• I run, they scream.
    I laugh and they beg it’s a dream.
    Slowly sinking my teeth into warm, tender, innocent flesh.
    Draining their life juice, as they cry and plead for what’s left.
    The moon glistens above us as they realize their fate, praying to their god.
    Wondering how fate could be so cruel and heartless, as I continue to drink.
    My lips and fangs on their neck, like a lover’s seductive kiss.
    The dark engulfs their soul as spirits gather to lead them astray.
    I race, racing through darkness, the energy, their energy coursing through me.
    Shocking, electrifying, and pulsing through my veins.
    I am the immortal, the devil’s own, a bringer of dark to those that are my prey.
    I am a hunter of men, a master of predators, and the living nightmare.
    The wind is angry at me, pushing my hair into my face like whips.
    I take my throne among the dark, my responsibility, my rule, my throne.
    I was like you, immature and weak, fragile and hunted, but I have grown.
    I am a vampire, fearing to be loved, forever doomed alone.