Before i start with this next entry i must apologize to all my adoring fans for not posting a journal yesterday. I had no time to since i was swamped with homework and the such. But, today i have an interesting topic, well at least i think so...
Dreams. The are a beautiful and elegant phanaminon that occurs in the human mind and soul while sleeping. Most people have them, and yet, we barely scrath the surface of our understanding of them.
There are many hypotheses on the cause of dreams. Some say they are a simple manifastation of the subconscious. Others believe they are omens, signs warning us of our future. Yet, we don't know which is true, or if either is true, we can only guess.
The first hypothesis comes from psychology. Many psychologist believe that because of the human misd can't always get what it wants and cannot always remember what it wanted, the subconscious stores that. The subconscious will then sometimes project these wants into our dreams, reminding us of what we truely want. So, by this guess, if one was to dream about cheating on his girl friend, he would secretly truely want to.
The other comes from certain religious beliefs, like those of the Native Americans. The NAs would use their dreams to predict the future, believing that their ancestors would guide them through life through those dreams. They would put there bodies under extreme conditions, such as the sweat lodge, which would knock them out or put them in a dillusional state and then interpret what they saw. Certain objects in the dream, like an animal or person, would hint at the future.
Personally, i believe more in the former than the latter. I use my dreams as guidlines to life, most of the time. If i feel that what i dreamed was wrong, then i wont believe my subconscious. You see, i feel that the subconscious can lie to you, just like everything in life. Therefore, you must be careful in believing yourself. And thats where your heart comes in.
Your heart, the metaphorical one, in essence in made up of your morals. Your heart is your concious, the awake one. You are the one who makes you your morals and chooses which ones to follow. This way, the heart only speaks the truth. After determining what you believe in, your heart will always point in that direction whenever it is questioned. So, if your subconcious tells you something that doesn't fall within your moral values, it must be lying to you.
But just because i believe more in the former than the latter, it doesn't mean i don't believe in the latter. But i think i will leave that for tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone, dream peaceful
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Vlad's Messed Up Life
Im using this to sort my thoughts... kinda like a diary, but different... i dunno