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  • Artist Info: Basic things<br />
    Hi, my name is Steliana. I come from Romania. I am born on the date shown on the profile (December 18th) and I am Sagittarius. In Gaia zodiac, I am the gift box! biggrin My age is 13.<br />
    What I like<br />
    1.I like you because you read this!<br />
    2.I like books, but not school.<br />
    3.I like computer games, but not those too violent.<br />
    4.I like being nice, but I can be angry too.<br />
    5.I like writing this thing even it it's not very useful!!!!! biggrin <br />
    My message for you<br />
    Thank you for your visit!! I hope you have a nice day!!<br />
    User Image<br />
    I adopted a... thing!<br />
    Name: Smiley Green<br />
    Age: 5<br />
    Likes: people, vanilla ice cream<br />
    Dislikes: oranges<br />
    Owner: Steliana96<br />
    Get one now!
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