• It was Christmas Eve,
    The childern were filled with joy that is very deep,
    Santa is going to give them presents,
    So they went right to sleep,

    A christmas tree was sleeping as well,
    When it heard something in the chimney click,
    It woke up to a surprise at the sight,
    It was no other than ol' St. Nick,

    Santa wasted no time, not even a second,
    He knew he had to be quiet and busy,
    So he took the presents out of his bag,
    And put the presents under the tree,

    The tree saw no coal and grinned,
    The childern have had no bad bone,
    But as Santa rode into the night,
    The tree realized that Santa skipped a home,

    So the tree got up, grew arms and legs,
    Then went out of the house quick as a flash,
    For as Santa kept riding, the tree tried its best to follow,
    Catching up with St. Nick wouldn't be an easy task,

    Finally, the tree caught up and said,
    "Santa, turn around your sleigh!
    Please, I'm begging you,
    Go the other way!"

    Shocked to see a running tree,
    Santa replied with a shout,
    "Why are you out here this late?
    What is this about?"

    The tree replied, "You missed a house.
    How can you be so selfish?"
    Santa said, "I'm supposed to skip this house
    For as you can see, the family is Jewish!"