- Title: Beast Boy
- Artist: David Bey
- Description: Beast Boy appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Greg Cipes. In the series, Beast Boy (nicknamed "BB", and others) plays the role of the lighthearted jokester of the group, though often the butt of many jokes himself.
- Date: 07/20/2008
- Tags: beastboy blacklightribbedboo
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Comments (7 Comments)
- downByTheLake--- - 07/18/2008
oh my.... i <3 beast boooooiiii!!! ^_________^
<br>for you!!!! - Report As Spam
- boyds91 - 07/18/2008
good looking avatar, good that you added a picture
and a good description. 10/10 - Report As Spam
- hoogiemonster - 07/18/2008
- awesome
- Report As Spam
- UltimateJET - 07/18/2008
teen titans ^^
10/10 - Report As Spam
- rachaelly - 07/18/2008
I've seen Beast Boy before but I think this is
probably the best evar. - Report As Spam
- Megatronica - 07/18/2008
- 10!
- Report As Spam
- glossgirl - 07/18/2008
- good job!!!!
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