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  • Arenas
  • Zakku the Arrancar
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Zakku the Arrancar
  • Artist: Ckhi Kuzad
  • Description: Zakku, one of the "weaker" Arrancar, but still much more powerful than a captain level Soul Reaper, wielding the Zanpakutō named Fenice, he is one of the very few Arrancar to ever have the same Zanpakutō as a deceased Arrancar. For Zakku, the Resurreción of his Zanpakutō is slightly unusual, normally the Zanpakutō would take a Hollow like form, however Zakku's seems to only take the form of a sword covered in flames.
  • Date: 06/13/2010
  • Tags: zakku arrancar
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Comments (2 Comments)
  • Pineapple Magic - 06/18/2010
  • I have no idea what the description means, but I know that the avatar has to do with something with fighting and warriors and such. In that category, it really matches. I like how the sword really stands out from the outfit, making it look...... cool. But, I think it is sort of plain... You can do better. 4/5
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