- Title: Beast Boy
- Artist: David Bey
- Description: Beast Boy appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Greg Cipes. In the series, Beast Boy (nicknamed "BB", and others) plays the role of the lighthearted jokester of the group, though often the butt of many jokes himself.
- Date: 07/20/2008
- Tags: beastboy blacklightribbedboo
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Comments (7 Comments)
- mr_phresh_singer - 07/17/2008
- beast boii iz so ckoo
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- isaac_118 - 07/17/2008
Great job that looks a lot like him.
I wonder if
you could do robin.
No seriously great job with
BB. - Report As Spam
- ikevy - 07/17/2008
tUrN iNtO a ElEpHaNt! - Report As Spam
- Imaginary Spaceship - 07/17/2008
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- Purper Draak Muldyr - 07/17/2008
- smile
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- OoxDarkHeroxoO - 07/17/2008
- Ahhh!!!!!! Beast boy!!! I love that dude!!!!
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- Silver Swordman - 07/17/2008
- Yeah it's very similar! 9 ^^!
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