(sorry this one took so long, computer got wiped out so i had to re-type it out, enjoy ^_^)
Chapter 4
Part 1: The bloody view
The team slowly made there way down the moutions narrow path hoping to not run in to any monsters on the way down or they would sherrly fall and die
"i wounder if Jaken is alright" Jensay asked him self quietly
"he looked like a strong guy, im sure he got to hima after all theres nothing to worry about if he went the way we went" Belanishi told him with a small smiled when in fact she belived him to be dead.
They made there way in to the thick forest that laid very close to the mountion side, the trees were very thick and very little light came in, perfect breeding spot for spiders but in fact the team incountred no spider nor spider webs for some reason, other then triping over each other in the dark a few times they didnt have much trouble, the walk in the forest was about a hour, half way though Kalimari started to complain alot about his poor beautiful feet hurting, of corse every one ignored him.
"ahhh finaly some light!" Kalimari cried out as he was the last one out of the forest "mmm never thought i'd miss it that much" he chuckled and sat down on the short green grass, he peared over a few rocks "oh my-" he said shocked, he spoted a large lake filled with a red substance that looked like blood "is that-" he was cut off by Belanishi
"yeah thats blood lake" Belanishi sighed "its said that every human that dies blood comes here and fills the lake...and one day the blood will over flow and leak in to the sea and make all the blood of the world poisoned and kill all but the demons and monster" she told them sadly but then got a cheerful adittude "well its only a mith so theres nothing to worry about i guess"
Jensay noded as he started at the lake, a large grey and black could circled around the lake, lightning bolts hit the ground in random places "there are alot of monsters there" Jensay said seeing an increable amout of monsters walking around the discusting looking lake
"well monsters do drink the blood of humans" Mea said coming up beside him looking at them all to
"hm well Belanishi here should be able to take care of them with her lightning attacks seeing how there all sea type monsters" Mae sat down and began to write in a book, look at the monsters and write again
"what are you doing?" Dustin and sheena asked as the looked at the book
"oh im just recording what monsters we see and incounter, it will make are journey easer if we can know what type of monsters and such we fight" she smiled brightly
"yeah i guess so" Lansino said as he looked over her shoulder along with Mansino
"oh i can help to" Mansino said brightly with a smile
"alright" Mae said smiling up at him, she handed him a copy of her book that had the monsters she already had down in it
the book had the following in it:
001: were-wolf
002: wolf pack
003: giant masquito
004: giant scorpion
005: giant snake
006: neduna (lion like beast from chapter 3)
007: shadow fire
008: kuhana
009: mermaid worrior
010: mermaid mage
011: merman worrior
012: merman sage
013: water elemental
014: sea horse
015: giant starfish
016: water mage
"wow you have alot down already!" Mansino said amazed
"heh not comparied to the balknao..he was a great exploer, he noted every monster in the world and gave each of them there name, but his notes were lost long ago" Mae sighed
"well im sure we'll see them and we'll note them" Mansino smiled
"yeah i hope so" Mae smiled slightly
Jensay continued to stare out at the red water
"you alright?" Sheena asked as he came over to him and looked strangely at his face
"yeah im fine..just thinking about what its going to be like when i get my jewel" Jensay forced a smile on
"uh huh im sure" she grined
"what do you mean by that?" Jensay asked
"your worried about dying arnt you?"
"no im not" Jensay sighed "im...worried that every one else will...if they do it'll be my fault, this is my jewel it feels like there my responsiblity now" he looked down sadly
"dont worry about it" Sheena said puthing her hand on his shoulder "we'll all make it out of here alive, and we'll return home and live are lives like none of this happend" she promised him
"yeah..i guess" Jensay lightly smiled
"ok. Were going to be resting here for the night every one, its almost sun down now any way" Belinishi told them as she went in to the frorest and started to gather some wood
"ill go with you" Dustin smiled as he jumped up.
