Ok... my 'friend' Tabatha is starting to really work my nerves. She's an atheist, now don't get me wrong, I have no problems with atheists, it's their own opinion on whether or not they choose to believe in an afterlife and all that. But Tabatha... she says she doesn't believe in a God or anything the Bible says, yet, she acts as if she hates Him. Despises him and blames him for her bad childhood.
If you say something she doesn't agree with, then you're wrong. That's that. I've tried to talk with here, not debate that he does exist, but ask her why she doesn't believe. And she said the same thing, she just doesn't believe some great power could create everything, it's all fiction to her. But then, she acts like she blames him for her problems. That he's real and he could fix it if he wanted to.
She takes 16 pills a day. 16!!! I don't exactly know what they're all for, but she takes some to, suppress her memories, I guess. And those are the ones that she doesn't need to be taking. She says she so big and bad and strong, well she's not. She uses those pills as a ******** crutch. Now, some of those pills I do agree she needs because she does have ADHD, I've seen her with it. But the ones that are suppose to keep her calm and focused and the memories away are the one's she needs to stop taking! She's going to be dependent on them all her life and she's never going to be able to get over what happened.
She lives in her own little world, thinking that as long as she keeps taking her drugs, nothing will happen to her. She supposedly goes through all these depressions and of course, they give her more meds. She apparently cuts herself which is completely stupid all in it's own.
I know, I sound like a total b***h saying all this junk when she had such a horrible childhood but let me tell you this, my mom had the exact same bullshit happen to her when she was young and she turned out just fine. She never had to depend on prescription drugs to get over it.
Tabatha, however, is going to be on those drugs the rest of her life and never face what happened to her. She'll always be afraid of it and she'll always keep running from it. Either that... or she'll OD... and as much as I sound as though I hate her, I don't. I love her. I want to be her friend but it's difficult. I want to help her but she won't let me. She doesn't let anybody because she wants the attention. She wants to be the baby.
I accept people for who they are and most of them for the choices that they make... but the choices Tabatha makes and who she's turning out to be is becoming ridiculous. I wish I could help, but she won't listen to me.
Anyway, I'm just tired of her taking Atheism to such an extreme. She's only one step away from becoming the opposite of a Bible Thumper. One step away from walking up and knocking on peoples doors and asking; "Hello. Do you not believe in God?" And then giving them some kind of atheist book with all the 'facts' in it.
She says she has no religion, when in reality, she's a hypocrite. Cause when you really think about it, Atheism is a religion all in it's own now.
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