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  • Artist Info: User Image..I'm outgoing, fun, energetic. I try my best to help out when i can & when u get to know me, I'm pretty happy..Too happy.lol ... I believe you shouldn't waist a single minute of any day; Get out and do, learn or teach something. Then when you have to come home do the exact same thing. Never let the day end without a story to tell! User Image...<br />
    ..User Image..User ImageIm a LEO-a FIRE element. I can be very useful-soothing at times. but don't catch me in the wrong spot because I'll light u up!!^^...User ImageI believe in the sun, who gives life and its Creator- who ever He, She, It is..User Image I am a believer of the giving tree of life. i have much respect for its beauty and purpose..User Image The butterfly is my companion-my inspiration. It reminds me that we are all tiny, delicate travelers in this world filled with danger. It shows me that even though most of us start Low, we can always finish High. At first you're just a slimy little bug, you can't control anything and it's not your fault you were born that way, in that moment, in that place and those surroundings. But then the Metamorphic turn. The reason you exist. You finish High, much higher than you ever believed possible. You're able to escape from your dreadful past. You have some control and you're Free. The only thing you can do in this earth is keep flying, spreading much joy and beauty to whose ever path you cross, showing them the way, helping them to believe..User Image..User Image....My infatuation for the dark beauty of blood sucking night crawlers began at really a young age..Not because i wanted to be one, but if you give or take some facts, I already am one- you put it together. wink ..User Imagelol I decided to make this gif of me because this was me at a young age- filled with life and a hunger for adventure. Eventually things change and die. I still love nature and I'm still a child of the earth. But when life gives you lemons, it mostly sucks. With bitterness and self pity you tend to loose yourself, you get caught up on Doubt. and eventually Doubt is the one and only poison that kills your innocence. But you learn to fly with broken wings and all I can say is, don't poison yourself with doubt. Once you inject it, it runs through your veins and its there to stay, it will NEVER let you go.....<br />
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    My lovely Artemis Binx came to visit me in one of her many forms so i greeted her with my butterfly kiss..She felt it miles away, when my butterfly-form self landed on her lips. Amazing, isn't it?User Image..User ImageMy sweet sister by soul (Grace Pinciotti)..She is my long lost sister that Earth and her mysterious ways returned to me when I was 14. Isn't she beautiful?..Well she is everything I am not, pure and true, untouchable- ( She IS human ) but if she only knew, she's my angel, she saved me too many times. She's as lovely as a dove...<br />
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    .User Image Vivi Elizabeth and Artemis Forever...User Image.User Image..There are 2 halves to a heart and I do believe there can be 2 loves in a lifetime. Your life mate and your soulmate. Your heart can still belong to your other half. The one you had no choice to do- but to love from afar. User Image My other half...Made of Butterflies, fairies and a touch of magical Love.<br />
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    User Image i love you both- MY SPIRIT SISTERS<br />
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