About an hour later they arrived, by then every one had a large roaring fire going, they pointed at Dustin and Belanishi and laughed, Dustin and her were covred in spider webs, they set there fire wood down and began to take the spider webs out of there hair by the fire, Jensay sat away from the fire on a cold large rock staring at the large lake, it seemed to him like the lake was mocking him telling him, he would fail and every one would be killed becuase of that, but he rememberd Sheena's words and soon the lakes voice dissapated from his mind, he was still worried though, soon every one finished eating other then Jensay, he laid laid down and slowly fell asleep waiting for tomorrow when he would have his chance to show his strangth.
Part 2:
Usualy the first one awake was Belanishi but to her suprise Jensay was up before her and sitting staring at the lake
"you alright?" Belanishi asked sitting down beside him
"yeah im fine...just nervous" Jensay smiled
"yeah i guess i will be when its my turn to" Bealnish gave a small smile
"yeah i guess so...can you tell me some thing?" Jensay asked
"what is it?"
"...why are you and Dustin so brave?..." Jensay asked staring down
"were no braver then you or any one else in are party" Belanishi said looking at him with a larger smile
"thats not true...you and Dustin arnt afraid to die...you two risk your lives to save us" he sighed
"...thats not true...i..im afraid of death...but Dustin....he dosnt seem to be afraid of any thing...heh...im sure Dustin is the strongest out of all of us...i can tell by the end of this journey..we'll all be in debt to him..." Belanishi slightly chuckled
(so forshadowing lol)
"yeah probly...." Jensay smiled slightly
soon every one was awake
"alright lets get going!" Mae said brightly after every one had packed up there stuff, it was ovious she wanted to gather more informantion on these monsters
they stoped near the edge of the water, they hid behind a few rocks while the monsters passed by
"how are we going to get by them? there are so many" Mansino sighed
"not sure but we have to get past them if we want to-" Dustin was interupted by the sound of water shooting at them, a large water golem stood behind them and knocked them from behind the rocks in to the open "dammit!" Dustin yelled
"ill try to find a way out of here!" Mae cried out as she began to look around,while a large army of monsters came at them
"aww crap!" Mansino cried out as he shot one of the monsters in the forehead with his cross bow, he took a dagger one of them had and put it on his belt in case he needed it and continued to fire at some of the monsters around
Dustin pulled out his two swords, his blood pumping and his andrenalin racing he charged at the monsters percing in to there chests with his swords tearing up as there black blood spattered in to the air and slashed down in to another one cutting it dianglaly down, he spined his blades around and threw his blades at the monsters as they began to cut a part a few, then blades then span back as Dustin grabed them and slashed more to pieces
Kalimari dicapated one cutting its head clear off, its blood spattered up in the air, kalimari kicked its body down and went for another, then another "hey i think im getting use to his killing thing" Kalimari grined as he stabed one in the gut pullin his blade up, its body spilit apart and fell, "just call me Kalimari the monster slayer" he grined
"well monster slayer pay more attention!" Sheena said and then grunted as she thrusted her blade in to a monsters head and kicked it back as he pulled her sword out, "or your going to get killed"
many body's littered the ground but more and more kept coming, what was worse was that they continuesly had to dodge shots coming from the water golem
Belanishi attempted to go after the water golem but a bunch of mermaids and mermen blocked her path as she blasted them with lightning and slashed them
"ill take take care of this then...." Jensay gulped as he watched Lansino crush many of the monsters with his Byruu, Jensay pulled out his sword and watched as a lightning bolt shot down a near by tree "why wont that dam golem get hit-" he then as inturpted by a thought "if i..." Jensay smiled as he ran at the golem.
