Faon Westwind & Delldra
Faon is a cleric of Tamara, Draconic Goddess of Mercy and Healing, and he is rather...zealous about those principles. He is extremely charitable and helpful to those in need, although this often results in a lack of food and water or other supplies on his party's part. He can't seem to stand seeing anyone, be they man, woman, animal, or humanoid beast, in an form of trouble. Unfortunatly he doesn't seem to understand the term "prudence" and will often get himself into trouble by insulting someone when he truely meant well.
Faon wears rather plain white steel-and-leather armor that has been stained brown or red in many areas. It is clear he does not care for appearances, even letting his black hair grow out wild and tangled and allowing a short beard to grace his chin. He has a shethed scimitar at his left hip and he wears a scarf around his neck no matter the climate. The scarf is completely black sans for a white seven-point star near its end. Dangling down from beneath said scarf to rest upon his armored chest is a flat black crystal with a white star upon its surface.
Delldra is an energetic young silver dragon who thinks that upholding justice and such is all well and good, but fun every now and then wouldn't kill you. And though she thinks that other silvers are way too up tight and look as if they've got a rather nasty stick up their arses, she wishes to follow the rest of her nestmates into the order of the Talons of Justice, even though her brothers and sister are just as dull, boring and basically the same as the older silver dragons.
The Talons, thinking that Delldra needed a lesson in learning that life isn't all fun and games and that she needed to learn what life was for the smallfolk they pledged to protect, partnered her with Faon, a dracolyte who seemed commendably eager to help the Talons with their quests. Delldra (real name being Delldraentrisstna), was a bit disheartened by the whole thing, but after a while she began to warm up to the human, finding that he was something of a kindred spirit--happy to help others but not liking to be too stingey. They've been traveling together for seven years now.
Delldra is about as big as a small horse, with bright silver scales and clear sky blue eyes. Her chin frill is a bit stunted and her cheek frills droop a bit, but her tall. frayed crest gives her a bit of a wild look.
Undord Silkshimmer
Undord is a water genasi with a rather shady personallity. He speaks little and uses sarcasm almost every time he does speak. He's a bit nasty to strangers and his face seems to have frozen itself into a glare. If you can stomach that hawk-like stare of his and get him tired of making sardonic jabs, one finds that he is just a guy that likes to listen (and play the flute).
Undord wears just what he needs, which turns out to be loose grey leggings and a ratty old cloak. His only outward weapons are a crossbow hanging by his side and a quiver of bolts. His skin is a pale green color and his hair is a dark emerald, although it hangs straight down as if he had just had a bucket of water dumped on his head. His eyes are the color of shallow ocean waters.
Undord was born in Thay and had hated the place for as long as he could remember. He was born with slight psionic abilities, which was something that was frowned upon by the zulkirs almost as much as sorcerer magic. The genasi secretly honed his powers, learning how to focus pure emotion into a blade he could call at will. This became handy for him over the years as he pilfered from tharchions and even Red Wizards in a small form of emnity to the zulkirs that so vciously rule the land. He is now a renowned theif in Thay, which is probably why he isn't in Thay, anymore...
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Rakashi's Chronicles
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It's a secret.
It's a secret.
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In Savannah... it is brown. Like really brown.
In Panama... it is clear.
You know?