- Title: Beast Boy
- Artist: David Bey
- Description: Beast Boy appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Greg Cipes. In the series, Beast Boy (nicknamed "BB", and others) plays the role of the lighthearted jokester of the group, though often the butt of many jokes himself.
- Date: 07/20/2008
- Tags: beastboy blacklightribbedboo
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Comments (7 Comments)
- FMA-Girl333 - 07/19/2008
I've seen it maybe twice but this one's really
good. I give it a ten. Vote back? - Report As Spam
- Casual Cupcake - 07/19/2008
- YAY!!!!! 10
- Report As Spam
- PuffTheMagicDragon438 - 07/19/2008
- not bad
- Report As Spam
- Gosiakwiatek6 - 07/19/2008
- yeah you are the best!!!!!! 11/10
- Report As Spam
- I Kuro Inu I - 07/19/2008
- exellent work. titans go lol
- Report As Spam
- Asiaru - 07/19/2008
amazing cosplay this deserves to
(mostly because I loveee TT) >>
but also
because you did a wonderful job 10/10 - Report As Spam
- Ziska - 07/19/2008
I;ve been thinking of that for a while your really
good - Report As Spam