The golem shot 3 waves of water at Jensay but he easly dodged them and jumped up its arm to its head and jabed his sword in to its head, he only put about an inch of the blade in side as he leaped down, as soon as he was down the golem was striked by a powerfull bolt of electricty, the magic that gave the golem life was disrupted by the lightning bolt and fell apart as Jensay grabed his sword and started to help the others out with a new found amount of courage
"OVER HERE!" Mae cried out as she stood by a boulder she started to push and a small arch way was shown
it didnt take long for the weary fighters to run in to the safty of the cave, they then pulled the boulder back in to place
"lets just hope there gone or forget about us by the time were out of here" Dustin sighed
"yeah" Jensay agreed
"so i take it..this is the hall of heros?" Belanishi asked
"yup...where the heros once defeated the greatest of evil, jensay, you should be honered that your jewel was placed here" Mae smiled
"i guess...you know where my jewel is?" Jensay asked
Mae shook her head "all i know its in this cave... well thats what it said out side of here" she sighed
"alright lets look around" Sheena said as she began to walk down the only path, the walls were done in great detail, they were very smooth
"must be dwarven made" Mae smiled
"i would guess" Belanishi said looking at the perfect arch of the path they walked
Mae took out her book and began to fill out more about the monsters they fought such as there strangth level and there weakness "this information will be very usefull " she smiled happly as she put it away.
They found them selves at the end of the path, they now stood in a room about 35 feet in hight and 27 feed in with and length, there were many gems and such littred around the room, on the wall closed to them to there right was a golden scripture that showed some people that looked like heros
"alright lets look for some clues about Jensays jewel" Dustin said, every one noded as they began to dig around in the gold stuffing the pockets and bags full, Dustin sighed as did Jensay, Mae, Sheena and Belanishi "not you to Mansino" Dustin sighed again and shook his head "alright let us four look then..." Dustin said as the four of them began to look around
"hmmm...its styrash again" Mae said looking at a tablet that sat on a pedistal
"what dose it say?" Jensay asked as he came up beside her
"it says...'show fire and earth to the heros to reviel the seas tear' the sea's tear is commonly known as the jewel of water" Mae explained
"show fire and earth to the heros....." Jensay asked him self quietly as he walked to the middle of the room "hmm......." he looked up at the large scripture "hey....Dustin...Lansino show your jewels to that wall..." Jensay said slowly "by heros it might mean the wall with the heros on it"
"um yeah sure" Lansino said as he pulled out the now brightly glowing brown jewel and showed it to the wall holding it up high, as did Dustin, when they did this the wall shook, as it shook it began to split in half.
In side the room a single pedistal with a blue jewel on it sat in a single ray of sunlight, Jensay made his way slowly towards the jewel, he now stood directly infront of it and slowly etched out his hand to take it, he then held it tightly in his plam as he felt a strange powerful flow of energy enter his body, he now knew what it must have felt like for Lansino and Dustin whent hey first had there's
"alright that wasnt so hard" Sheena smiled happly
"yeah it wasnt" Jensay said as he came out of the room as the doors slowly closed back
"lets go see if the monsters are gone...after all there is no other way out" Mae suggested
"yeah good idea" Kalimari who staied quite other then a few mumbling words such as "my presous gold!" and "my god these rubys are huge!"
Mansino noded in agreement as he closed up his now full bag and followed as every one slowly made there way to the entrence,
Lansino slowly moved the boulder "hmm...i dont see any one..or any thing" Lansino pushed the boulder aside and walked out "nope there all gone, wounder where they went" he asked him self
"they all left when i showed up" as suddenly as his voice cracked the new silence left by the monsters Yue had returned "and i am here once again to retreave those jewels you fools were so lucky to have gotten....but its no matter they will soon belong to me!" he now pulled out his two long swords and held them tightly in his hands
"ugh dammit! why did he have to show up!" Dustin asked him self loudly as he two pulled his swords out
Lansino, Sheena, Jensay, Belanishi, Kalimari, Mae and Mansino soon followed removing there weapons ready for battle.
Part 3:
Big boss battle's
Yue was quick to charge at Dustin "you will pay for striking my armour!" Yue called out as he slashed at Dustin who quickly deflected and parried back at him, his attack was difflected by a unknown sorce of black energy "ha! to bad for you i know how to use my jewel to the full extent!"he then spin kicked Dustin in the side of the face knocking him back
"wh-what?! you have a jewel to!" Dustin asked a she got up
"that is correct, i am the owner of the darkness jewel, i have used it for over 3 years now, ever sence that fool of a king was killed by my master who we of the shadow clan have reserected!" Yue explained
"why would you be so foolish to do some thing like that!" Mae yelled at him "you know very well he will destroy you once you collect all the jewels for him!"
