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my insanity
just random scribbles
Minwoo - Bump

Bump (feat. C-Luv)

Your exciting energy (so hot)
I can feel you melting me (feel me)
These new eyes that are laid on me
I’m getting drawn into them, hey go crazy for me

(Spread your dreams) Into my heart
(Throw your mind) With more confidence
(Once out loud) Shout out my name
To reach the top
Bump! Bump! Bump!

Gather up my passion, let my courage blaze (So hot)
Close my eyes and feel it (Feel me)
My shouting is more elaborated
I can’t stop at this

At times I have hidden away
But now I want to live for you
Every minute I spend


Let me see it mami Pop that thang up
Lady I think it’s time to head outside
I`m already got`em man
I`m a care for you around boo
I’m the one you need
I`m the rule with style so cool
Let me play for you (Bu-Bu-Bump)
The game is over, I`m holla at you

(Spread your dreams) Into my heart
(Throw your mind) With more confidence
(Once out loud) Shout out my name
To reach the top
Let me see you boo~day
(Spread your dreams) Into my heart
(Throw your mind) With more confidence
(Once out loud) Shout out my name
To reach the top, I can’t stop
For everything Bump! Bump! Bump!

Bump! Bump! Bump!

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