• I met you for the first time when i was young
    You stood by us while my mother ran my sisters lifeless body into the hospital
    You made us laugh and forget for one brief moment
    the troubles ahead.
    I did not get your name,
    but you helped us through

    We met for the second time when i was but a toddler.
    You sat by me as I watched,
    In helpless terror,
    my mother get hit over and over again.
    I did not get your name,
    but you helped me grow.

    We met again when I started school.
    You stood beside me as i fought back,
    against the man who gave me life.
    Even when i awoke you were there.
    I did not get your name,
    but you encouraged me to fight back.

    for many years we did not meet.
    but when i was but a child of 12
    we face yet another journey together.
    You introduced me to an angel that
    would come to save my life,
    and become the friend I despretly needed.
    Even when my angel was needed elsewhere,
    you were there.
    I did not get your name but,
    I knew you were the one to give me
    courage to keep moving on.

    Even though we have not met since my angel left
    I still remember the things you helped me through.
    I thank you even though I never got your name.