- Title: Beast Boy
- Artist: David Bey
- Description: Beast Boy appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Greg Cipes. In the series, Beast Boy (nicknamed "BB", and others) plays the role of the lighthearted jokester of the group, though often the butt of many jokes himself.
- Date: 07/20/2008
- Tags: beastboy blacklightribbedboo
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Comments (7 Comments)
- princessfafa2332 - 07/20/2008
Very well done. And Thanx for postin a picture. A
definite 10. wink - Report As Spam
- Wezlo - 07/20/2008
- Awsome Sauce ALL THE WAY!!! 10/10!!!
- Report As Spam
- Sakura lady of death - 07/19/2008
AMAZING! You remind me of a
<br>was just waiting and hoping for someone to come
out with a BB cosplay for the arena!
10! - Report As Spam
- Izumi-Kodo-san - 07/19/2008
- yay! but I think this has been done before.
- Report As Spam
- iReportedYou - 07/19/2008
- Epic.
- Report As Spam
- sakurablossom711 - 07/19/2008
- nice looks just like him.
- Report As Spam
- Colorful Dreams - 07/19/2008
just sayin' your going to win. you have 33 pages
of comments! xD great work! xD
10 - Report As Spam