of that group. We've had personal conversations, and he's opened up to me about his life and problems, which I appreciate. Let me tell you what I like about Momo. Absolutely nothing, since he's b-, just kidding. You can tell that Momo is a genuine person, and that he's real with his emotions. He tells people like it is, and I respect that, considering not many people do that. Another thing I like about Momo is how protective he is of his friends. He'll find out someone from the Skype group is upset because of something someone might've said, and he'll be all, OH HELL NAH I'MA ******** THEM UP. Speaking of that, let me get into how ghetto he is. He's very ghetto, but so am I, so you already know. We like to twerk back to back and fux s**t up. AAAAY MOMO. Momo's ratchetness is actually what allows me to tell the difference between him and Doom, considering those two are like twins who were separated at birth. But yeah, Momo is a great guy, and I'm really glad I met him. You know I'm always here for you when you need me, Momo-chans! ~Twerks into the sunset~Theme Song
Lana Del Rai · Fri Aug 23, 2013 @ 11:00am · 0 Comments |