Stats: Strength: ▌▌▌▌Intelligence: ▌▌▌▌ Typing Skills: Non-ExistentImpersonation Skills: ∞Weapon of choice: Blade of the Night SkyWish: To be Asian. Dante's EndingJust barely surviving, he slowly walked over to the chest that held the Mysterious Man's most prized possession. After opening it, he realized there was an envelope inside with the word "Brosef" written on the front of it. He opened it and began reading the letter inside. Steven - Oh my ******** Dante. Dante is like my older brother who says he Asian but he knows I know the truth. Okay, so when Dante and I had first met, we disliked one another. I met him in rally (Like Sasu. TWINS), only because he was being a shady b***h. I walked up to one of my friends to say hi, then here comes little s**t Dante, talking s**t about me. I was all, oh, you don't know who I am. ~Works my magic~ So after that, he was on my s**t list. After that, I saw him in towns, and decided to do my thing. I'll always remember what he said to me. "Look, if you're gonna troll me, at least do it here:" He then proceeded to tell me the rally room he was going to be in. I forgot whether or not I did anything, but yeah. Over time, I had seen him a lot more, considering we had a ton of mutual friends. After a while, he started talking to me, but I was still all, ew no get away. Eventually I stopped caring about our past, and we began talking. Over time, we gradually became closer and closer, and soon enough, we were best friends. I introduced him to Nero, and we became a trio of lesbian best friends. Unfortunately, Dante and I stopped talking for a very long time. It was over something petty, and we're both over it now. I really wish we didn't have that falling out, though. I'm sure we missed a lot that happened. Crying. Anyways, Dante is amazing. He's funny, smart, caring, tall, dark, handsome.... wait what? Dante is legitimately one of the most supportive people I've ever met on Gaia. It's a tie between him and the two others above this shout out. When Dante asks you what's wrong, he literally wants to know what's wrong, regardless of how long your sob story is. I've seen him attempt to help people, and it just shows how caring he is, which is something I love about him. Now, although Dante can be caring, he can also be the biggest t**t you've ever met. He has no filter, and even if we don't want him to insult someone he may not like, he's going to do it anyways, regardless of what the repercussions might be. Shout out to those who dislike Dante! And by shout out, I mean bye. -.-;;!!! Ohmygod, Dante's taste in music is amazing. He listens to the heavy s**t just like I do, and he doesn't discriminate. If you ask him to listen to something, he'll give it a chance, regardless of what it might be. That actually reminded me to talk about this next subject. When I first met Dante, he seemed like a hardcore rocker b***h, or something along those lines. Now? He's like, a butch desu loli, and that came out of nowhere. He's actually the person that taught me what s**t like loli, desu, tsundere, etc. meant. He made me an even bigger weeaboo!!!! Just kidding, ew. But yes, Dante is just all around amazing, and I can't wait to meet him this December. It's going to be super weird, considering we had no intentions of meeting one another so soon. But I mean, I'm going to be in Nevada anyways, so why not? The only sad part is that I won't be 21 yet, so we can't do anything too crazy. Oh well.~ But YEEEEE, I can't wait to meet you in person, Dante. I can already picture all the crazy s**t we're going to end up doing. I'm just so glad that you survived that plane crash on your way to Japan! But yeah. Dante, I love you, and I'm so glad I met you, even if we were on bad terms at first. I've witnessed you grow so much, and I'm so proud of you, especially with everything you've overcome in your life. Stay amazing, my MexicAsian lover.<333 Theme Song
Lana Del Rai · Sat Aug 24, 2013 @ 10:02am · 0 Comments |