• warm chill in the morning for new years day
    i stay tossing and turning trying to start of my day
    i hear laugh and yelling from the room closed by my door
    unknowing what will happen ,not caring at all
    this is what i call a holiday disaster from down under!
    i still feel the chills that crawl up my spin the night that i had to say goodbye
    the driver was drunk and my friend unaware that his last holiday will be takin in the end
    the streets were on fire the night was wet with oil
    our head filled with cheer
    we were both so excited to end the new year
    but as we said goodbye
    cars collides and his life flashed before his eyes
    glass flys past his flying body
    tears role down his cheek
    his blood stoped pumpin and his heart stoped its beat
    he was suppose to be heading to my house but instead
    was man in suit with a hat on his head.
    he looked at me and his head fell low
    i knew what had happened and he said no more
    my holiday disaster from down under will always be remembered as the night that i lost my best of best friends!