• In Search of that Booty's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: User Image<br />
    Avatar is Artistic Killjoy, art is by me<br />
    #SWAG<br />
    <br />
    Thought it was time I updated my profile, considering most of my "About Me" section was written when I was like 13 emotion_donotwant <br />
    Anyway, you may call me the Baron. Or Lily, I don't really care. I'm interested in roleplay, if you would like to RP with me, note me, and whatever art I can throw on paper. If you'd like to commission me, for writing or just a regular ol' art piece, again, you can note me. Things like avatar or character art cost from 100-300k depending on the size and additions. Writing is around 30-80k, again depending on the size.<br />
    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-so. I'm not against random comments or friend requests, if you tell me I'm pretty.<br />
    I really can't think of anything else. <br />
    Kay.<br />
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