• 'Twas the night after Christmas
    I remember it well,
    Presents all over,
    My house looked like Hell!

    The stockings once hung by the chimney with care,
    Were now all empty
    And thrown here and there!

    The children were wrestled
    And tucked in their beds,
    Each one high on sugar,
    Too much candy! I said.

    And Mama in her nighttime
    And I in my shorts,
    Collapsed on our bed
    Thinking of all the things we had bought!

    Our credit cards were all maxed
    To the highest they would go,
    And our Savings and Checking accounts
    Were now mighty low!

    When all of a sudden,
    Finally asleep at last,
    I heard a very loud noise
    That woke me up fast!

    I heard the front door bell ding donging,
    And at 3 A.M.
    It's quite alarming!

    Still half asleep
    I pushed at my wife,
    Very gently, you know,
    'Cause she's the love of my life!

    But all I got was a deep, angry groan,
    As she turned the light back off
    With a terrible moan!

    I dragged myself downstairs;
    Climbing over Barbie dolls, trucks and bears,
    Tripping over more toys, slippers and clutter,
    And uttering words NO ONE should ever utter

    I flipped on the front porch light
    Took a quick look or two,
    Pushed the hair from eyes
    And put on my shoes!

    With a smile that glimmered ever so bright
    An Angel appeared on my doorstep that night!

    And out of her sweet mouth
    These words she did utter!
    Now Bill, or is it Dan or Thomas
    You're called?
    I heard you overspent WAY too much at the mall!

    These holidays are great
    And oh so much fun,
    But after it's over,
    You see the damage it's done!

    That Santa is a pal,
    And quite a guy!
    But he'll empty your pockets
    Leaving you with bills piled high!

    With a wink of her eye
    Her wings did enfold,
    Over the top of my head
    Down to my toes!

    As I bent down to pick up some feathers she'd dropped,
    Still breathless at what had just taken place,
    A strong gust of wind blew a lucky lottery ticket up in my face!

    I knew right away
    I had nothing to fear
    And that all of my bills
    Would soon disappear!

    She spoke not a word
    As her wings started to flutter,
    Then rose up to the sky,
    Without even an mutter!

    I knew in a minute
    As I shut off the porch light,
    Everything would work out,
    EVERYTHING would be MORE than alright!