"that is incorrect...see he can not use the jewels for they have a spell on them that pure evil cant use them, because im currently inflecting the role of yang i can still use them due to the fact that every darkness has some good" Yue grined "to bad that good is to small for only one to use agenst me"
"well we'll just have to kill you then!" Lansino cried out as he charged at Yue
Yue blocked Lansino with a black wall of energy "heh pethetic humans..you can not kill me, i am immortal as long as i contorl my jewel!" Yue cried as he charged at them, first at Dustin knocking him back with a powerful attack agenst Dustins blocking blades, then at Sheen who tried to parry off of her block but was kicked in the side in to Mansino who tried to fire a shot at Yue but couldnt before he was toppled over, he then attacked Kalimari who barly blocked
"LIGHTNING!" Belanishi criedout
Yue smiled as he held up his sword, the lightning flew through the blade and in to the second one, Yue channled the energy from the lightning and fired it at Belanishi who flew back, he then kicked earth kicked kalimari and then smashed his leg in to his back making him fall hard in to the ground, Lansino thrusted his blade in to the ground using his rockbreaker but Yue diflected them away and rappid kicked him in the gut knocking him over, Mae snaped her whip at Yue but he grabed it before it could hit him and threw it back knocking her over from pain as it peirced her tender skin. "now it is only you and i water bearer....." Yue said as he ventured closer
"k-keep back!" Jensay said as he readyed his sword
"hehehehe....you ernestly belive you..alone could defeat me where your friends couldnt?" yue laughed
Jensay looked at his friends as they laid on the ground ~ theres no way i can beat him alone!~ Jensay thought to him self as he gulped hard "but i can try!" he consontraited hard "take this!" he ran at Yue, suddenly some thing in side of him told him to say this "water mirage!" five diffrent copys of Jensay appered as they attacked Yue simutaniously, all the hits were direct due to the fact he was unprepared for what he just did
"ugh!" Yue grunted as he jumped back
"ok thats enought now!" a thoundering voice cried out as a large man with small black wings fell from the sky, he had a red helmit on and golden hair running out of the back of it "lord Yue, the master wishes to see you, he says its ergent" the man said looking back at him keeping one eye throught he slots in his helmit on every one who laid before him
"what of them" Yue asked
"ill take care of them..." the man grined
"humph...fine then..i leave them in your hands Yoishi" Yue said sadly, it was ovious he wanted to stay and fight "but try to keep the fire bearer alive...i sence great strangth in him..i wish to keep him a prisoner to fight in the colossem" Yue smiled
"well i cant make any promises" Yoishi smiled, with that Yue left gluiding on his large long black wings "hello kiddy's! my name is Yoishihitoro! but every one just calls me Yoishi" he grined "its time to kill you all once and for all...your really starting to become a nusence to are dark lord" he said as he straighend out his gauntlets, he pulled two of the four Byruu's that were attached to his back "its time to begin the end of your road!" with that the battle started.
Yoishi moved as though he had wheels, as thought friction had no hold over him, Lansino tried to stop him by slashing at him with is byruu but Yoishi slashed back knocking Lansino back, Dustin, Kalimari and Belanishi did the same but they were all knocked back as well, Mae lashed her whip at him catching him around the wrist, Yoishi smiled and pulled on the whp pulling her to his fist as he slaped her away, Mansino trembaling fired 3 arrows at at Yoishi but they boucnced off of his byruu's, Yoisihi then knocked him back with a fierce kick, the only one left was Jensay who stood there breavly staring down at him his single sword drawn
Yoishi laughed "what makes you think you alone can defeat me where your friends have failed?" Yoishi asked with a hidden grin although some how you could tell he was "just give up and lay down and ill make it quick and painless" he chuckled
Jensay looked at his friends scattered across the rough cracked ground, "...no..." Jensay wispered
"huh? what was that pip-sqeak?" Yoishi asked not hearing
"i said NO! i will never give up agenst some one like you!" Jensay ran in a zig-zag pattern at Yoishi
"you stupid fool...." Yoishi knocked him back, but it didnt stop Jensay who went for another attack, knocked back again he went again, and again, till finaly Jensay seemed to loose all the energy in his body
now breathing heavly Jensay started to laugh "hehehehe..." he coughed alittle his throat being dry "hm..." Jensay stood up and made a straight run at Yoishi, this time was diffrent, a blue aura surrounded Jensay, some thing inside him erged him to cry these words out as he did so "water mirage!" five copys of Jensay appered surrounding him as they ganged up slashing and cutting Yoishi up, they where then knocked back by a spin attack
"you pehetic human...you may have tapped in to some of the jewels power but you cannot defeat me with such little..."
