School's Back! Everyone Barf! |
Okay. This is going to be a bit of a long journal entry for me. No likey, no looky. It's that simple.
School started in NEISD today. To be honest, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. In fact, I actually like my teachers. The only thing I don't like is the stairs. You see, I'm on the 7th grade floor because (if you didn't already see this coming,)I'm in 7th grade. Yes, it's a shock. I'm actually more mature, right? Wrong. I'm still at the mental age of 7. So there.
But really, I have periods on the top floor, (aka the 7th grade floor), the main floor (aka the 8th grade floor), in the cafeteria (behind the stage on the 8th grade floor), the ground floor (aka 6th grade floor), and for this first semster, I have PE in the GYM. The gym is on the second half of the 6th grade floor. It's a bit of a ways off of my schedule. AND, all 7th and 8th graders have to meet on the concourse by the gym before they can even enter the building!
eek right?
Well, I'm gonna have to get used to it. I have to go up to the 7th grade floor to get to my locker, down to the 8th grade floor and run to the cafeteria to Speech and Debate, back to 7th grade to get to my locker and go back down those SAME stairs to get to Science, go back UP to 7th to get to GT Math/Algerbra (I'm taking a 9th grade class in 7th!), put everything in my locker and run down 2 STAIRCASES and keep running to PE, run all the way to the 7th grade floor to get my lunch, then rush to the cafeteria to get a good table, go back upstairs and grab my stuff for GT English on the 7th grade floor(Yet another 9th grade class) and get to it on time. After English, I have Texas History on the 7th grade floor, and finally I have Choir on the 8th grade floor.
Or, in simple form- Before school- Concourse by the Gym 1st period- Speech and Debate, Cafeteria on the 2nd floor 2nd period- Science on the 3rd floor 3rd period- GT Math, Algerbra I on the 2nd floor 4th period- PE in the Gym Lunch- In the cafeteria on the 2nd floor Advisory- 3rd floor 5th period- GT and ELP English, 3rd floor 6th period- Texas History, 3rd floor 7th period- Choir II, 2nd floor
Are you lost yet? Try to imagine memorizing that. rolleyes
My favorite classes are probably Algerbra, Speech and Debate, English, and Choir (especially Choir) at the moment. We'll see how much everything changes by the end of the year.
I already have homework on the 1st day! In GT and ELP English I have a poem and collage due Thursday and in Science I have a worksheet due tomorrow. So far 7th grade isn't a barrel of monkeys.
However, because my Speech and Debate teacher is also a Theater Arts teacher, I get to audition for all of the plays and junk. 4laugh And I'm auditioning for Pop Ensamble in Choir. Plus I'm entering all the UIL activities that I can.
It's gonna be one heck of a year.
Your lord and master,
LongWayHome · Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 01:29am · 0 Comments |