Stats: Strength: ▌▌▌Intelligence: ▌▌▌▌ Ability to get Banned: ∞Serenading Skills: ∞Weapon of choice: BombWish: To have an infinite amount of lives. Charles' EndingJust barely surviving, he slowly walked over to the chest that held the Mysterious Man's most prized possession. After opening it, he realized there was an envelope inside with the name "Aladdin" written on the front of it. He opened it and began reading the letter inside. Charles - EEEE Ohmygod, I can't believe this is the first time I'm writing a shout out for you. It feels like I've known you for so long that I would've written at least one for you by now. Oh wellz. Anyways, I first heard about Charles in 2011. A few people had told me he wanted to join the Naruto community and leave the Kingdom Hearts one, so I was all, oh, awesome, now I can meet someone new. I was introduced to him once, but that was about it. We never hung out or anything, but I would always see him in rallies with the people I hung out with. It's weird that we never spoke, now that I think about it. Anyways, then there was some drama, and blah. He left the Naruto community, then the drama reaaaally started. Honestly though, it was kind of a good thing that all the drama happened.... For me, anyways. I was told that I shouldn't like you, just because my friends didn't like you. If I didn't listen to them and actually gave you a chance when we had first met one another, we probably could've been great friends from the start. Because I didn't, I now know not to do that. Charles Senpai knows how to teach me the way! Anyways, after all that drama passed, I actually spoke with Charles, and he seemed like a great guy. Until I learned he's Jafar from Aladdin in disguise, trying to take over Gaia!!! Just kidding. Anyways, we kept talking, and we found we had quite a few things in common. We both listen to the same type of music (Even though our favorite bands are different ratchet), and we both like to dress up as Jasmine in real life and belly dance. Ahm Bitty Bitty Bitty Bomb Bomb. Anyways, let me tell you what I like about Charles. His teeth. That's it. Just kidding again~ So I've come to find that Charles is just a really cool guy in general. He's laid back most of the time, and just fun to be around. As I already said, we like the same genre of music, which is nice, considering I don't know many people who listen to it. BMTH is kind of ew though. Another thing I like about Charles is how willing he is to help his friends out when they need it. If someone sounds upset on call, he'll be all, did someone upset you? Be right back, getting my mules out. Although, I'm sure he won't be able to do that much longer. Stop getting banned, bew! STOP! In all honesty though, I think Charles and I are a lot alike. We both do shady s**t, but only when it's necessary. Because of what we do and say, people automatically think of us as assholes, when in reality, we have legitimate reasons for our actions. Due to that, not many people are willing to actually see what a great person and friend Charles is with those who deserve his loyalty. When I saw Charles arguing with people and saw his shadiness, I was all, mmmm, can I trust him? But he's actually opened up (His legs are hairy what random fact of the day this is a separate sentence shhh) to me, and you can tell he's a genuine person. He truly cares about his friends, and I respect that a lot, considering most people just take advantage of their friends. The last thing I love about Charles is his sense of humor. Although he make take it too far sometimes (which I personally don't believe, but the butthurt bettyz do), I'm guilty of doing that too. H0LLAAAAA Me and Charles are always in jail in Agrabah. We dah street rats, stealing yo bread and watermelon. Though, anytime we steal watermelon, Hinawa steals it from us. It's like she's invisible at night! Okay, so before I end this shout out, let me tell you what I don't like about Charles. Anytime I tell him to kiss me, he doesn't! Piece of s**t! Okay, that's all. Stay smelling like curry, beautiful! Okay I really need to stop writing this shout out because if I don't get back to the palace within the next 10 minutes Aladdin will beat me with a stick in front of Abu and it'll humiliate me! Okay byefelisha <3Theme Song
Lana Del Rai · Mon Aug 26, 2013 @ 11:17am · 0 Comments |