"no...but if we help" Lansino said as he stood up barly, Dustin and every one else soon followed standing up slowly as well "we can..." Lansino charged at him getting just close enough "rock breaker!" he cried, as he plunged the Byruu in to the ground and the rocks began to shoot at Yoishi who easly knocked them back "now!" kalimari and sheena began to spin by the continued rock breaker sending the rocks at a leathal speed acctualy harming Yoishi now, distracted Belanishi summoned another bolt of lightning this time shocking him temperaly paralizing his nerves.
Mae wraped her whip around Yoishis legs and pulled as hard as she could as Yoishi tumbled to the ground, Dustin was quick to slide under the large falling man and kick him in the back sending him high in to the air, Jensay leaped up with hist 5 clones still and unleashed a deadly baragge of strikes, they then appered under Yoishi and pointed there swords up in the air in a spike like shape, the clones dissapered and formed in to a spike
"sea spike!" Jensay cried out
"flaming spear!" Dustin cried out a s a spike of fire came out of the ground
"staligmite!" Lansino cried as a rock spike came out of the ground
"dam...human's...." Yoishi said as he fell on to the three spikes finaly being defeated
the three of them were breathing heavly, they had used a large amount of there energy
"that was amazing!" Mansino said tackling Lansino down
"yeah that was really cool!" Sheena agreed walking over to Jensay "see? knew you wouldnt let us die..." she smiled
"heh...at least i did my best..." Jensay said his heart rate going to normal as the clones fell apart in to puddle of water "...how did i do that..." He asked him self quietly
"looks like you were able to tap in to most of the power from your jewel, you did it faster then Dustin and Lansino did" Belanish said with a small smile
Mae walked over to Kalimari "that wasnt to bad, im glad to see you can at least swing that thing" she said with a small grin
"heh, your so bad your self, glad to see that whip of yours isnt just for your costmers" kalimari grined
Mae glared at him and swong her whip at and wraped it around his legs pull him him over "jerk...." she said quietly continuing to glare at him and wallked off with the rest of the group
Kalimari jumped up and hurried over with every one else giving a glare at Mae "so where are we off to next?" kalimari asked
"have you forgoten already?" Jensay asked "were going to get Sheena's jewel right?" he asked Belanishi
she noded "yeah, it shood be in the ice caves of insanty" Belanishi laughed
Dustin sighed "dont any of these place have normal names?" his head was hung down and was shaking it
"mmm not really" Belanishi smiled "cheer up, its not as bad as it sounds, not EVERY one that went in there went insane, there was one guy who cut out his ears so he couldnt hear the cries that make people go insane" she laughed
"ohh thanks, that makes me feel soooooo much better" Dustin said sarcasticly
"your welcome" Belanishi said not really notcing he was being sarcastic, they now began to walk towards a large range of snowy toped mountions
"its going to be cold there isn't it?" Lansino asked shivering just thinking about the cold
"yes but dont worry...it'll get warmer" Belanishi said and left them confused woundering how it could be warm in a place where theres lots of snow.
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Journal of the last vampire (warning: some posts contain sever depression, vewer descreson is advised)
ill post any thing i want, if you have a problem with that call 1-800- kiss-my-a**
~As my body floats on the seas of chaos, i crash upon the shores of oblivion~
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This may just be my favorite chapeter ^^ great job hun keep it up