• Walk with me, into the path of falling snow flakes
    Hold my hand, and I will know what is in your heart
    Let us share this short expanse of time as one
    For we cannot know how infinite time is

    When I am with you there is no time
    There is only here, now, forever
    I am part of you, truly merged into your being
    This makes me ultimately, truly content
    To be lost in you is all I desire

    The moments apart make the return sweeter
    Time, however finite, can be our friend
    When you arrive at last, my heart quickens
    Time then begins to slow, to stop

    At last we return to each others' arms
    This sweet semblance of heaven
    It is our garden, our sanctuary
    We understand this, and welcome it

    As I lay with you under the black velvet of night
    The stars are sprinkled across the sky
    -Like diamonds, they shine for you
    They tell of the burning of my heart

    Everything I ever had, everything I will ever be
    I keep for you here, in my soul
    They are tied with the spirit of our love
    When you come again, I will be free