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Artist Info:
hi. it's tori here. i'm hacking punks account.<br /><br />
she is one of the coolest persons i know.<br />
if you mess with her, then we'll end up messing with you.<br />
she may have a perverted mind, but that's the unique part.<br />
punk will be random, and always will be.<br />
ilu punk. and always will.<br />
<3 ~ tori.
<br />
helloodarr . its punkk . (:<br />
umm imma make this simple .<br />
im 13 .<br />
i blow them candles on june 13 . [ oh bbeh C; ]<br />
i love music . well , typically rock & pop .<br />
i love them sports . <br />
basketball , soccer , volleyball , my life . <3<br />
people call me crazy , funny , cute caring .<br />
im proud to be canadian . <33<br />
well , thats all folks ?<br />
[ you can stalk me at townss . ;D ]<br />
<br />
m s n ; kiwi_panda_lover_xox@hotmail.com<br />
<br />
<br />
add comnt~veiw cmnt~pm~trade~journal<br />// s c r e e n i e z //<br /> - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
This is a poem
about how
someone breaks
hearts. From
bullies to
Boyfriends. To
love ones and
how you - Heart Breaker
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
This is for one
of my friends.
She really
wanted this
sweater but
could only buy
one. So she
bought - The truth
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
Here's a
poem about
happening right
now. I wish we
can be
together,but I
think theirs a
50 - Tragic love
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Here is a poem
I had to write
to one of my
friends. I
won't say
his name but if
he wants then
he cou - A fool for you
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
Here's a
little poem I
made up If you
don't like
it dont be mean
ok? Just say
its ok it could
use - who knows me?
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Here's the
beginning of I
hope could be
many.... It
sounds real
not even though
it say - The Cabin
- Fiction
- 3 recent comments
Comments (2 Comments)
- StarlightCrescent - 08/22/2009
And you are mocking my drawings?
It doesnt matter how someone draws it is their Own Style
Look How you Draw, Im not saying anything about Your style
Keep your Evil thoughts to yourself - Report As Spam
- lilybit13 - 07/20/2009
- thanks :3
- Report As Spam