Stats: Strength: ▌▌▌▌Intelligence: ▌▌▌▌▌ Vocabulary: ▌▌▌▌▌Patience: ▌Weapon of choice: ShotgunWish: To know the answer to every question. Cox's EndingJust barely surviving, she slowly walked over to the chest that held the Mysterious Man's most prized possession. After opening it, she realized there was an envelope inside with the words "Racist Sista" written on the front of it. She opened it and began reading the letter inside. Atlanta - You ratchet little s**t. EEEEEE, my gworl Cox. Cox is legitimately my own personal comedian and teacher. Okay, so like Nero, I had seen Cox around a lot, but I have never spoken to her. The Naruto community always seemed to have the cosplay side, then it had the roleplaying side, which Cox seemed to be the queen of. It's weird, though, considering I don't even know if Cox is a roleplayer. Anyways, I don't really remember who introduced you to me. I think we met in cosplay towns, and someone from TTB had been hanging out with you. I recognized who you were, so I was all, let me just introduce myself to this little harlot. After that, we became really great friends. Oh s**t, I'll never forget the first time I heard Cox talk on Tinychat. I had already known she was from the South (Since she's super racist but that's why I love her!), but I had no idea how major her accent would be. I literally flew off my chair, out a window, and into the street, where I was hit by a car, dragged for ten miles, landed in a ditch from the car stopping short, started rolling down the ditch, broke both my arms and legs, then landed in a one foot deep puddle, where I drowned. I was just very shocked by her accent, and I was unable to match her voice with her face until I saw her talking/camming on Tinychat. Anyways, Ohmyblackjesus, Cox is wonderful. Her personality is great for a racist person, and yeah. Oh, before I get into that, let me tell you about her rants. Cox rants about the most random s**t sometimes. Sometimes she'll talk for an hour about the government, and tell us her theories. Then, she'll slowly switch the topic to History, then tell us about things we didn't even learn in school. Like, where was this information in high school??? My favorite rants from Cox are her science ones. She acknowledges the fact that there are things we still haven't discovered, so that leaves an endless amount of possibilities of what can exist in the world. She's very open-minded, and I like that. Needless to say she isn't a boring person, and she can keep you interested. Oh, aside from her rants, she also makes these random ******** stories, like the one I made earlier on in this shout out. She'll be like, I hope you get hit by a bus, Rai..... then you survive, and it drives you to Mexico, where you get abducted by the Cartel, but then the US saves you, but now they think you're Mexican, so they kill you. Something along those lines~ But yeah, let me talk about Cox's personality. She's really ghetto and I hate her. Honestly though, Cox is a great person. She likes making people laugh with the random things she says, she's kind to those who deserve it, and she defends her friends. If there's something about you that she doesn't like, she'll accept you anyways. Like, although she's extremely racist, she's still really nice. Also, although she says racist things, I don't think she's really racist. She accepts people of all races. She just knows more racist words than an average person, is all! But yeah, like Bech, Cox is all about having a good time, which I like. She avoids drama, but she'll jump in it to defend a friend if she has to. Oh, also, she's the Queefn of the Naruto forums. Ugh, what a harlot! I love you, my racist Cox! Stay racist forever! ~Does a ratchet twerk with you~<333Theme Song
Lana Del Rai · Sat Aug 24, 2013 @ 10:15am · 1 Comments |