- Title: Gold & Silver.
- Artist: Bloolink
- Description: This is my first halfatar so please, go easy on me ;D
- Date: 08/14/2010
- Tags: gold silver halfatar
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Miss Blissy - 08/23/2010
- Congrats on your win, but I feel like you could have done more with this avi. The bottom seems a little unfinished, and there are places where the colors bleed together. You could have used, for example, the half-mask from Anima Adamantea to cover up one eye. I also agree that you could have chosen a more unusual color theme. All in all, congrats, but I'd like to see a little more next time.
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- Lizumaki - 08/23/2010
- I believe I saw you in towns once & you told me to enter my gold&white avatar. Well it didn't get far, but I'm glad you did. Congrats. wink
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- MissLeahDaly - 08/23/2010
- oh and @pregnant barbie (nice name btw o.O *sarcasm sarcasm*), your avatar is nothing special bbz, I could chuck something better than that together in under 5 mins smile ....at least have the colours actually split? Ahem, at least have the right gender for your avi....
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- MissLeahDaly - 08/23/2010
- HA! Some people are mega stuck up. If you're gunna be stuck up and post links, at least read what you're posting! My description on my avatar entry clearly states that my boyfriend, BLOOLINK, has a matching halfatar :L are you blind? Ignorant? Or just plain stupid? shut up like! razz
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- Bloolink - 08/23/2010
- Ok, the first link isn't gold/silver at all. It's supposed to be half fire and half silver. As for the second link, that's my girlfriend's avatar that was meant to match up to mine. Do your research before you state things like that you bellend.
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- CONFUSlON - 08/23/2010
Yes overdone. Check around the DR&AT There's more. js.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/original-avatar/vote/?entry_id=102292045#title - Report As Spam
- Bloolink - 08/23/2010
- Overdone? Well, I've never seen a gold/silver halfatar. Link me to one?
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